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Only 10 more lbs to go until that elephant's you-know-what!

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I am down 50 lbs as of this morning! (50.2 to be exact)! So this feels like a pretty cool milestone. I've now gone from 247.6 to 197.4!


50 lbs ago, I was taking 3-6 ibuprofen a day every day because my sciatica hurt so bad all the time. Right now, I can't remember the last time I had to take any for it.


Recently, I've been going on hikes in the woods (well only twice so far, but, hey!) whereas before I could barely walk one slow flat mile on my treadmill when I first started out.


At the last kickball game with my homeschool group, I joined in and played and ran the bases and everything! Okay, I was out of breath, not gonna lie, lol...but previously I used to just stand on the sidelines and watch and take pictures!


At my last trip to Fashion Bug to buy some spring capris and such I got to shop all on the left side of the store- the one that's got sizes 0-16 instead of the right side that's got sizes 18 and all the way up to, well, I don't know but extremely large. Clothes shopping is getting to be fun again. :D


I feel really good these days!


50 lbs, by the way, is the equivalent of a small bale of hay. Only 10 more lbs to my goal of losing that elephant's you know what! :D And then... I can start TTC again! :)


How are all my other weight loss buddies here doing??

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Congratulations! That is a big milestone.


I've been overweight my whole life and have done the yo-yo thing too many times to count.


Three years ago, I joined SparkPeople. I lost about 75 pounds and got into my healthy BMI range. People I had known casually for years literally did not recognize me. It was fabulous!


Then, almost immediately, I started gaining it back again. By the beginning of this year, I had regained about 30 pounds.


I got back on SparkPeople and have -- as of this week -- gotten back down to my target weight.


Along the way this time, I realized that my biggest challenge is not losing weight, but maintaining a reasonably healthy one. It occurred to me one day that I have literally NEVER managed to stay at anything resembling the "right weight" for more than a month or two. I am always in the process of either losing or gaining.


So, my next battle is to stay right here for the next six months. I'm still tracking my exercise and what I eat on SparkPeople every day. I still weigh myself frequently. But it's all with the goal of not losing (or gaining) a single pound.


I honestly have no confidence that I can do this.


But I'm trying.

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Congratulations! That is a big milestone.


I've been overweight my whole life and have done the yo-yo thing too many times to count.


Three years ago, I joined SparkPeople. I lost about 75 pounds and got into my healthy BMI range. People I had known casually for years literally did not recognize me. It was fabulous!


Then, almost immediately, I started gaining it back again. By the beginning of this year, I had regained about 30 pounds.


I got back on SparkPeople and have -- as of this week -- gotten back down to my target weight.


Along the way this time, I realized that my biggest challenge is not losing weight, but maintaining a reasonably healthy one. It occurred to me one day that I have literally NEVER managed to stay at anything resembling the "right weight" for more than a month or two. I am always in the process of either losing or gaining.


So, my next battle is to stay right here for the next six months. I'm still tracking my exercise and what I eat on SparkPeople every day. I still weigh myself frequently. But it's all with the goal of not losing (or gaining) a single pound.


I honestly have no confidence that I can do this.


But I'm trying.


I've actually NEVER gotten to a healthy BMI range. I've gotten to be overweight instead of "obese" but I never made it to the point where I was NOT overweight. I've lost weight for a certain amount of time and then eventually lost motivation and started gaining again... I've never made it to a healthy goal weight. Ever. The last time I was at a medically healthy BMI/not overweight must have been...wow, I don't even know. Over two decades ago, in my early 20's. The closest I've ever come at any point since was getting into the 170's, I think.


I think I could probably do it now with this way of eating (giving up grains, processed foods etc) instead of the low fat diets I've always gone on in the past, but I guess I may not really have the chance since I plan to TTC before I get there lol. (I do still plan to keep up the healthy eating while TTC and lose some more weight until I get confirmation of a pregnancy but don't know how far that will get so we'll just have to see)!


I've NEVER given myself the opportunity to "maintain" weight loss!


I am proud of you for losing 75 and your dedication to getting back on track and relosing that 30 before it turned back into the whole 75, and to being determined to maintain it this time! Good luck, you can do it- stick with your support system and keep it off, 75 is amazing and we both know how awful it feels to put that weight back on!

Edited by NanceXToo
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I am proud of you for losing 75 and your dedication to getting back on track and relosing that 30 before it turned back into the whole 75, and to being determined to maintain it this time! Good luck, you can do it- stick with your support system and keep it off, 75 is amazing and we both know how awful it feels to put that weight back on!




(And, for what it's worth, when I say "healthy BMI," please know I mean the very, very tippy top of the range for my height.)

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Wonderful! You're an inspiration! I need to lose 50-60 lbs. and do more exercising. I've cut out sweets and I've been cutting down on portions, but I haven't weighed because I know that if my weight isn't budging, I'm going to be discouraged and just give up. Again. My pants are feeling a little looser though, so I hope I'm losing a few pounds, at least.

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That is so awesome! Good job. :)


And since you asked, I'll share my news. I started back on Atkins this week and am down six pounds so far. Now, to be fair, it was the time of month when I was retaining water, so I had an extra couple of pounds of water weight that came off too. But, I still count it.:D


I am only looking to lose 10 or 15 pounds, so I am off to a good start. Keep up the good work.

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