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About your refrigerator...

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Our old fridge had lots of stuff on the front and I had tons of photos taped (rolled tape on the back) to the side facing the stove. The pictures on the side got dusty easily, and the front was always overflowing with stuff the kids put up. When we got our new fridge I made a rule that we wouldn't put anything on the front. The door leading to our garage is metal, and dc have always put things on that door. I made that the only door they could put things on. I did not put my photos back up on the side; I only have a few things there--a small calendar, a magnetic timer, a magnet with emergency numbers, etc...

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Our refrigerator has magnetic letters (characters, actually) for the little kids, assorted works of child art, a huge phone list for my grandma's use, and a sandwich baggie full of recipes that my crazy old auntie keeps cutting out of the newspaper (never to make or ask anyone else to make for her). I make them magically disappear at a rate of 1-2 per week, but there are still a good 50+ recipes shoved in that baggie.


There are magnet hooks for pens, pot holders, and the kitchen scissors (we have a pair for each room). Also a magnet with metric to American conversions because many of our recipes are in metric. Oh, and a magnet with the library hours, phone, and website information.


You can't really see our refrigerator doors under all of the junk LOL.

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I keep all my "stuff" on the side of my fridge so I can clean around the front panels. When we travel I collect a small magnet or glue a magnet dot on the hotel room card if it's pretty.


The paperwork has crawled around to the "front" of the fridge and this is driving me bananas.


Tomorrow, this little annoyance is on the :seeya: list of things to do.

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A large calendar (paper) with big squares so everyone can write appointments, etc. on it. We do have a family calendar on the computer, but the paper one works well for a couple of my kids--they can glance at it whenever they're in the kitchen and not have to open a program on the computer.


Also on the fridge: a few pictures of family and friends.

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On the bottom: Little magnetic houses and magnetic house pieces that I made for my dc when they were younger. They found them in the junk drawer a few months ago and they have not let me take them down. Also a skeleton (from teacherfilebox.com)


On the top: poetry word magnets that dh had on his fridge when I moved in with him a decade ago (also recently rediscovered in the junk drawer)


On the side: March calendar and a bunch of homemade magnets



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On the bottom: Little magnetic houses and magnetic house pieces that I made for my dc when they were younger. They found them in the junk drawer a few months ago and they have not let me take them down. Also a skeleton (from teacherfilebox.com)


On the top: poetry word magnets that dh had on his fridge when I moved in with him a decade ago (also recently rediscovered in the junk drawer)


On the side: March calendar and a bunch of homemade magnets


Oh, the skeleton is SO adorable! :lol:

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No story. We just don't need one. I thought it was a good idea to keep a little one in case of kids medicines needing refrigerating, overcooking at Christmas and emergencies of that sort. I think the only time we've used it in the past year or two was when my mother was here and bought a litre of yogurt out of habit. She ate some, put it in the fridge and we threw it out and switched the fridge back off when she left.



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Our fridge is as cluttered as the rest of the house - maybe a little less so. The side has calendars, important phone numbers (i.e. poison control and pizza), and the grocery list. The front has a pharaoh held up by several dinosaur magnets, and a collection of magnets - primarily geeky or inspirational.

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The front of the fridge has a small paper with DH's and my cell phone #'s on it, a sketch of the dog in a clear plastic frame, and the school bus company's info card in case someday one of the kids doesn't show up.


The side has last year's Red Sox schedule taped to it, soon to be replaced with this year's schedule.

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Okay, I think we are going to win in the originality contest. Our stainless steel fridge is bare except for the large ghost/demon decal on the right :D Dh says it helps him when he gets a craving :lol:

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No story. We just don't need one. I thought it was a good idea to keep a little one in case of kids medicines needing refrigerating, overcooking at Christmas and emergencies of that sort. I think the only time we've used it in the past year or two was when my mother was here and bought a litre of yogurt out of habit. She ate some, put it in the fridge and we threw it out and switched the fridge back off when she left.




My apologies up front for hijacking the thread, but I'm really curious how you live without a fridge? Do you not have perishables like meat and dairy? I can't imagine not having one.

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On the front I have some original artwork :) , the current Monet painting we're studying, my cousin's Save the Date (it has a cute picture of the happy couple), and a sports card of my nephew. On the side live all the magnets not in use and a magnetic notepad for grocery lists.

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My frig in the house is a mess with way too much stuff on it.


  • Big calendar, which keeps us organized.
  • Grocery list.
  • Magnets
  • Pictures of our house 20+ years ago when DH first bought it
  • Pictures of the kids and dogs
  • My DD21's staff pass to Beringer & Buble
  • A gift certificate to Omaha Steaks from Christmas
  • Flowmaster stickers - I need to put one on the frig outside

My frig on the porch is half full of stickers. Not little kid stickers but product stickers, company stickers, drilling companies, etc.

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I do NOT use my fridge to store pictures of the dc, calendars, important papers of any kind, cute magnets/other artwork...nothin'. Not ever.


I used to have a wall calendar...on the wall...that we used to keep a qick visual track of activities. Everything else is filed in an "Action Notebook," which I learned about in my favorite book, "File--Don't Pile!" by Pat Dorff.

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The front of mine is blank. I tried putting magnets and stuff on there, but I hate clutter (it clutters my brain and makes me cranky), so I took it all off.


I do have a small space on the side (it's a slide-in fridge surrounded by cabinets) that holds a measuring device (converts qts to cups, etc). and a small magnet with important/emergency numbers on it. That's all I can manage to stand.


When the kids were young, I did put their artwork up, but only one or two pieces each, and the alphabet letters (which they never played with :confused:) . I couldn't take any more clutter than that.

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Ours has a few pictures of the kids, a few recipes, a bit of artwork by the younger kids and a whole bunch of dinosaur window decals. I usually like it to look pretty bare, but the kids have decorated it so cutely that for now I'm good with it. I have a small house and I prefer the minimalist look which is always a battle with four kids.:lol:

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My apologies up front for hijacking the thread, but I'm really curious how you live without a fridge? Do you not have perishables like meat and dairy?


Nope. We eat a vegan diet at home and ration veggies so the ones that wilt get eaten first. Virtually everything that says "refrigerate after opening" doesn't need to be refrigerated unless you want to leave it on the shelf for over a week. So we don't leave them on the shelf for over a week!


I can't imagine not having one.
You could if you were to look in your fridge and see six things, none of which actually needed to be refrigerated. I would have kept my fridge if I lived in the tropics. :tongue_smilie:



Edited by Rosie_0801
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