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TUPLER SPLINT? Anyone used this? In 1 short week, I am seeing amazing results!

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my kids commented this morning (we are on vacation) that for the first time in forever, they can see a huge gap between my b00ks and my belly button (where they assume it is) -- I see it as well.




There is the link - and I was almost knocked over when I read: 'a belly that gets worse with exercise' -- THAT is me!


My daughter's CC tutor told me about it.

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I've heard of the Tupler technique but not the splint. Do you mind elaborating? Thx.


The splint goes hand in hand with the technique. The exercises are done while wearing the splint which should be worn as many hours a day as one can -- 24 hours if possible. The splint is soft, one side is velcro. It has three long lengths of fabric - the theory is that with the solid piece of fabric against your back, the long lengths are used to 'pull' the left and right abdominal muscles together.


It is explained in excellent in the link I provided in my OP.

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Does it "fix" this or will you have to continue doing the exercises or technique for life?


Doing the exercises and splints is supposed to fix the split but it can reopen. Some movements can really stress those muscles and I don't think that they are ever quite as strong as before even if you get them back together. However, I did read about another lady having them reopen after not being as dilligent with proper movement and they were evidently much easier to close.


I found Tupler's website less than helpful but did finally find this article on there giving good instruction:



This blog is nice and informative as well with lots of before and after:



I put on a splint yesterday- I had an old pregnancy splint. I also did 500 seated tuplers. I told dh he needs to be on me so I can heal this before I get really big with this pregnancy.

Edited by soror
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I also did 500 seated tuplers. I told dh he needs to be on me so I can heal this before I get really big with this pregnancy.



The bold and red is done by me!




I have only watched the DVD regarding how to put on the splint -- i will watch the exercises when we get home from vacation. Merely wearing the splint, I am aware that I am holding everything in even when I am not wearing it. I am looking forward to beginning the exercises.


I do notice that (even when not wearing the splint), when I sit down for a meal, I am totally filled with much much smaller portions -- as if my stomach is back in place and can only hold less.



THANKS for the blog link - nice blog!

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Once you get in the groove of the seated tuplers they aren't too bad and don't take all that long. I did notice my back really aching last night as I guess my posture is not as good as I thought. I think already my belly button looks a little more normal but perhaps I'm just hopeful. I read the one lady that has the blog did 1000 a day so I'm trying to work up to that. Did you see her belly shots from after her 4th baby- being that I'm pregnant with #4 that is a good motivator!!!!

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Once you get in the groove of the seated tuplers they aren't too bad and don't take all that long. I did notice my back really aching last night as I guess my posture is not as good as I thought. I think already my belly button looks a little more normal but perhaps I'm just hopeful. I read the one lady that has the blog did 1000 a day so I'm trying to work up to that. Did you see her belly shots from after her 4th baby- being that I'm pregnant with #4 that is a good motivator!!!!



Yes - I saw those pix. And I have seen wonderful results with my dd's tutor (that was how I learned about this -- I asked her).


I am incredibly encouraged!:)

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Never heard of it till now.


But looks very interesting. I'm wondering whether its only available from them, or is available worldwide (I live in Aus). I was fine after 1 & 2nd babies. Exercise hates me :lol: But it naturally closed and I was back to my normal size without doing anything (yes, I have had a lot of people beat down on me, I didn't do any of the post-birth excercises, nada, just slept and sat on my bum playing with my kids LOL) My belly went down to pre-baby size day after for both kids and the tissues closed within a couple of weeks.


After Eve though (#3) it felt like it closed, but "softly" iykwim? Like it hadn;t quite connected up. I had done the PP exercises with this one (told you exercise hated me LOL) Now (Eve is 3) over the past couple of months, I have been more active, and my belly seems to be swelling :001_huh: Very full looking, like I'm about 4-5 months pregnant, and its tender and swollen/medium hard to the touch. And feeling in the middle it feels like its opened up again, so this may well be the problem (initially I freaked out 'cause I was utterly sure I was preggers, it took 3 Aunt Flo's to convince me I wasn't :lol: )


I will definately look into this, I can't do running anymore (bad knee) and have never really needed to "formally" exercise, as I kept myself fit just by doing my normal stuff (I walked a lot everywhere, chased the kids, did household chores) but since the CFS and the re-opening, I seem to have gained all this weight (by the looks of it, I don't measure myself) even with eating less :001_huh:


Thanks for the link and soz for babbling :tongue_smilie:

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Thanks for the reminder. I do a sort of modified belly exercise. I don't think what I have qualifies as diastasis. I've have two surgeries (one a c-section) that opened me up from stem to stern. My abs are a jigsaw puzzle. I can feel the internal scarring going in about four different ways. :ack2: I can't do any normal ab exercises and need to get back doing something.

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I am a PT and just started using the Tupler splint and exercises for myself. I had the DVD for about 2 years but never used it :glare: I have known about Tupler, recommended her stuff extensively, did some transverse work on my own but not really like I should. I previously used a binder, but not a Tupler style splint.


