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Weird ? - Has anyone ever driven through Mexico/Central America?

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Just as the title asks, Has any one driven through Mexico and/or Central America?

A friend and I were discussing going to Costa Rica w the kids for a month. Where we were wanting to go, we would need a vehicle (i think). Anyhow, the idea of making the 4 day drive was tossed out. I have NO idea what to expect? I hope this doesn't offend, but what I have in my head looks like a scary disaster of random muggings', confusion, and becoming so lost we are never seen again? ;) But my mind has a tendency to over exaggerate?! It could be exactly the same as our interstate system for all i know!


Also, If you have been to Costa Rica? feel free to suggest places and things worth doing. (yes I realize its a big country) Where did you stay? what types of expereinces did you have?

If you think I am losing my mind and have no business traveling to country in which I know very little about and am not anywhere near fluent in the language, feel free to let me know that as well!


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My father moved to Costa Rica a couple years ago. He sold his vehicle here and bought another in CR just so he wouldn't have to drive thru Latin America. To say the roads between the US border and your destination are unsafe would be an understatement of epic proportions. If I were ... naive...enough to place myself in danger, I would never ever put my children in that position. Please reconsider.

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My inlaws drove through Mexico after FIL's uncle died. He had a house there and they went to settle his affairs and bring home his things. They did okay, but they worked through a local attorney who helped facilitate all the needed bribes. They said they would not want to do it again, but they are not very adventurous to start with and only did it so their parents wouldn't.


As for Costa Rica, it actually isn't that big (about the size of W Virginia, I think). I spent a month there as a teenager. We visited the Arenal volcano, several conservation stations (it was for a class in ecology) and San Jose. I wish we had been able to spend more time at the Pacific coast, as it was gorgeous.

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To say the roads between the US border and your destination are unsafe would be an understatement of epic proportions. If I were ... naive...enough to place myself in danger, I would never ever put my children in that position. Please reconsider.




When dh heads down that way for business, company policy is that they are not allowed to operate vehicles themselves due to the expectation that they would thereby be at even greater risk of being kidnapped or killed, the busses used are a special design to lower the risk of passengers being shot, etc. Sometimes corporate travel in certain areas is simply banned.

(Edited to add: I just read the Reuters article linked above. Yep, dh travels to Monterrey, so I'm hearing some of the worst of it.)


I imagine this isn't true everywhere, but how would one discern which roads and areas are safe? What if the relative safety changes while you are en route?

Edited by GailV
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Just as the title asks, Has any one driven through Mexico and/or Central America?

A friend and I were discussing going to Costa Rica w the kids for a month. Where we were wanting to go, we would need a vehicle (i think). Anyhow, the idea of making the 4 day drive was tossed out. I have NO idea what to expect? I hope this doesn't offend, but what I have in my head looks like a scary disaster of random muggings', confusion, and becoming so lost we are never seen again? ;) But my mind has a tendency to over exaggerate?! It could be exactly the same as our interstate system for all i know!


Also, If you have been to Costa Rica? feel free to suggest places and things worth doing. (yes I realize its a big country) Where did you stay? what types of expereinces did you have?

If you think I am losing my mind and have no business traveling to country in which I know very little about and am not anywhere near fluent in the language, feel free to let me know that as well!



I would not recommend doing that. Ever.

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My father moved to Costa Rica a couple years ago. He sold his vehicle here and bought another in CR just so he wouldn't have to drive thru Latin America. To say the roads between the US border and your destination are unsafe would be an understatement of epic proportions. If I were ... naive...enough to place myself in danger, I would never ever put my children in that position. Please reconsider.


I'm sure one good look at the State Department's web site regarding travel in Mexico would help you make up your mind mighty quick.

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We stayed with a family in the mountains of Costa Rica. We flew there, and then all our transportation within the country was handled for us. We took a tour of a volcano, we hiked to waterfalls, we visited huge turtles on the beach. It was many years ago. I wouldn't know the names of agencies, but it's well worth the trip. Very good memories.

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We drove in Costa Rica and it was fine, adventurous but fine. We even forded a stream in a little Toyota when a bridge was out. I wouldn't want to do this in my own car though. I wouldn't cross the Mexican border in a vehicle. Really. Dh (who is a native Spanish speaker and travels all over Latin America) won't go to Reynosa anymore, it's that dangerous.

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It's the driving down to CR that I wouldn't do. I hope to fly down soon to visit my father and his wife. As for driving in-country, I'd have to take my dad's advice on that so I don't know right now.


Daddy is always posting FB pictures to make us jealous, especially in winter. Yesterday he put up a picture of his banana tree where a huge rack of bananas are ready for picking. He brags on the weather all the time. If you go, I hope you enjoy your trip!

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Don't do it.


Mexico is a mess. It makes my stomach churn thinking of American women and children driving alone there all that distance. And like you said I hope this isn't offensive... especially if those cute little blondies in your avatar are yours. I would think that would make you stand out even more. My mom is an Irish blondie and my dad is Mexican. I've been in many parts of the country but have never driven through (I don't think my dad would have been into doing that). My husband and I were just talking about how much it stinks that the kids don't know Mexico the way we did as kids... It's pretty weird and sad.


I spent a lot of time in Central America in the early 90s, so it's been a long time. I've driven, bused, and hitchhiked (don't ever tell my kids that :D) all over from Costa Rica to Guatemala and everything in between. I can't imagine it's any safer now. I have some nutty stories. Every one of those countries is amazing but even for someone like me who spoke the language, blended in, and for some strange reason was always treated like a sister or daughter (even from the "baddies"), in retrospect I was just very lucky. It doesn't take much to find yourself in crazy situations there...


Not to mention, all the driving fatalities and horrible accident you see as your putting along. HOLY COW!


Can you just fly in?

Edited by helena
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We drove in Costa Rica and it was fine, adventurous but fine. We even forded a stream in a little Toyota when a bridge was out. I wouldn't want to do this in my own car though. I wouldn't cross the Mexican border in a vehicle. Really. Dh (who is a native Spanish speaker and travels all over Latin America) won't go to Reynosa anymore, it's that dangerous.


That makes me sad. I spent some time in Reynosa about 12 years ago, and really enjoyed it there.

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I would not. I have an acquaintance who was kidnapped last summer driving through Central America (she was held for a ransom, which she paid and then let go). And if the news reports on Mexico are even half true, I would not drive through and expect to be left alone. This kidnapping thing is a way some people earn their livings. I would fly to Costa Rica.

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