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If you have deleted your fb account or have taken a lengthy break from it...

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If you deleted it, what steps did you take? Did you notify people that you would be there no longer? What led you to end it?


Also, maybe you didn't delete it. What did you do to stay away? I don't check it that often, maybe once per day. I find it to be a cause of frustration that often leads me to be judgmental. I don't like it. I don't like the way I feel when I get up after looking at it.


I really feel it brings negativity into our home. I don't feel like I need to know that much about people, even if they choose to put it out there!!


The other side, though, is that I have teens and want to be aware of their friends and their fb accounts. I also have a few family members who want to see pictures of my children. That is what makes me think I should just walk away and leave it there in existence. Is there any remedy to the annoyance of that place??

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Do you put pictures up on a regular basis?

Do people expect to see you write a status, like when you or your children do something important?


If you do those things, go onto Facebook only long enough to do it. I no longer read all the messages I get. If someone wants to talk to me specifically, they message me through FB instead of writing on my wall. I check FB every day just in case one of my family members is trying to get in touch with me, but otherwise I don't use it.


You can unsubscribe from people who post things that bother you. But I don't know if that also changes how they write to you. I had to unsubscribe from a friend's updates because she posted a plethora of political stuff every single day. I don't do politics so her rantings were just unappreciated.


My dd19 just got rid of her FB for the 2nd time. She used the word deleted. I just looked her up on my account and it doesn't show her name at all. I know she's done this before though, and got her account back with everything still intact, so it obviously doesn't erase it forever. She didn't tell anyone she was leaving. Anyone that is important to her knows to text/call her.

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I deactivated and deleted my account.



I use email to send pics of my son to relatives and friends.



I found it to be a great time waster. People put so much FLUFF on t here that it is worthless reading. I don't care if you just had a cup of coffee. I don't care if you feel hungry. I don't care you just went and watched a movie. There is so much STUPID Stuff on there I can't believe people sit there and read it, much less type it in. And it seems like any filters are off. Decent people put crude and nasty things up they would never say in public.


If you have teens on it tho, I'd be checking daily. There is really no way around that. You could make a new account and not add any friends to it, except your kids, and that way you could just see what they are doing. Maybe you wouldn't have to be bothered with other people's junk.

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Hiding may be my best bet. I can't unfriend people. I don't want to hurt people's feelings. That is probably really a weird way to think.


I have a friend who is a major dog lover...major (almost a dogs above people kind of dog lover)!! I love dogs too, but I don't post 20-30 posts, in a row, per day, of dogs in my city who need homes, thus filling up people's news feeds. I don't know that I'd even be as bothered by it if I lived anywhere near the woman and could actually DO something about the homeless dogs. :confused: Many, many of her friends are very far from her and can do nothing about these animals. I hid her. It was so refreshing!! :lol:

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I deactivated my account twice last year. the first time for about 3 months, the second time more permanently as I have been off Facebook now since about October. I didn't tell anyone, a couple of friends noticed and asked about it. I found facebook quite negative and a real time drain. It does seem to pull people into a lot of really pointless interaction.

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I had it for about 7 months. I found that I was doing nothing but playing silly games with it.


None of my family (that I want regular contact with) uses FB. None of my friends use FB. What was the point of it?


I never saw FB as the greatest thing since sliced bread the way some folks do. I do on occasion Twitter. I like Twitter better.

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Well, I'm not the person you wanted to answer, but I've seen/heard people announce that they aren't doing fb for a certain length of time. (Is it ironic that I've seen this ON fb?) I actually appreciate knowing this- I would go straight to email if I did want to send someone a message.


I've just got to say though- I think it's crazy how people talk about negativity/mean-spiritedness/pointless updates, etc. I'm sure it's true because I hear so many people talk about it, but 95% of my newsfeed has cute stories about kids, insights/encouraging quotes, bible verses, interesting tidbits about people's days- (NOT I'm hungry) things that I WANT to know about my friends. Oooh, and announcements of births/pregnancy. Every time I check it, I literally laugh out loud at something someone has posted. It's a very positive thing in my life and I'm so sorry that other people don't have the same experience.

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I've just got to say though- I think it's crazy how people talk about negativity/mean-spiritedness/pointless updates' date=' etc. I'm sure it's true because I hear so many people talk about it, but 95% of my newsfeed has cute stories about kids, insights/encouraging quotes, bible verses, interesting tidbits about people's days- (NOT I'm hungry) things that I WANT to know about my friends. Oooh, and announcements of births/pregnancy. Every time I check it, I literally laugh out loud at something someone has posted. It's a very positive thing in my life and I'm so sorry that other people don't have the same experience.[/quote']


This is my experience as well. I only have as friends on Facebook who ARE my friends and family. If I haven't shared a meal with you, you probably aren't my friend on Facebook. And I love hearing what my family/friends are doing, especially those who live in a different state or country from me.

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Well' date=' I'm not the person you wanted to answer, but I've seen/heard people announce that they aren't doing fb for a certain length of time. (Is it ironic that I've seen this ON fb?) I actually appreciate knowing this- I would go straight to email if I did want to send someone a message.


I've just got to say though- I think it's crazy how people talk about negativity/mean-spiritedness/pointless updates, etc. I'm sure it's true because I hear so many people talk about it, but 95% of my newsfeed has cute stories about kids, insights/encouraging quotes, bible verses, interesting tidbits about people's days- (NOT I'm hungry) things that I WANT to know about my friends. Oooh, and announcements of births/pregnancy. Every time I check it, I literally laugh out loud at something someone has posted. It's a very positive thing in my life and I'm so sorry that other people don't have the same experience.[/quote']



I would guess you aren't friend with hundreds of people. I did a mass delete of people and it changed my FB experience. Now it is only my family and CLOSE friends. I'm not afraid to hit DELETE.

