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We're loading up today!

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I'm going off line for a couple of days as we move to the Savannah area in GA. The moving truck will be loaded today and the deep cleaning will commence! Say a little prayer for me if you don't mind...between in-laws, 2 younger children, puppy and church people I may just lose. my. mind.

In 24 hours we'll be on our way to our new home, I'm so excited!!!

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Good luck! I'm sure you're dealing with a galactic mixture of emotions right now, and will have more over the next few weeks. But you're a strong woman and you will come through this even stronger! I'll be thinking about you...

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I'm going off line for a couple of days as we move to the Savannah area in GA. The moving truck will be loaded today and the deep cleaning will commence! Say a little prayer for me if you don't mind...between in-laws, 2 younger children, puppy and church people I may just lose. my. mind.

In 24 hours we'll be on our way to our new home, I'm so excited!!!


Hey, have fun setting up and plunging into your new life! It's exciting to start something new, isn't it? :)

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Almost all our worldly possession are on the UHaul truck now. I'm exhausted and using my s-l-o-w laptop to have something to do b/c FIL and ds4 are watching Lilo and Stitch in the Living room, dh and dd7 are watching American Gladiators in the master bedroom.


Give a wild guess which two rooms I still have to clean???


Anyways, it's happening. It's REALLY happening. This is a strange life, being in the ministry. I actually have to walk through the house tomorrow with a group of women before we leave. I still have a TON of purging to do b/c there is no way all of our stuff is going to fit into the new house...no way. I can't wait though, it's like there is a new life awaiting on the other side of the state, a new church family, new house, new furniture, new everything.



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Thinking of you today! Good wishes, all around. Life in ministry--:D

Don't forget to let God surprise you!


BTW, our mission trippers are going to be in Savannah the week of July 11th. They will be with the Group Workcamps project, helping seniors and other needy folks paint and repair their houses. They are staying in a college dorm somewhere--usually they stay in a high school, so that will be different. Anyway, if you see any signs that say Welcome Group Workcamps, that's the group where my son and our church will be! (Pohick Church).


I'll tell them to be on the lookout for a fab mom and her two darlings!!:D:D

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Definitely thinking of you today! I love change (call me crazy)! I do love the promise of new opportunities....new friends....new growth etc. I need to learn to shrink that down from just yearning for change in the big stuff....to looking at the promise in each new day. You seem to do that. I think that's a great gift.


Will pray for you in coming days that all of the details fall into place with minimal frustration.


Will look forward to an update when you get your head above water again!

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