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Let's play, "What should I have said?"

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Today at the grocery store with my youngest I ran into a lady I used to work for. I haven't seen her in three or four years. Here's the start of the conversation:

Me: "(name with held),Hi! it's been a long time. It's good to see you. How are you doing?"

Friend: "Hi. Wow, you've stayed skinny. I haven't." <here she raises her arms and does a sashay in the aisle>

......<awkward moment>

Me: "So, how's work?"


Is there a proper reply? I work among mostly men and only have a few real-life female friends. That conversation wasn't right, was it? :001_huh: Was I supposed to say something in reply? Did I miss some social queue? Tell me what should I have said.

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I would have taken it as a social cue that I was supposed to say something like, "oh, haha, you still look great," then I would have moved on to work or whatever.

That's probably what I would have said, but definitely an awkward moment, and I think you were just fine with how you handled.

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I probably would have stood there blinking at her.

This is what I would have done.

I would have taken it as a social cue that I was supposed to say something like, "oh, haha, you still look great," then I would have moved on to work or whatever.

This is what I would have wished I'd done, but was so gobsmacked at the sashaying my mind blanked.

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I've tried the whole "What are you talking about? You look great!" but it usually sounds fake. Not because I think anyone overweight(or whatever else) --I'm just not good at contrived compliments on the fly.


I vote for changing the subject, as you did.

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How about . . .


You: "Why thank you! I try. You look great, too! What's new?"


I am sure she meant it as a compliment, so you might as well respond to her intention.



:iagree: Also, she proably felt awkward that she has put on weight. Yeah, was it awkward and uncomfortable? Sure, but cut her some slack. (OP that was not directed at you.)

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I would have let out a polite laugh and shaken my head with a puzzled look on my face, and then quickly changed the subject.

Funny, just yesterday my daughter came home and told me a similar story about her run-in with a woman she hadn't seen in a long time. The woman told her, "You are so skinny!" My daughter wasn't sure what to say in response either.

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I would have taken it as a social cue that I was supposed to say something like, "oh, haha, you still look great," then I would have moved on to work or whatever.



But, you know, she too could be posting on some message board about the silly thing that came out of her mouth when she met an old co-worker...:lol:

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