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Here's a Pinterest question...

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When you say the word, do you say, "PIN-trest" or do you say, "Pin-IN-trest"? My SIL was saying the later. I have not heard anyone else talk about it IRL; only here. I was saying PIN-trest. Is that how it's supposed to be said? My SIL's way seems more understandable, but it's not written that way, so now I just don't know.

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But a friend of mine says Pin-interest. She also pronounces fruition as

fru-tation. Every. Time.


Don't even get me started on how she says rendezvous.




I still don't understand the addition of an extra syllable, but it wouldn't annoy me or anything like that.


Reminds me of a parody of Chloe Sevigny, wherein the actor (yes, actor) portraying her pronounces "barbecue" as "bar-bay-kwa-ah" and "Halloween" as "Hah-lo-way-en".

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ren-dez-vows. Now, read that exactly as it's printed- not the traditional

rän-day. Ren-dez-vows. As in wedding vows.



Ohdear. It's worse than I thought. I had an acquaintance who argued with me once that hors douvres (sp?) was actually pronounced "horse doovers". I still laugh til I cry just thinking about it. I'm laughing now. I'm actually L'ing....OL. :lol:


I say PINtrist for pinterest.....you know, as all correct people do. ;)


BTW, is this your husband's sister or your brother's wife? I maintain that the English language should be more like Farsi, in which they have separate words for each relationship. My brother's wife is, well, how does one say this? (Bless her heart...) She is intellectually stunted? She ARGUED with me, stating that there is no such word as "enunciate" and that it is "pronounciate".


Someday I shall learn to stop attempting to have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent. (It's unkind.)


I simply have not matured to that point yet. I have actually walked away from her before muttering, "doodyhead!"


There is that maturity my mom prayed for!

Edited by ThatCyndiGirl
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Ohdear. It's worse than I thought. I had an acquaintance who argued with me once that hors douvres (sp?) was actually pronounced "horse doovers". I still laugh til I cry just thinking about it. I'm laughing now. I'm actually L'ing....OL. :lol:



Oh man! I just laughed myself to tears.


Hearing adults say things like ren-dez-vows and horse doovers (oh dear, there I go again!) helps me keep in mind why I correct my nine year old's pronunciation each time while he reads aloud. Sometimes I feel mean, especially when I'm interrupting the thought, but, do I really want to be responsible for my adult child saying "horse doovers" in public because I didn't bother to tell him it was wrong? No (snort) I do (chortle) not (guffaw)! :lol:

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My brother's wife is, well, how does one say this? (Bless her heart...) She is intellectually stunted? She ARGUED with me, stating that there is no such word as "enunciate" and that it is "pronounciate".




Ok, that made me spew my Pepsi Max through my nose.


No, not a relative. Thank goodness!!!

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I also say pin-trest (I pronounce interest in-trest), but I've heard it referred to as pin-ter-est.


And though I know how to pronounce hors d'oeuvres, I have called them hors doovers or, more often, horse divorce. Just because I'm sometimes goofy that way. :D

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I also say pin-trest (I pronounce interest in-trest), but I've heard it referred to as pin-ter-est.


And though I know how to pronounce hors d'oeuvres, I have called them hors doovers or, more often, horse divorce. Just because I'm sometimes goofy that way. :D


I'm saying horse divorce from now on.


Our kids do musical theater and last spring ds played the king in Cinderella. He had to say hors d'oeuvres and during the first script read through, SO many kids said it the wrong way. It was comical. I was glad it wasn't just the homeschoolers who said it wrong that day.


Horse Divorce. Ha!

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I also say pin-trest (I pronounce interest in-trest), but I've heard it referred to as pin-ter-est.


And though I know how to pronounce hors d'oeuvres, I have called them hors doovers or, more often, horse divorce. Just because I'm sometimes goofy that way. :D



OMG, HORSE DIVORCE!!! I'm picturing two horses getting married (bridal veil on one, top hat on the other), then....years later.....at the courthouse, arguing in front of a judge over who gets the nice feedbag and who gets the saddle. :lol:


(I'm sorry, I know I'm terrible. The dissolution of an equine union is nothing to laugh about....)


And, speaking of pinterest, I think someone asked for the link for mine awhile ago. Here it is:



Edited by ThatCyndiGirl
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It's a play on the word "interest", so I say "Pin-ter-est". Interest with a p on the front.


Yes, I agree with the origin of what Pinterest mean...there are really some of you who say "interest" as 3 syllables?



But a friend of mine says Pin-interest. She also pronounces fruition as

fru-tation. Every. Time.


Don't even get me started on how she says rendezvous.


I'm just wondering where people are getting the extra "in" in there. I was thinking maybe the logo had some sort of design where it played on "Pin" and "Interest," which could make it ambiguous, but now I just plain don't know. She was saying "Pin-interest" and I was saying "Pinterest."


Ohdear. It's worse than I thought. I had an acquaintance who argued with me once that hors douvres (sp?) was actually pronounced "horse doovers". I still laugh til I cry just thinking about it. I'm laughing now. I'm actually L'ing....OL. :lol:


I say PINtrist for pinterest.....you know, as all correct people do. ;)


BTW, is this your husband's sister or your brother's wife? I maintain that the English language should be more like Farsi, in which they have separate words for each relationship. My brother's wife is, well, how does one say this? (Bless her heart...) She is intellectually stunted? She ARGUED with me, stating that there is no such word as "enunciate" and that it is "pronounciate".


Someday I shall learn to stop attempting to have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent. (It's unkind.)


I simply have not matured to that point yet. I have actually walked away from her before muttering, "doodyhead!"


There is that maturity my mom prayed for!


:lol: Well, the SIL that I mentioned is my husband's sister. I do have a different SIL, though, who has a lot of speaking anomalies. She says "wrenched" for "rinsed," as in "I wrenched my hair twice to get the shampoo out..." She also says "horserelish" for "horseradish" and "comfort" for "comforter" (like on your bed). It's annoying for a word gal like me. :tongue_smilie:

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I say it Pin-ter-est, rhymes with interest.


I think this is how it was intended....


Two Syllables - Pin-Trest as does all people in this area and all of my expanded family around the country that uses it.


By the way, you are not a true homeschool mom until at least one of your children have school you on a vocabulary word. :blush:


......., but I live not too far from this poster's area. This is how "I" say pinterest....


My DD and I say it wrong - "P" interest. :)


.........this made me laugh because I was sure my mother was the ONLY person who said it this way. All. The. Time. Of course, she is still probably the only person who thinks it's correct. LOL

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