I've been doing it for about 2-2.5 weeks. I had a major cold during the start fo the 2nd week and had a lot of nasty coughing, which I'm sure wasn't helping. My kids were also sick, so I didn't do all of my exercises every day, but I did pretty well.


I measured yesterday and I had lost 2 inches at my belly button level when fully relaxed. Julie had encouraged me to take before and after pics, but I couldn't bring myself to do a before. I really wish I had now!! I spoke with her on the phone a few weeks ago before I began and we chatted about licensing her program since I'm a physical therapist, so she was encouraging me to document my own personal progress in case I ever used the program with clients.


I've had my diastasis for 8-9 years, dating back to my first pregnancy.


My guess is that the immediate results are mostly due to the splinting, and if we stopped splinting we probably lack the muscular support to hold things in place. However, it really is encouraging, isn't it? I saw a big change in just one week as well. I went clothing shopping and it was *far* more enjoyable! I finally didn't have to shop with my bulging tummy dictating my size.


I have an umbilical hernia, and it is about half the size, maybe 1/3 of the size it was prior to starting. It often stuck out (!) of clothing and was embarrassing for me.


I encourage people to try the program if they haven't considered it. I'm so impressed I'm thinking of doing some work with this professionally down the road and maybe licensing her program from her.

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I think this split is what I have. I noticed that when I lean back my bully bulges up into a point in the middle. Is that it? :confused:


Mine does that too! It is getting really bad with this pregnancy. I will have to look into this more.

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I've gotten great results with it as well. I'm very small, and carried twins 38 weeks 4days. My ab muscles were a wreck. I wore it 24hours a day for two months, and did the exercises on a pretty regular basis. I still have about 1.5 finger width separation, but that is down from four finger width! (I also have lovely twin skin, saving up for a tummy tuck now. Lol. I have before pics, I should take after pics now.



I highly recommend it to everyone.

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I think this split is what I have. I noticed that when I lean back my bully bulges up into a point in the middle. Is that it? :confused:


I think I have this as well. When I try to do traditional ab exercises, I have a groove in the middle that pokes out. The kids think it's funny that mommy has a "kayak". I don't. Now I know what to look for when I google it. Thanks!

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Ok, I read about doing tuplars against a wall. But--can you do them while, say, sitting in an office chair or sitting in a car? Can you be sitting in a chair and let your feet rest in the ground?

Hmmm...not sure I'm understanding.


THe first Tupler exercises are done seated (and you can do this in the car if you sit properly, Julie even indicates this on the DVD) or in standing. After a few weeks of doing those exercises, you add in some additional work done on your back (NOT traditional crunches or the more traditional ab work) and sitting/standing.


I don't know what you mean about TUplers against the wall.

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I think I have this as well. When I try to do traditional ab exercises, I have a groove in the middle that pokes out. The kids think it's funny that mommy has a "kayak". I don't. Now I know what to look for when I google it. Thanks!

Yeah, just be aware that if you have that, traditional ab work can actually cause the diastasis to widen and get worse, not close.

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I've gotten great results with it as well. I'm very small, and carried twins 38 weeks 4days. My ab muscles were a wreck. I wore it 24hours a day for two months, and did the exercises on a pretty regular basis. I still have about 1.5 finger width separation, but that is down from four finger width! (I also have lovely twin skin, saving up for a tummy tuck now. Lol. I have before pics, I should take after pics now.



I highly recommend it to everyone.

Awesome!! :D


I seriously wish I had taken before pics. I didn't expect to see an improvement so quickly. I am getting a bit sick of the splint rolling up on me and I think I need to size down now and get a smaller splint. I have a tough time finding sticky real estate for the third arm of the splint to land now. I think it is a combo of getting smaller and of course, the wide part in the back kind of tends to curl up.


I am kind of getting used to wearing nearly 24/7, but look forward to the day I don't have to. On the bright side, I've been telling myself it is great that I'm wearing it 24/7 before the summer heat sets in!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just wanted to update. I did the exercise really well for awhile and then slacked and have been at it again. I've been doing them seated and laying down. I wore a splint I had around here for a while but it wasn't really wide enough and bothered me after a while so I stopped wearing it and there is no budget room for another one. Even just doing the exercises I've noticed great improvement. If you are consistent it doesn't take long to notice a difference. Laying down I could not really feel my stomach muscles but I've been really hitting it hard for maybe a week (after being sporadic before then for a while) and already I can actually feel them tightening. Standing up my belly button is *trying* to become an *innie* again. My spread was about 2 fingerwidths, so not huge but some. I did have more after baby #3 but I did work on it pretty well after she was born, I just never all the way closed it and I got lazy. So, I say give it a go even if you cannot afford the splint, the exercises are quick and easy but take just a little practice to get them right.

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