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Game for family??? Teen-ages...

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In thinking about Easter and goodies and gifts... I thought I could get a game for everyone to enjoy instead of gifts for each one... and then make some goodies and color eggs and buy a few treats.


What is a fun game that lots of us could play? In the past we played bunco... we play dice sometimes... we can have a ping pong tournament... I want to make the teens keep electronics and systems off for a solid 24-36 hour period...


Thanks for some ideas!

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Here's a link for Royalty - AKA Couch of Power




When we play, rather than swap papers with the caller, the person who moves swaps papers with the person on his/her right. It's so much fun!


Here's the one for Mafia : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mafia_(party_game)


When we play we only have mafia, detective and doctor assigned. I didn't realize there were so many other possible roles.

Edited by Gailmegan
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There will be 6 boys, ages 12-19, two adults, one daughter...


And when my other daughter arrives, two more adults and the grandson!!! (He's too young to play, though...)


So... 9-11 of us at random times over the weekend...

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For up to six players, our favorite group game for teens and up is Wise and Otherwise.


From Amazon: "Voted a Best Party Game of the Year by Games magazine, Wise and Otherwise belongs next to Pictionary and Scrabble in your arsenal of fun. This creative, interactive game (read: everybody shouting, flailing, laughing) revolves around 500 cards, each emblazoned with five obscure and long-forgotten sayings from around the world. For example, one old Chinese saying is, "Don't add salt to a boatload of salt fish." One side of the card states, "Don't add salt to..." and it is the job of the players to devise probable endings. "Don't add salt to salty soup," for example. Or, "Don't add salt to the open wound." (The actual endings are listed on the flip sides of the cards.) A player wins points when other players vote for his or her special ending, or when the player guesses the actual ending, so the goal is to finish the proverb as convincingly as possible given the geographic region in question. Each elegant box contains one game board, 500 cards, six writing pads, six pencils, one die, and six player pawns. People who love language, oddly hilarious translations, offbeat proverbs, or just making people look foolish by guessing their very clever answers will adore this game. We predict: The one who plays this game ... will hear the laughter."


The Game of Things and Balderdash both have similarities to Wise and Otherwise and are also fun.


One more family favorite -- Fluxx. Fluxx is accurately described as a game with constantly changing rules; our experience has been that people seem either to really like it or to dislike it! There are also themed variants such as Zombie, Pirate, Monty Python, Eco, Family, and Martian Fluxx.




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Killer Bunnies! http://www.amazon.com/Killer-Bunnies-Quest-Blue-Starter/dp/B0002V82O8 Also buy expansion/booster packs!


This game is part strategy and part chance, and is hilarious to play. (It is not as violent as it sounds!) Buy at least two expansion packs to have the most fun with the number of people you will have playing.


My ds in college plays it with others in the dorm, and we have played it as a family and with friends. Everyone so far has loved it and gone on to purchase their own game and booster packs.

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Killer Bunnies! http://www.amazon.com/Killer-Bunnies-Quest-Blue-Starter/dp/B0002V82O8 Also buy expansion/booster packs!


This game is part strategy and part chance, and is hilarious to play. (It is not as violent as it sounds!) Buy at least two expansion packs to have the most fun with the number of people you will have playing.


My ds in college plays it with others in the dorm, and we have played it as a family and with friends. Everyone so far has loved it and gone on to purchase their own game and booster packs.



I bought the first two packs (the blue & yellow combined set that Photo Ninja linked), based on rave reviews on another list, and I can't believe what a huge hit it's been! When the kids' friends come over, that's the first thing they want to play, and they've all bought their own sets now. The kids and DH are getting expansion packs in their Easter baskets next week.



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For Easter~


I would get

. It plays 3 to 12 people and even has little bunny tokens.


Its kind of like Apples to Apples but a bit more creative and with weird art.


You get a handful of cards with very strange art. The person who's turn it is gives a phrase, sentence, song line, etc. which describes his card. He wants to be abstract enough that not everyone picks his card, but clear enough that someone picks his card. Then everyone picks a card from their hand that they think best reflects what he said. You can get points for guessing the correct card and points for other people voting for your card.

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It will be hard to find a game to fit all of you at once. I recommend http://www.boardgamegeek.com for more specific help. Their forums are great.


I have played 5 people with all these games and they were great!


I recommend:

Ticket to Ride



The Resistance (you can play 10 for this)

Pandemic (you all win together or you all lose together)

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Boardgamegeek is a great resource. Here are a few threads they have about games that play with large groups (one of the links is suggestions for Boy Scout groups aged 12-18).






Thanks for sharing these links as I learned about many games with which I was unfamiliar. I noticed The Hive game mentioned favorably in one of the posts! (I'd love to read a similar thread of best games for three players.)




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I bought the first two packs (the blue & yellow combined set that Photo Ninja linked), based on rave reviews on another list, and I can't believe what a huge hit it's been! When the kids' friends come over, that's the first thing they want to play, and they've all bought their own sets now. The kids and DH are getting expansion packs in their Easter baskets next week.




:iagree: Killer Bunnies has been a huge hit here, too. Even DS, who I can rarely get to sit down and play games, loves it.

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For Easter~


I would get

. It plays 3 to 12 people and even has little bunny tokens.


Its kind of like Apples to Apples but a bit more creative and with weird art.


You get a handful of cards with very strange art. The person who's turn it is gives a phrase, sentence, song line, etc. which describes his card. He wants to be abstract enough that not everyone picks his card, but clear enough that someone picks his card. Then everyone picks a card from their hand that they think best reflects what he said. You can get points for guessing the correct card and points for other people voting for your card.




Other great games that we love for bigger groups are:


Bohnanza (up to 7 people)

7 Wonders (up to 7 people)

Apples to Apples

Time's Up: Title Recall (so funny!!!)

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Thanks for sharing these links as I learned about many games with which I was unfamiliar. I noticed The Hive game mentioned favorably in one of the posts! (I'd love to read a similar thread of best games for three players.)










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Other great games that we love for bigger groups are:


Bohnanza (up to 7 people)

7 Wonders (up to 7 people)

Apples to Apples

Time's Up: Title Recall (so funny!!!)



Bohnanza is a great game and dead simple. Even non-gamers tend to like it.




Bang! (spaghetti western that can fit up to 9/10 people)

For Sale (simple buy and sell houses game..we've played with 7 before)

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