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If you eat a carb free/low carb/sugar free diet

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What are your staple foods? My daughter is trying this diet and I have no idea what to get her without doing a totally separate grocery shopping for her. I would like to get some ideas of snacks as well as breakfast, lunch and dinner ideas. Just FYI, she is 15.

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Eggs w/nitrate free bacon, sauteed veggies of some sort

Occasionally Plain Greek yogurt and Fruit if no time to cook eggs




ham and cheese cubes, veggie slices with hummus, fruit

salad w/chicken or roast beef on it

chicken salad in lettuce wraps

Taco Salad or taco meat in lettuce wraps

Hot dog or hamburger (no bun), sweet potato fries or roasted green beans, veggies

chicken tenders sauteed in coconut oil, steamed broccoli



Meat (roasted chicken, roast beef, pork loin, pork chops, etc) with veggies or small salad, occasional sweet potato

Spaghetti Squash w/sauce

Fajita (but no tortilla) -just meat, seasoning, peppers, onions

Stirfry (but no rice)

Beanless chili


Snacks: nuts, plain Greek Yogurt, Lara bars, fruit, celery w/almond butter, cottage cheese (blended to remove lumps, sweetened with stevia and cinnamon), kale chips



Staples: Coconut oil, stevia, eggs, bacon and whatever meats and veggies are on sale.


I make my own mayo and then use that to make my own ranch dressing.

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She can eat all meats (fish, chicken, beef), eggs, cheese, cream cheese, butter, all dark green veggies (including salads), melons, berries. IOW, she should be able to eat most anything the rest of you do. She just won't eat the bread, potatoes, rice, starchy veggies, etc.

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Veggies (carrots, celery, peppers, etc) and hummus, yumm


Veggies cooked simply -- roasted, grilled, etc

Meats -- grilled, broiled, etc with simple condiments as opposed to being mixed in a cassorole/whatever with a starch



Subs for empty starches:

Sweet Potatoes!! YUMM!! Awesome grilled.

Quinoa for grain/pasta/rice substitute. It is high fiber, high protein, and really tasty.


These two are not no carb, but much more nutrient dense than other carbs and both are really, really good for you.

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Eggs w/nitrate free bacon, sauteed veggies of some sort

Occasionally Plain Greek yogurt and Fruit if no time to cook eggs




ham and cheese cubes, veggie slices with hummus, fruit

salad w/chicken or roast beef on it

chicken salad in lettuce wraps

Taco Salad or taco meat in lettuce wraps

Hot dog or hamburger (no bun), sweet potato fries or roasted green beans, veggies

chicken tenders sauteed in coconut oil, steamed broccoli



Meat (roasted chicken, roast beef, pork loin, pork chops, etc) with veggies or small salad, occasional sweet potato

Spaghetti Squash w/sauce

Fajita (but no tortilla) -just meat, seasoning, peppers, onions

Stirfry (but no rice)

Beanless chili


Snacks: nuts, plain Greek Yogurt, Lara bars, fruit, celery w/almond butter, cottage cheese (blended to remove lumps, sweetened with stevia and cinnamon), kale chips



Staples: Coconut oil, stevia, eggs, bacon and whatever meats and veggies are on sale.


I make my own mayo and then use that to make my own ranch dressing.

No hummus, no sweet potatoes, only berries or melons for fruit, if you're doing serious low carb. Even yogurt has more carbs than some can tolerate. :-)

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Basically everything besides starch and sugary foods.


I use this http://www.nosdiet.com/, I have tried South Beach Diet, Weight Watchers, and even some Atkins but nothing worked. No S also helped my friends lose a lot of weight and lead a healthier lifestyle. I feel better and look better than I have in a long time and so does my friend. You basically cut out all fried food, fast food, processed food, unatural food, and sugar. You can splurge on sugar for special occasions and the weekends, and I feel great! Definitely recommend the book to read.



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My "standard" groceries:

Almond flour

coconut milk

Eggs. About a dozen per person per week.

Nitrate-free bacon

Salad greens


Iceberg lettuce (for making "wraps")]

Avocados (LOTS)

Whatever other salad veggies look good/are on sale (I avoid carrots, winter squashes, and sweet potatoes because I'm trying to loose weight. If I were at a healthy weight I would eat those too)

Cabbage or bok choy (because I like them)




Coconut Oil

Olive Oil


Typical meals for me:

Breakfast: frittata (make ahead and eat all week) or eggs & avocado

Lunch: leftover meat & veggies from night before, maybe in a lettuce wrap, maybe on a salad, maybe just stuck in a bowl

Dinner: Meat, veggies, salad. Nothing that would look odd to most people, except that it isn't over rice, served with pasta or bread. Tonight I had roast pork and a salad. Last night I had a pork & bok choy soup, tomorrow I plan BBQ chicken with broccoli and a green salad. Sometimes I make a meat & veggie curry (not served over rice). Meatloaf is an absolute staple (no breadcrumbs - some almond flour).


Snacks: I find I don't eat them very often. Eating this way I'm full from meal to meal, so snacks are much less. If I do snack, a piece of cheese, a handful of nuts, veggies & hummus, or veggies and guac are the usual suspects. Most days I don't snack at all, and don't feel a need to.

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At her age I would go with low carb, and leave in yogurt and carrots, because the brain needs carbs to function. It only took three days of me eating no carbs to become forgetful (I had to go gluten free, and I thought it was too much trouble to make expensive bread, and I did not eat many carbs other than that at the time), and I am in my 30s and thus not growing like she is.