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Perhaps you could hide or unfriend certain people? I did a massive unfriending and I like FB a lot more now.


:iagree: I did some unfriending and quite a bit of playing with the security features. I posted some pics and videos today and I think probably maybe 15 friends will see them and that's all. FB drives me batty when I have too much in my feed and I don't really like sharing my WHOLE life with people I haven't seen in years.

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I deactivated mine at one point. It's probably been a couple years ago now. I made the mistake of asking certain family members to be friends when in real life I don't really like to talk to them. I spent a month frustrated with some of the things people posted before I finally just got fed up with it. Before I deactivated, I got rid of everything. I went in and deleted everyone, every post, and every picture on my account.


When I went back my account was still there, but I was basically starting over. This time I have been very selective about friending people.


Basically, I only friend people that I know and see on a fairly regular basis. I do have a couple family members as friends and a few friends that live out of state, but only those who I enjoy talking to IRL. And, I have deleted a few people that seemed to like to air their dirty laundry. I don't care if they get mad. I figure it's my account, and I'm not obligated see and hear stuff if I don't want to. I have also hid a few people who seem to be post happy about what I consider nothing.


This time around it has been a much better experience.

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I deleted (not deactivated) my account about 3 months ago. I copied email addresses from facebook before I deleted my account and ou have to be sure you don't click on ANY 'like' buttons on any site, or log in accidentally to Facebook for 3 weeks, or your acct will be reactivated! I just told everone i Was leaving, emailed the people I was close to and that was that.

Edited by Halcyon
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I just deactivated mine last Sunday. I realized that I get upset at things people do or say. It's a time waster and most people on there really aren't my friends. Not 1 person has noticed I deleted it. This is just confirmation that I did the right thing. I just decided to focus more on the family I have at home more. I was checking FB all the time so it really is a habit I'm breaking. I didn't tell anyone.

Edited by Mom28kds
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I "unfriended" all but a few local people, hid myself from search, and deleted almost all my posts a few months ago. I own a group there I haven't yet moved over to Google+, so I haven't yet deleted my account. I did let people know ahead of time because I didn't want anyone to think it was because if something they did. I don't miss it, not even a bit.

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i deleted it a few years ago. honestly, i was just kind of sick of it. i always felt like if someone wrote on my wall, i would have to write on their wall. my mom, and all of my relatives have accounts, and they would always remind me that it was someone's birthday and to write on their wall. i had 150 "friends", and although i knew all of those people, it really was so unnecessary to be connected to all of them (that sounds mean i guess, but really - do i need to be friends with someone i kinda knew in middle school when i'm 40!). it was so superficial for *me*. so i gave it up for lent a few years ago. i enjoyed the break so much that i deleted it permanently when lent ended. yes, i did let everyone know for a few days before deleting it. i didn't want anyone to think i had just stopped being their friend in particular. plus, i got a virus from FB (what a pain that was!!) anyway. no regrets. i'm still good friends with people i reconnected with via FB. we talk on the phone a lot and stay connected through email. i'm status free and proud to be:)

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If you deleted it, what steps did you take? Did you notify people that you would be there no longer? What led you to end it?


Also, maybe you didn't delete it. What did you do to stay away? I don't check it that often, maybe once per day. I find it to be a cause of frustration that often leads me to be judgmental. I don't like it. I don't like the way I feel when I get up after looking at it.


I really feel it brings negativity into our home. I don't feel like I need to know that much about people, even if they choose to put it out there!!


The other side, though, is that I have teens and want to be aware of their friends and their fb accounts. I also have a few family members who want to see pictures of my children. That is what makes me think I should just walk away and leave it there in existence. Is there any remedy to the annoyance of that place??


I left FB about 18months ago. I didn't delete it because, at the time, I didn't know how long I'd be gone. Sometimes I miss it but mostly I don't. I do miss not having that daily connection to my older kids, but that is it. I figure if people really want to stay in touch then they'll stay in touch. I don't need an hourly update about their daily habits though. To me that's not staying in touch.


I didn't email anyone before I left. I just left. I don't really regret doing it that way. Most people figured it out and the ones I didn't want to make an announcement about couldn't follow me. Like Mom28 - it seems that most people didn't even notice. LOL.

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I deactivated and deleted my account.



I use email to send pics of my son to relatives and friends.



I found it to be a great time waster. People put so much FLUFF on t here that it is worthless reading. I don't care if you just had a cup of coffee. I don't care if you feel hungry. I don't care you just went and watched a movie. There is so much STUPID Stuff on there I can't believe people sit there and read it, much less type it in. And it seems like any filters are off. Decent people put crude and nasty things up they would never say in public.


If you have teens on it tho, I'd be checking daily. There is really no way around that. You could make a new account and not add any friends to it, except your kids, and that way you could just see what they are doing. Maybe you wouldn't have to be bothered with other people's junk.



i deleted mine due to family annoyances/issues. I did find myself on it for absolutely no reason and it was a time sucker. If I were to go back on I would unfriend my entire family first! for me, unfriending certain people (especially the ones on a ton like my MIL) would bring the phone calls/questions of what happened blah blah. It is taken as a personal slight for the most part. you can block posts from people if they are too much...

good luck!:grouphug:

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I just deactivated mine last Sunday. I realized that I get upset at things people do or say. It's a time waster and most people on there really aren't my friends. Not 1 person has noticed I deleted it. This is just confirmation that I did the right thing. I just decided to focus more on the family I have at home more. I was checking FB all the time so it really is a habit I'm breaking. I didn't tell anyone.


:iagree:me too! hadn't thought of the not being noticed as a confirmation....well said!

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