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Would you proceed as normal with plans for next year?

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We think there is a possibility that dh might not get a contract back at his school next year. Our system is not giving contracts out until May 15th. I am normally planning curricula and making purchases for the next year by this point of my current year. If he loses his job, we're not sure we'd even be able to stay living here or sell our house. If we had to move and couldn't sell, I would need to go to work to help out. We'd try to keep homeschooling if at all possible, so would you go ahead and act as normal. I really like to look for good deals on the curricula I want to use, and purchasing all along helps me spread out the cost. So what would you do?


Just to vent because I really need to somewhere, we know that cuts are coming in our system, and all of a sudden administration has picked about 2 teachers per subject department that they are writing up for little things that are very nit-picking and then putting those teachers on a "plan" to improve their teaching. Dh was written up because his essential question, "How did the Scientific Revolution affect other disciplines?", didn't have the actual disciplines listed out (law, philosophy), even though he taught about them in his lesson that day. He is always supposed to have a second question on the board, and he was written up because he changed it as the kids were coming in the room instead of before any got there. These questions are to be there on the board so that as soon as a student walks in they know what they are learning that day. With all the problems in education, this is the stuff they choose to focus on?


There are teachers that lecture from bell-to-bell and do no differentiated instruction at all, but dh and another history teacher who do some of this type instruction every week are on this "plan" to include more of it. We think that administration has picked who they want to get rid of and are creating situations so they can give a reason to not renew their contracts. He and his friend believe their is some discrimination going on as almost all of these that are being affected are the white men over 40, but what can you do?


Thanks, I'm done venting!

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We think that administration has picked who they want to get rid of and are creating situations so they can give a reason to not renew their contracts.


This kind of thing happens where I work. Things that everyone does are ignored until they want to get rid of you, and suddenly you are singled out for it.


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Well, one thing you could do is to start saving a little money for curriculum. You said you like to spread out the cost, so hold some back as if you were spending it. It will be there whether you are ready to buy in May or as a little stash if he doesn't get a new contract.


:grouphug: That's just so not cool.

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As someone who has been in that situation (dh is also a ps teacher-only it was his entire dept, followed by the entire math dept.) I would try to keep things as normal as possible. Not only for your own sanity, but you said you try to shop around for the best deals. It's better to get those deals, than to be stuck paying more later on down the road. Even if the worst happens, it could still be possible to homeschool. It might be dad doing it for awhile, or maybe you can get a job where you can still homeschool most of it.

I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Well, one thing you could do is to start saving a little money for curriculum. You said you like to spread out the cost, so hold some back as if you were spending it. It will be there whether you are ready to buy in May or as a little stash if he doesn't get a new contract.


:grouphug: That's just so not cool.


:iagree: I think this is a good solution.

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Night Elf,

It is a good idea to set it aside for any use. I love finding good deals when I can, but I might need money more if he loses his job.



I like your idea to of finding the good deals instead of paying higher price later.



Since both are good ideas, I think I might do this. Some things I'll probably have to buy new (consumable stuff and ebooks like BP). I'll set that money aside and purchase them after we know. For the things I should be able to find used, I'll only buy them if they are truly a good deal.


How does that sound?

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I would proceed cautiously as if you were not moving, everything staying the same.


As far as your dh's situation, it is a sign of the times. I don't know how many years he has in, but the focus has been to get rid of veteran teachers in order to hire younger grads at the lowest pay scale. It is hardly fair, but it going on everywhere in public education. It made me stand up and take notice when we were asked to seek out younger teachers and ask for help with our "stale" teaching methods. The Essential Question and standards had better be on the board before anyone comes walking through our classrooms. They ask the kids, "What does this mean? What are you learning? Show me what you did in here yesterday..."


If your dh has a union rep, please urge him to have this conversation with him/her. In my situation, teachers can be put on program improvement based upon formal/informal evaluations. With the new changes coming, teachers can be let go just because...no reason has to be given.


Good luck to your dh, and your family. Keep the faith. :grouphug:

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If your dh has a union rep, please urge him to have this conversation with him/her.


not in georgia!




DH is a math teacher, and I always thought one compensation for the salary was job security....but not so much lately. He thinks he's okay for next year, but that's largely because our county is probably doing 8 furlough days instead of 4 next year to keep from losing teachers. 4 straight years of pay cuts, but at least he has a job! I hope it works out for you guys!

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As far as your dh's situation, it is a sign of the times. I don't know how many years he has in, but the focus has been to get rid of veteran teachers in order to hire younger grads at the lowest pay scale.




What's bad is that dh is not high on the pay scale. He worked for years in private, Christian education. He's only been in the public school for 6 years, and they only count 4 from before because only 1 school was state accredited. It's takes 10 years to be fully vested in the teacher system here, so we were really hoping to get into retirement because we have none at all.


He has decided he's going to apply for any other jobs he sees. We need him to have a job if at all possible.


And, there is no union here in GA. He is a member of PAGE, which can provide some help some in bad situations.

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My dh also teaches in GA, ((hugs)). It's been a rough few years. Our district has 9 furlough days this year, had 7 last year, and 5 the year before. Because his school is on the "needs improvement" list they are always under scrutiny, having walk throughs by the state and local boards. It's not fair in his case either, since his dept. (science) has by by far the best test scores. It's math that's sinking them.


For the last two years their contracts were also delayed, but in the end it wasn't bad news. The district has gone with a furlough model instead of making lots of lay offs.


I'd proceed as normal until you know for sure.

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We have also taken the furlough days, and are looking at taking 5 additional days next year. (170 day school year)


Our district was hit hard four years ago with massive pink slips for non-tenured teachers. As with the others, no cost of living adjustment either in quite some time. I love teaching and I'm happy to have this job right now, especially because dh has been out of work for two years now. I completely understand what you are going through.


You are in my prayers...:grouphug:

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