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Taking care of ourselves....

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There have been several threads about "taking care " of ourselves. We are dealing with small children, the elderly, special needs, husbands who are exhausted as well, teens who are stretched to their limit etc.


How do YOU take care of yourself in the midst of taking care of everyone else??


I am thinking of:


Good reads

Spiritually uplifting materials



Special mom only treats

Tv shows


Anything that is special JUST FOR MOM.


By the way, I just kicked my kids out of the school room, that I just re-did for them....and took it over...lol. I set it up pretty....put in my pretty things....and threw their schoolbooks back in the kitchen.


It is MY room. I am going to add a small tv w/DVD player...pretty area rug, my yoga mat etc. I am going to add a new futon etc. To make it a little Mamma haven.


I need more ideas.....please share......



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What I do for myself changes.


Right now, our family is going through some changes to get healthier, so that's where my focus is. All my current reading involves cookbooks or gardening or nutrition.


On weekends, I get out and do a really long walk (6-ish miles) all by myself. During the week, I take the girls on lots of walks and wake up at 4:30 to get the bulk of my cardio on the treadmill. I use the weekends to do a scenic....enjoyable...walk, when I can go in the warmest part of the day. I grind away during the week (worked in around everyone else's schedule) so I can enjoy the weekend one, look at nature, listen to MY music, etc.....


Dh and I joined a gym that opens in April and I will be making that a priority so that I don't have to get up at 4:30 during the week to exercise. In the past, the girls have complained about gym childcare. Tough tacos, this time. They are old enough to take a book and read it.


I buy myself a few high-quality, high satisfaction with a small amount, specialty foods that no one else in my family will eat. A bar of dark chocolate, a wedge of goat cheese, red wine, smoked salmon, etc....

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How do YOU take care of yourself in the midst of taking care of everyone else??



The best thing I ever did for myself was going back to work. I was severely depressed as a SAHM. My job is rejuvenating and makes me be a better and more patient mother who enjoys time with her family.


Other than that, I find that exercise in nature is the most important thing for my well being. Instead of going on a "date", DH and I snuck away last Sunday morning and went for a nice 8 mile hike in the woods.


When the kids were little, having one evening outside the house, engaged in an activity I enjoy, was very important. I went back to choir when my kids were a few months and could be left for two hours without nursing; those two hours were the only "me-time" I got all week and were essential to my mental health.

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If Ibbygirl is looking for extra clients, I'm willing to write references.



*big kiss*




:confused: Clients for what?? You know that I'm horrible about taking care of myself. You're always telling me to go to sleep when I'd rather stay up and talk to you! :lol::lol::lol:

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I've been working on this. I've come up with


Using fancy, smelly shower gels and bubbles. I look forward to that bath!


I go to bed early and read. I love to read but cannot enjoy it when kids interrupt me every 5 minutes.


After lunch I put all the work on ignore for 15 minutes and do a little yoga. I finally figured out 15 minutes won't matter in the scheme of education or house cleaning.

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On one of my husband's days off, he has the kids. I do the shopping...alone. I take my time and go to all the places my kids groan if they have to go: the thrift stores, the fabric stores, clothing stores. The grocery shopping is last. Sometimes, I treat my self to lunch out, sometimes I just get myself some chocolate. It is absolute heaven to just get in the car and drive away by myself for a few hours. Even the driving is enjoyable. I listen to whatever I want on the radio, or sing to myself.


Other than that, I take vitamins, power walk with my neighbor in the mornings, read, try to eat healthy/healthier.

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After dropping older ds off at his bus, I have about 30 minutes before dd and dh get up to get ready to leave. I sit and enjoy the quiet (except for the kittens who tear around, but they are wonderfully relaxing to watch!) and get online to check emails. I try to limit my online time to then and not check again until lunch, but it's usually an epic fail. :001_huh:


Younger ds usually gets up sometime in that 30 min. window, but he keeps to himself usually.


I also get out once or twice a week to play ice hockey and in the drier weather, I'll join my team mates for more mountain biking.


If I've had a particularly trying day, I usually just take a book and go to bed about 8pm, if possible. I used to take relaxing baths, but I've ruined too many library books by falling asleep in the tub :tongue_smilie:

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I try to get out once a week to the bookstore by myself. Every other week, my good friend joins me and we do a book discussion. It's lovely. We drink cooffe or tea, and chat for hours. Dh puts everyone to bed, and I come home refreshed.

I've given up some of my ideals in order to simplify my life...I do buy some convinience foods, like deli turkey to make easy lunches. I used to feel a lot of guilt about it, but I realized if it freed up time and lessened some stress and workload, it was worth it. I have three little ones, and sometimes making three complete meals and the clean up is too much.

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What a great thread. Here are some of the things I've done:


putting my youngest in school. I was seriously burnt out after 19yr homeschooling and it was time. There were other reasons as well, of course, but this was certainly one of them.


Being in church. When I enter church it's as if my whole body takes a deep sigh. There is a sense of peace that envelopes me. There's just something about being saturated with the worship of the Orthodox church through music, chanting, icons, incense, Psalms, etc. that penetrates my weary soul.


Weaving... this is something I'd wanted to do for a long, long time, but put off because of homeschooling. As soon as I knew I was retiring I took a 3day class, rented a loom, and had a ball. Since then, I've bought my own loom and truly do enjoy the whole process from winding the warp, to putting it on the loom and then the actual weaving.


Taking a bath... I just love sinking into a hot tub with a good book. It's the only time I can read for a long time without falling asleep! :001_smile:

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I take yoga classes at a yoga studio. It is a little expensive but worth every penny. My kids and husband encourage me to go. They know how much it helps me physically but also mentally.


I also get my hair done every couple of months. I have a lot of gray and I'm too young to go there. :glare: It makes me feel better about my appearance.


This is a great thread!!!


God Bless,

Elise in NC

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