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When do you stop putting your kids to bed?

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Gosh, I have no idea! I can't remember when we stopped... However, I think even when our older kids were quite independent and doing the bedtime routine by themselves, we would still come into their rooms and pray together and kiss them good night... At least through middle school ages.

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We still put the 2 year olds to bed. The older kids (5 and 6) get our help with pajamas, brushing, flossing and good night kisses. Then they go up to bed on their own and we check on them when we go to bed (tuck them in, refill their water, turn off reading lights).

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i don't know because we usually still do it (tonight we did not, but that is rare). normally, one of us tucks my son in and we read a book and snuggle him. my daughter prefers laying in bed and just talking together. in fact, we find out more about what is taking place in her head at bedtime than any other time of the day, so i especially love being with her at bedtime. i really learn so much about how she processes life there. i sure hope it doesn't end anytime soon. i love it.:001_smile:

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Mine still have a bedtime story followed by tuck in, then they usually stay up a little while reading or playing quietly, then we check on them again when it is 'lights out' time. I think they like it because it's one-on-one time with mom or dad, whichever of us is reading the story that night. I hope it doesn't end too soon!

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I rocked both my girls to sleep for naps and at night until they were old enough to say "I'm ready for bed." I still sit with my 12 year old until she falls asleep and I almost always sit and talk with my 16 year old unless she is tired and goes to sleep before her sister is asleep. We have some of our best conversations curled up on her bed right before sleep.

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Until earlier this year, when all 3 still shared a room, everyone got put to bed, complete with good night song.


Now my older two (13yo) have their own room, I often just pop in to say goodnight, although sometimes we talk, and very occasionally they'll still get a song (I think I'm more nostalgic than they are).


My youngest, on the other hand, is 11yo and if she doesn't get a full goodnight tucked in, complete with song and lots of hugs and kisses and other stalling techniques like wanting me to narrate what the bubbles in the lava lamp are doing, and one more hug - well, then she just can't go to sleep. This is the one I'll probably be putting to bed till she leaves home...

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I still put dd16 to bed...


And sometimes we even read a story:leaving:





Hey, I'm not going to be able to do this forever, I'm taking full advantage of every opportunity!:tongue_smilie:


Mine are eight. We read a story every night and then talk before they fall asleep. It's special and sweet and they tell me things I otherwise wouldn't hear about. The time w/ the them is so short, I think, "why not. . .?"



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We still do and I don't have any plans to stop soon. Dh reads to Sweet-Pea and I read to Boo-Boo then we tuck in and say good night, turn on music, etc. Sweet-Pea will stay up about 20 more minutes to read but then it is lights out. Bedtime is pretty firm here at 9 PM. We have always had consistent bedtimes and the girls rely on it.

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I was reading a thread and someone mentioned that they don't put their kids to bed as their youngest is 11. My youngest is 11, and my 14,13, & 11 insist on me going to their room, kissing them goodnight, and saying I love you and the other things we say. My oldest goes to bed after me and is on his own schedule.


So what ages do you stop this?


Mine are 11 and 10 and our routine is the same as yours. In fact, mine have a hard time if I go to bed at the same time.

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I usually put my 5, 6 and 8 year olds to bed, but they can put themselves to bed if I'm busy or if I'm not home yet. My 9 year old sneaks in an hour later.


I kind of can't imagine putting a 14 year old to bed. When I was 14, I often stayed out after my parents were in bed and shared the basement apartment with my brothers.

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My kids all share a room. In fact, most nights, at least 2 of them sleep together. My older 2 will put themselves to sleep if I absolutely can't or won't go in there to put them to sleep, but my 2 year old still needs to be tucked in and I lay with him for a good 5 or so minutes. I love to hug and kiss and sometimes read stories to my older 2 before the lights go out. Sometimes I steal an extra hug or kiss before leaving the room if one or both are still awake when the little one falls asleep.

I think it's a special time and will keep it up until they no longer want me to. :)

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Hmmm...well, Mr. Ellie and I still went in and hugged and kissed them, but they were putting themselves to bed once they were old enough to take baths and put jammies on by themselves.


I think your definition of putting someone to bed is different than many of ours. Going in and hugging and kissing them is my definition of putting my kids to bed.

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