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I really am dying......this is awful!

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Remember how I said my littles were sick???


I came down with it today. 99-102.5 in an hour and a half. I haven't had a fever since I had strep 10yr ago!!!


Went to urgent care tonight. We have influenza A. My first time ever having it. I really think I'd prefer death right now. I don't know how my kids survived yesterday!!! Poor babies!!!

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Remember how I said my littles were sick???


I came down with it today. 99-102.5 in an hour and a half. I haven't had a fever since I had strep 10yr ago!!!


Went to urgent care tonight. We have influenza A. My first time ever having it. I really think I'd prefer death right now. I don't know how my kids survived yesterday!!! Poor babies!!!



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Kristin, I saw your fb post. You poor thing! I've never had the flu, but I hear it's awful!


Do ALL the kids have it?! Oh my, if you and all three kids have it, I bet your dh is practically wearing a mask and dousing everything in lysol to avoid getting it!


Rest, rest, rest. And fluids in little sips so it stays down. Don't feel guilty for ANYTHING. Nothing. The only thing you need to do is get you all healthy. Watch movies, stay in your jammies. Don't fret over any unnecessary housework, chores, schoolwork, etc. It'll all wait for you for when you're better. :D


Wish I lived closer and could drop off some soup. You know, I'd set in on the porch, ring the bell, and run, 'cause *I* don't want the flu. :001_huh: But hey, at least I'd bring it! :D

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I had the flu once in college. I was all alone, and it was awful. I had to set my alarm to wake me up to take meds on time or my fever would get out of control. I've never felt so weak. My boss was upset I had to call into work. :glare:


I hope there are good movies to watch And plenty of couch space. :grouphug:

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DH had it over the weekend, and my littles got it late Monday, but it didn't really hit hard until yesterday. Oldest DD is the only one who hasn't gotten it. My littles were fevering again tonight. Poor DS is just miserable.


I was able to get my fever down from 102.6, which made a huge difference. I'm still miserable, but it's so much more tolerable.

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We just recovered from the flu a few weeks ago. All of us had it. It was awful. The littles here were spiking 104 fevers. Pure misery. DH and I had it too.


Are you opposed to Tamiflu? It might help lessen the duration. Lots of Vit C and D, and olive leaf extract helps also.


Rest, liquids, soup, movies for the kids.



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The kids had swine flu last year (thanks to cousins at a birthday party :tongue_smilie: basically the whole family had it...6/7 siblings amd spouses, 15/17 kids.) DH and I did not get hot too bad, bit the kids were down for 10 days. After three I took them to the doctor, she looked at them and said - "flu."


They were.lethargic and had no appetite for days. It was awful. I don't know how many bottles of motrin we went through! I did het some pediasure shakes to feed them and a.good vitamin. The pediasure have them some energy, it was all they ate for two days, then we ate soup.


I hope you all feel better soon!

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The kids had swine flu last year (thanks to cousins at a birthday party :tongue_smilie: basically the whole family had it...6/7 siblings amd spouses, 15/17 kids.) DH and I did not get hot too bad, bit the kids were down for 10 days. After three I took them to the doctor, she looked at them and said - "flu."


They were.lethargic and had no appetite for days. It was awful. I don't know how many bottles of motrin we went through! I did het some pediasure shakes to feed them and a.good vitamin. The pediasure have them some energy, it was all they ate for two days, then we ate soup.


I hope you all feel better soon!


Thanks everyone!!


DS had a rough night. He was in our bed for quite a bit of it.....burning up again.


My fever seemed to stay down over night, thank goodness!!

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If they've been sick more than a day or two, they are not eligible for Tamiflu. It must be given when symptoms start in order to be effective.


Be on the lookout for complications. Flu puts over 200,000 people in the hospital every year. If you notice fever increasing, coughing with sputum, chest pain, bluish coloring on the fingernails or around the mouth, lethargy, or a convulsion/seizure, seek medical attention immediately.


The most common complications (all of which generally happen when you are starting to feel better) are pneumonia, sinus infections, ear infections, pericarditis (infection around the heart) and encephalitis (brain infection). They are most common in people over age 50 or under age 6, and they are nothing to mess with.


Flu is a debilitating illness that will wipe you out for a week to ten days in the acute phase and leave you easily fatigued and short on energy for a month afterwards. Don't rush your recovery or engage in vigorous physical activity until you've had time to heal and are sure you are not experiencing any complications (sometimes these take as long as four to eight weeks to show up). Trying to do too much too soon can make things worse and prolong your illness. It's a nasty disease.

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My littles came down with a slight cough on Monday, but the fever and everything really hit on Tuesday. I just talked to the peds office. They won't treat DS or oldest DD (who hasn't had it yet) because they are otherwise healthy kids. The only reason they will treat middle DD is because she has an underlying metabolic condition. Sigh.

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We went through influenza A about 9 years ago. It.was.awful. And all of us were caught too late for tamiflu.


I will second the recommendation to keep an eye out for other stuff that can crop up...my dd ended up with pneumonia and a hospital stay after her bout with influenza....not said to scare you, but to help you be aware of the possibility of other illnesses sneaking up on you.



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Yes, the flu is nasty! But I do find it interesting that some of the side effects of Tamiflu can be the same as influenza: Nausea, sinus issues, diarrhea, headache, wheezing, trouble breathing.


What are the side effects of antiviral drugs?

Side effects differ for each antiviral drug.


Tamiflu® has been in use since 1999. The most common side effects are nausea or vomiting which usually happen in the first 2 days of treatment. Taking Tamiflu® with food can reduce the chance of getting these side effects.


Relenza® has been in use since 1999. The most common side effects are dizziness, sinusitis, runny or stuffy nose, cough, diarrhea, nausea, or headache. Relenza® may also cause wheezing and trouble breathing in people with lung disease.


Confusion and abnormal behavior leading to injury has been observed rarely in people with the flu, mostly children, who were treated with Tamiflu® or Relenza®. Flu can also cause these behaviors. But persons taking these drugs should be closely monitored for signs of unusual behavior or problems thinking clearly. This behavior should be immediately reported to a health care provider.


If an antiviral drug has been prescribed for you, ask your doctor to explain how to use the drug and any possible side effects.



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I had one kids who could have taken tamiflu and one who had been symptomatic too long at the doctor appointment. We opted not to give it to the kids. The side effects seemed worse than what they were suffering. They did not have the stomache flu.....why add throwing up to an already miserable child :confused: plus, the paperwork said it might shorter the illness.


Try a lukewarm bath if the fever is still bad. It will make the kids more comfortable and I think bathing and getting clean always makes me feel better. A little gentle massage for aches may help them sleep. Of it is warm, I might even try to get them in the sun for a few minutes. Obviously, that depends on the weather where you are.

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