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Would you consider French Onion Soup *enough* for dinner?

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Dh loves French Onion soup so I figgered I'd make it for him. I asked him to pick up a few items that I didn't have today. I peeled and sliced 5 lbs of onions. My eyes were so irritated that I had to go outside for them to tear up--they stopped tearing in the house but were burning so much. I'm carmelizing(sp?) them tonight in the crockpot and the house smells yummy. So dh asks, "Is the soup dinner tomorrow or are we having something else, too?" For some reason it kinda irritated me. Isn't the soup with bread and cheese in it enough? I was planning on having a green salad as well. We have lots of lovely lettuce in the garden. Dh is a carnivore so maybe it's strange for him not eating some meat. Any suggestions for adding something else?


Oh my heavens... I want to go eat the onions out of the crockpot right now. They smell so good:drool:

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For me, yes, especially with the yummy green salad - but for dh, well, mine would eat it and say thanks, that was delicious, but then after I had put all the dishes in the dishwasher he would be in the kitchen scrounging for peanut butter and crackers or chips and salsa.


What about adding some grilled chicken or steak to the salad? That would be an easy way to fix it for my dh.

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I think a creamy soup or a chunky one is enough for dinner with a salad and bread.


But onion soup is usually pretty thin, and I find it difficult to eat enough of it to get full. It is one of the few exceptions to the 'soup is a main dish' view that I usually have.


It sure sounds great, though!

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Well, I guess I'll hafta' add some grilled steak or something to the salad. He's so usta' meat that he might collapse without it:)


I'm sorta following a recipe from the Fix it and Forget it cookbook. The book says to carmelize the onions in a skillet and then put them in the crockpot. I'm just putting the onions right into the crockpot with some butter and letting them carmelize overnight. In the morning, I'll add beef broth(you can use veggie broth if you want vegetarian), worcestershire sauce and a couple bay leaves to the crockpot. When it's time to eat, I'll put some soup in a bowl and cover with a piece of toasted french bread and then cheese.


I read somewhere that you can buy bread bowls from Panera bread and use those. You tear out the middle and put the soup in the "bowl". Then you put the cheese on and broil the top to melt the cheese. You use the bread that you removed to dip in the soup. Panera isn't near us and I don't feel like driving that far.

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I'd consider the soup with a nice hunk of bread and cheese a full meal, but I'd probably add a salad to make it seem more like a meal to others. Dh probably wouldn't consider that much of a meal, but I'd remind him that he's been complaining that he eats too much and wants to back off the large meals.

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French Onion Soup is one of our absolute favorite meals around here. I've never even served a salad with it. We like the soup so much that I can't even imagine wanting something with it. We have these huge soup bowls and it has a ton of bread and melted cheese in it. No one has ever still been hungry afterwards. For years I resisted making it even though dh loves it because when I read the recipes, I'd think, "It's just onions and water!" but I was surprised how well it works for dinner.

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That wouldn't be enough for the men in my house (they're very lean but can pack the food), but they burn a lot of calories in a day and truly need the energy that comes from food. My husband loves French Onion soup, but would like bread and salad to go with it. I serve fruit as well at dinner, so I'd have cantaloupe or apple slices.

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It would be enough for me, but DH would ask, "Where's the meat?". A friend of ours who was visiting us fixed dinner for us and served a hearty vegetable soup, bread, and a salad for dinner. DH vacuumed it in, then asked where the rest of the meal was! He was shocked to find out that was the meal.


I would add a salad to the menu no matter who was eating. DH is a meat & potatoes guy, so I'd don my short order cook's hat and make him a baked potato and a steak to go with what the rest of us were eating.

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That wouldn't be enough for the men in my house (they're very lean but can pack the food), but they burn a lot of calories in a day and truly need the energy that comes from food.

That is the case here, as well. My guys would leave the table after a bowl or two of a vegetarian soup only to return to the kitchen an hour later telling me how hungry they are.


On the other hand, I would love a simple meal of French onion soup and a slice of bread.

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I think it all depends on habit.


My family used to think that we had to feel stuffed, or have that "full stomach" feeling after dinner, or it wasn't enough. It was simply what we were used to. Over time, and I'm not sure why, we've altered our eating habits... and we all agree that overall we feel MUCH better when we eat smaller meals than we used to. (We don't want anyone to be hungry, or feel hungry, but we were really eating much more than we really needed to be satisfied/not hungry before the next meal.)


In my house, French onion soup... (I like it with a hearty amount of onions) served with thick slices of bread and cheese would be plenty even without the salad.


Mmm... delicious!


Of course, if my husband didn't feel the same way as I do, I'd fix him something else to go along with it. Adding chicken to the salad sounds like a great solution. :)

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I love soup and I could eat it as complete meal every single day. Hubby grew up very different than I did and soup is very much an appetizer to him. I can't even get away with making chili a complete meal on it's own. I'd fry up some meat along side with it and let everyone to choose meat or not.



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my hubby works his rear off all day, then usually stops by our country club and does some light electrical maintenance or helps work on the big mowers, then comes home and does outdoor stuff here as well, and he would still find that a good meal. Of course, he might eat several pieces of "cheese bread," which is what we make with all our soups (french bread with some type of cheese on it, baked until bubbly - provolone with the french onion of course), and a LARGE salad, but he would be very satisfied with that.


Tonight I'm making a texas quiche, which is basically eggs, cheese & green chilis baked in a baking dish, serving some little sausage links (yummy, free-range pork sausage - was supposed to cook these for breakfast for my niece and family but didn't), and diced up tomatoes and cucs from the garden. He'll love it!

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Well, LOL, I know that my dh believes that a meal is not a meal without meat. In fact, when we first moved here, he wouldn't even eat soup as he considered it "nothing". He's not a big, burly man, either. He's slim and barely 6' tall. He does like some select soups now, especially in winter, but they have to be chock full of meat....


So, *I* would consider French Onion Soup, with the bread and cheese in it a meal, yes, especially with a salad alongside. But my husband would just consider it an appetizer....

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