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parting with the baby stuff

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I know we're done having children and I should really get rid of all the baby stuff, but I just can't bring myself to do it. :( I have a friend who's pregnant and has said she'd like to buy a lot of my stuff, but I haven't asked her to come look at everything I have because I don't want to let it go.


Did anyone else have a hard time getting rid of the baby stuff? Anyone have any words of encouragement that will help me do it? :001_smile:

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It's just stuff. It takes up space. As time goes on you will get more stuff. Time to let some go now and bless your friend with it.


Take some pictures for a photo book. If you want to keep a few pieces, decide how much room you want it to take up (1 shoe box size, a box the size of 3 shoe boxes, etc.) and then pick out a few pieces. Write down the special memories and share with your children as they get older.


My mom is pullng out things from when I was a baby, but since she never shared those stories with me, the stuff has no special meaning to me. It's really been a waste to have kept that stuff all these years.


It's stuff. It's an anchor. It will weigh you down. Keep a few representative items and let the rest go be a blessing to someone else.


Best wishes.

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It's just stuff. It takes up space. As time goes on you will get more stuff. Time to let some go now and bless your friend with it.


Take some pictures for a photo book. If you want to keep a few pieces, decide how much room you want it to take up (1 shoe box size, a box the size of 3 shoe boxes, etc.) and then pick out a few pieces. Write down the special memories and share with your children as they get older.


My mom is pullng out things from when I was a baby, but since she never shared those stories with me, the stuff has no special meaning to me. It's really been a waste to have kept that stuff all these years.


It's stuff. It's an anchor. It will weigh you down. Keep a few representative items and let the rest go be a blessing to someone else.


Best wishes.



I'm not the OP, but *I* needed to hear that.


To the OP-It *is* hard, isn't it? The big items were easy for me however, as they were loaned to us by a good friend. I *had* to let go of them, so that made it easier. Many of the small clothes were that friends' as well (wonderful lady she is!).


I hope that it gets easier for you. I agree with Twigs about taking pics. That's actually what I suggested to my mom when she had to choose between my late grandma's things.

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I'm with Twigs. It's just stuff. Give it to your friend and you will smile every time you see her use it. :)


I did have a hard time letting go of some items, and saved 3 giant bins of clothes. I saved those bins for 6 years, and then realized I'd rather give someone the joy of receiving them than store them. I wanted to think I'd make a quilt, but... I know myself, that's not happening.


Instead of stuff now, I have beautiful photos we had printed into books. Each kiddo has their first tiny outfit, and an ornament made of baby socks or mittens for the first few years, along with keepsakes that will fit in a small bin.

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I had a hard time letting go too. Three quarters of the items were hand me downs. I wanted to give to friends as well. But it never seemed to work out. I live in area that is partially rural and the farms were hit hard last summer and fall by storms. The farmers had crop insurance and there were a lot of farm aid events held for the farmers. But, the farm workers, were hit even worse. Most are migrant workers, and as there was no harvest to pick, they had no income. I gave everything to the farm migrant worker's community center. When I called to see what items they would and wouldn't take (like car seats), I was informed they would take anything. I happened to mention the day my husband would be dropping off as it would be two pick up loads of stuff. The woman were there and eagerly awaiting the drop off. I was so glad it went to people who really needed and wanted the items, as I had been so glad to receive them initially.


I got a big load out of he house, a weight off my shoulders and a boon to my spirit.

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I also have had a hard time getting rid of baby stuff. I have found that it much easier when giving it to a friend. I gave a lot of dd's clothes to one of my college roommates before we moved a few years ago and I love when I see a picture of her little girl wearing them. Makes it just a little bit easier.

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I moved overseas when my kids were 1 and 3 - there was no room for baby stuff, so we gave it all away. It made me glad to see that we could help several friends; they kept passing on the big ticket items from one to another.


It is just stuff. You have pictures of your kids in those cute outfits, right? I kept one sweater my mom had knit.

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We are expecting our fourth kid, first boy and we are done. After three girls, I have tons of baby clothes. It was difficult but I bagged them all up and I'm giving them to my SILs who are starting their own families now. I did keep a few dresses that were special to me. Everything I kept fits in one of those small blue rubbermaid storage containers.

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When I'd hear of someone in need, I'd pack up a box and send it. When a cousin or close friend had a baby, I'd pack up a box and give it. When I finally whittled it down to just a few favorites that I could not bear to part with, I called those boxes my "legal" keepsakes and put cedar sachets in the boxes. I only lent the things I smocked or FHS to my siblings, and one close friend. Same with the toys. The toys were harder to let go of, because some were so outdated nobody wanted them, so they went to thrift shops. Sad for me. I still have enough for any age child to come over and play all day. I kept the sets that took time and effort to collect. One set is SO neat, and was quite expensive, Rokenbok, and I'm never going to let it go.


Full disclosure: I didn't give away the first item of baby clothing till my youngest was 10 and I was six years past when I was sure I was done growing my family.

Edited by LBS
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I was the opposite! I have literally gotten rid of EVERYTHING as soon as possible - baby gear as soon as she outgrew it, the crib (moved her to twin size bed at 20 months, which was the oldest of all of my kids when they moved up), and all of her clothes, I have not held on to ANYTHING any longer than necessary!

Now if she would just decide to be potty trained, and I could get rid of diapers permanently. :rolleyes:

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I know exactly how you feel. Give away the easy stuff first (hand-me-downs, stuff you didn't like) and save the special things. You can even save more than you give away. In 6 months or a year, whittle it down some more. Keep going til you're really down to a few items from each stage.


It definitely helps to give them away to someone you know. I had a very hard time giving away a great baby swing my aunts bought for us, but giving it to someone who really needed it helped.

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:lol: I have words that will make you have second thoughts of getting rid of it. :lol:


I saved my stuff for *years*. We'd hoped to have another, but I never conceived. I was over 40, it was taking up space, and we needed the money. I got rid of/sold almost all the baby stuff. six weeks later - I was pregnant. The only thing I banged my head on the wall over were the diapers. I used paper for dudeling.

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Haven't read the replies, just wanted to say it took me a good while, too. It was easy to get rid of some of it, but dd's little Land's End type and Easter/Christmas dresses were particularly difficult to release. I finally did, tho--gave some of them to my niece, and I know she enjoys them.


Holding on to those sweet dresses gave me the illusion of holding onto that sweet time. When I was ready to fully embrace the "now," I could let go. I needed to realize I had a living reminder of dd's babyhood right in front of me, and also remember that I could bless someone else with the things I had.


But I still kept two dresses. Maybe grandbabies...

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I think it will make you smile to see your friend blessed by your generosity. :grouphug:


That. I had a horrible time parting with the outgrown stuff, until I realized that stuff could sit in my attic and rot, or be a blessing to someone else. After the initial parting, there really was no attachment.

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