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What are your staple foods? My daughter is trying this diet and I have no idea what to get her without doing a totally separate grocery shopping for her. I would like to get some ideas of snacks as well as breakfast, lunch and dinner ideas. Just FYI, she is 15.


We do lots of veggies and fresh fruit, and a lot of chicken. LOL We are incorporating more bean dishes too. :)

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I eat very low carb.


Eggs, veggies (no carrots or peas) , meat, and some cheese /whole whipping cream. Some people do well with tree nuts as long as portion control is normal.


I don't snack either. Hard boiled eggs or homemade jerky would be great though. Or a veggie and dip. Mayo or sourcream with some herbs.

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No hummus, no sweet potatoes, only berries or melons for fruit, if you're doing serious low carb. Even yogurt has more carbs than some can tolerate. :-)


All of these are okay on South Beach. Everything but hummus is okay on paleo and all but the yogurt and hummus is okay on paleo.


I personally don't do serious low carb. I do primal blue print (basically a lacto-paleo). I don't do regular yogurt -just plain Greek Yogurt which is much higher in protein than regular yogurt and only on days I have to be out the door early and don't have time to scramble my eggs (I would do hard boiled but I can't stand them lol).


My fruit is usually strawberries or blueberries and I tend to only do fruit or Lara bars on the days I do CrossFit.


Sweet Potatoes have been allowed on every low carb diet I know.


I personally do an eggplant dip instead of hummus but most people haven't heard of it. Most people I know on low carb eat hummus.


For what it is worth, I have gone from a size 14 to a size 4 eating this way and have maintained it.

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I love a big salad with baby "greens", chopped hardboiled egg, cheese chunks, cooked chicken, maybe some tomatoes, cucumber, etc., and ranch or blue cheese dressing.


Hardboiled eggs


Fage Total (full fat) yogurt sweetened with a bit of liquid stevia. VERY filling!


Ham/cream cheese/dill pickle wrap. Sounds weird, but really good and helps curb sugar/carb cravings.


In general, I need to avoid all kinds of potatoes, cabbage, and limit cheese to a couple oz per day (which is hard because I Luuuuuuv cheese!) :D


I would also eat a ton of almonds/macadamia nuts if they didn't make my skin break out.

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At her age I would go with low carb, and leave in yogurt and carrots, because the brain needs carbs to function. It only took three days of me eating no carbs to become forgetful (I had to go gluten free, and I thought it was too much trouble to make expensive bread, and I did not eat many carbs other than that at the time), and I am in my 30s and thus not growing like she is.


I suspect that what you experienced is what's often referred to as the "Atkins flu". It is very, very common to have difficulties on the third, fourth, or fifth day of a sudden low-carb diet. Your body has run out of it's glycogen stores, and it hasn't "learned" to burn ketones (fat) yet. So you can feel very run-down and lethargic, you can experience brain fog and forgetfulness. But if you stick with it for another day or two, your body makes the transition from a carb-burning to a fat-burning metabolism, the clouds part, the sun shines, and the angels sing. :D Seriously, your energy and moods are improved, and the temporary brain fog is gone.


The brain functions quite well using ketones as fuel.

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What are your staple foods? My daughter is trying this diet and I have no idea what to get her without doing a totally separate grocery shopping for her. I would like to get some ideas of snacks as well as breakfast, lunch and dinner ideas. Just FYI, she is 15.


Because of my work schedule, I eat almost all my meals away from home. Fortunately, I have a full fridge, microwave and toaster oven at one of my jobs.


Last night, I had:


Roasted squash, mushrooms, green and red peppers, purple onion. I had marinated them in spice mixes and olive oil. With that, I had pre-cooked brisket.


I had devilled eggs and bacon this morning.


I usually have raw veggies dipped in quacamole with breakfast- I usually make devilled eggs with guacamole instead of mayo.


I eat a lot of spinach salad.


I eat a lot of green beans.


I eat a lot of burgers, all the veggies, no bun with a side of ranch.


When I indulge, I have buffalo wings. :D


I make chicken or tuna salad with diced tri-colored peppers, celery, onion.


I make "sandwiches" with romaine lettuce as my sandwich container.


I eat a lot of microwaved brocolli, topped with cheese, bacon, butter, or simply salt and pepper.

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Chicken, eggs, fish, and sometimes steak. Lots of nuts. Lots of chicken. :D

Salad, green vegetables, berries, tomatoes, and sometimes half an apple.


That's about it, because we've been too busy for me to be creative. :001_smile:


At a restaurant, I get a grilled chicken salad or a mushroom and cheese omelet or a steak and veggies.


I had the fog, too. It's temporary. Now my brain is almost too alert; I'm starting to think too much and drive myself nuts. :001_smile: But my mood is great.

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At her age I would go with low carb, and leave in yogurt and carrots, because the brain needs carbs to function. s.


Remember veggies have carbs. Its just lower. Mainly just imagine a plate....1/2 is veggies/salad and the other half of plate is protien such as meats/mushrooms.


You do not have to get your carbs from grain or starch. A very big salad with lots of greens and veggies add about 30 grams per meal so you can easily get 90 grams of carb a day if you have a big salad at every meal.


Just wanted to throw this one in to the postings. :) There are alot of misconceptions about veggies not being a carb. :D I am not talking about potatoes here. In our house potatoes is a starch not a veggie. So we only have sweet potatoes once a week. I can only have it once a month as it makes me gain and get bloated.





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