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Large Families: What do you do to manage all the shoes?

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The shoes all over the house are about to drive me batty! Everyone right now has their sandals sitting by the door plus their tennis shoes (just in case they need them - right!). I try to keep the rule at one pair of shoes by the door, all others in closets but that just isn't working. Besides, with nine people, even with just one pair of shoes at the ready, that's 18 shoes laying about my doors at any one time. So there is always a stack of shoes by the front door and one by the garage door (in my kitchen).


Any nifty ideas of how to corral the shoe monster?


Thanks! My sanity will be (at least partially) restored if someone can give me a lightbulb solution to this!

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Do you have room for a cubicle, with several smaller cubicles in it? You could assign a "slot" to each person, and only what fits in there could be allowed -- all other shoes go in the closets.


Or, you have a door there, you could get one of those shoe bags that hang over the door. Put the younger children's shoes on the bottom, the middles in the middle, and the olders on the top (so they can all reach).


Or, you could just get a big, sturdy cardboard box and spray paint it, then have the children throw all their "by the door" shoes in there -- only they will have to dig for their shoes each time this way.


Could you teach them to take off their sandals outside the door, like they do in Japan? You might have more room for a box out in the garage. HTH.

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The shoes all over the house are about to drive me batty!


Our shoes pile up at the back patio door. I much prefer to have the shoes off and not tracking in dirt and worse, but the shoes, even when neatly lined-up, look horrible. I have thought about picking up a box, but I want it to be attractive. Then again, any box would look better than the shoe pile.


With all the rain we have, shoes outside wouldn't be an option.


Waiting for the wisdom of the hive mind...

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I have fewer numbers, but the same problem. We don't have a lot of space by either main door. Our garage is downstairs from the mainfloor of the house, so it's not the main door for traffic flow. I have always eyed those wonderful "lockers" and "cubbies" from Pottery Barn, but expense aside, I don't really have enough room for those.


So, no wisdom here, just wishful thinking! :D

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well we do not have as many people but we have a ton of shoes by our front door at any given time. So our last house we had a basket that shoes were tossed into. It kept the area looking neat and tidy. This house we do not have room for our basket but we do have a closet by the front door, so we did an over the door shoe rack. We still end up with at least 4 pairs sitting infront of the closet, so i threw the basket in the bottom of the closet so i can quickly toss the shoes somewhere to get them out of my site lol.. lazy yah i know i am lol!!

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We have this: http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/50103086. We are using it horizontally though instead of vertically and we bought baskets to put in the holes. Each child has their own basket to put their shoes in. I don't have as many kids as you do, so we only have 4 baskets, but it could fit 8. Right now the other cubbies are for their backpacks and other stuff they need on a regular basis (scout stuff for the olders, diaper bag for the little one).

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I have given away a few totes of great shoes, LL Bean, Land's End etc that I was saving for the next child or were just extras. Right now I am trying to keep it to no more than 3 pair per child. That still makes for a lot of shoes :-)



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They are revolving shoe trees. I have 3 of them in the house - one by the front door, one in my closet and one in the girls' closet. They use "up" space, instead of across the floor spce, so if you're trying to fit tuck shoes into a tight space, this works well. They are NOT all created equally. I have one that is good quality - doesn't tip over, spins well, etc. I have another that is cheaper, and it DOES tip over, doesn't spin well, etc. Make sure the one you get has a heavy enough base.


Then of course you have to train the DC to "hang up your shoes!!!" hee hee!


FYI, I saw them at Costco for around $20 or $25 recently.


HTH and GL!- Stacey in MA

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I used to have a boys' box, a girls' box, and a parents' box...but we'd have to dig through, we'd lose halves, and it crushed the shoes into a mess.


NOW: I invested in plastic shoe boxes from WM. Both the shoebox size and the size up (for dad's and boys'...big feet). Each tub is marked "Name's Dress" "Name's Sandals" "Name's Tennis" "Name's Slippers". I have one larger tub for the pasture/barn boots. These are nasty and it just doesn't matter. So they all go in the same. The rest are in individual boxes, they stay nice, they are put away, and WE CAN FIND OUR SHOES!!! YAY! (sorry, got excited)

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no shoes in the house here, and I make them come in via the back door so I don't have to look at dirty shoes all day. Otherwise, we have laundry baskets in the closets to hold their shoes. They are only allowed one pair at the back door. DH and I actually have a pair of flip flops/crocks at each door. I used to have a rack, a cubby, a box, but I found the shoes are too often wet (for the box) and didn't make it on the rack (annoyed me) with them lined up neatly against the wall, it's an easy correction, they dry and it's free. HTH.


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I bought a shoe rack:




I also use boot dryers for wet shoes:




Plow & Hearth also has a mitten/glove drying rack available in the winter. I hope it hasn't been discontinued because I couldn't find it on their site. That is invaluable.


We used to have a cubby thing in the foyer for all that stuff, but it was really ugly, so I eventually got rid of it. It was made of metal (like a steelcase desk) and was originally used to hold record albums at a library. It sure was convenient though.



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I like this one because we can also fit gloves and scarves in it.



I have similar ones on each child's closet doors. They keep their nicer shoes (church, color specific) in their own closet and everyday shoes go in the downstairs closet over the door organizer. Plus, the ones in their closet they can put in belts, hats, purses, and some small toys.

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I totally agree, the shoe thing drives me batty too. We bought some shoe boxes from Container Store and put them in shelves in entryway.


I saw a new great idea, buy cute shelves and put them within arms reach and place shoes on shelves.



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those feet are smaller, but I have a storage bench (black leather look) that all of the boys' shoes go in. It's near the front door, so it's convenient, and it provides some seating by the front windows.


Before that all their shoes were kept in the coat closet in a big laundry basket.

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In the bottom of our small hall closet we have 4 stacking crates. One is for flip-flops/Crocs, one is for kids' tennis shoes, one is for sandals OR other shoes during winter and one is for goggles and outside stuff right now. All dressy shoes go in individual bedrooms, sometimes in their boxes! lol


I can stack 2 crates on top of each other and then dh's and my shoes are just loose in the bottom of that closet.


I have an over-the-door hanging shoe holder thing that holds sunscreen, sunglasses, visors, toddler's shoes and other stuff (gloves in the winter!).

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I have the shoe holders that you hang over the closet door for each room. The 2 boys share a room/shoe holder, and the 2 girls share a room/shoe holder. The only shoes we usually keep outside are the cleats and crocs. I'm a bit of a fanatic when it comes to everything having it's own place to live. If not then the shoes end up piling up on the stairs or wherever. So at the end of each day everyone has to pick up their shoes and hang them in their shoe holder. If not then there ends up being some kind of discipline for not taking care of their shoes!

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