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The second I can..... (a vent and honest question)

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The very moment I can, I am pulling my boys to homeschool. Reason?


(many people wouldn't consider it homeschooling for kids so young, I realize; but I'm pulling them from school so it is homeschooling enough for me).


WHY is it that the great majority of parents research their options and/or are with their kids at everything from daycare to sports practices, interview nannies, even wonder if they should leave their kids with their own spouse for 8 hours....but they drop their 3, 4, 5, 6, 7year old children off at the local public school after almost no consideration whatsoever? Even if we had 10 minutes or even an hour with the preK or Kindy teacher, we don't know about anyone else our kids are seeing - the school nurse, the office staff, the PE teacher, the music or art teacher, the reading resource teacher, the mental health professional, the speech therapist, the......


And yet we trust our kids with all these strangers WHY?!?!?! Because society says we should?


I am sending my boys to school today AGAIN to a school where I do not trust a SINGLE person they will come in contact with. A couple of those people, like the PE teacher, I've never met. Some of those people have proven that they simply are NOT trustworthy! And yet I'm going to send them back because I have no choice.


But the great majority of people DO have some choice or another. They simply choose to send their most precious children to a building with people they don't know from Adam and continue to do so almost regardless of what happens! Seriously, most parents wouldn't have put up with the smaller things we've dealt with this year (so far) from ANYONE else. Why would they put up with the more troubling parts which suggest the people involved simply aren't capable of keeping kids safe or handling minor issues?


Well I am done. I have wavered about what to do because of our circumstances since August. I simply cannot do worse than that school and I simply will not continue to put up with it past the point I have to. And now that we are on our final stretch for the adoption, I feel like I finally have some power to DO something.


And yet, it is going to kill me to put my almost 5year old on that bus this morning (the other has a dental appointment). It is worse because the situation that happened yesterday was in relation to him.


(Note: my boys go to a different school than my daughter does. Some may have seen me sing praises about my daughter's school, teachers, program, etc. Absolutely wonderful. I won't leave her in forever, but she will finish out Kindy and I will likely try Kindy with each boy when the time comes).

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(((hugs, Pamela))))


I'm sorry you are right now forced into this, and you are right -- too often, because we "have to" we put up with junk at the school that we wouldn't be okay with anywhere/from anyone else.




Hang in there, in the meantime, and love on those boys as best you can at home until they can be home all the time.

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I get this on so many levels. I remember telling our adoption worker during our 6m trial period that it was a joke. When she asked why, I told her that this was not what our home would look like after the adoption because we'd be homeschooling. I think if you've started adoption proceedings you should be able to start homeschooling. As it was we went straight from the courthouse to the school board.

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As it was we went straight from the courthouse to the school board.


That is my intention. I knew I would do it with the little one, but now I know I'm going to do it with both boys. I simply cannot leave my kids somewhere they are not safe on top of all the rest of the junk we've dealt with in the last several months. My luck, the school will call CPS on me. LOL

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WHY is it that the great majority of parents research their options and/or are with their kids at everything from daycare to sports practices, interview nannies, even wonder if they should leave their kids with their own spouse for 8 hours....but they drop their 3, 4, 5, 6, 7year old children off at the local public school after almost no consideration whatsoever?


Because they believe that they have no other options. Some people really do NOT have other options. (Can't afford private school, don't know how/don't believe that they could homeschool or don't even know about homeschooling.)


While I see some homeschooling message boards with a "homeschool above all else/at all costs" mentality, I don't go for it, myself. Sometimes survival really is more important than the choice of school at that time.

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I suppose most parents figure it's just what you do, you put your kids in ps.


However, I do think it's unfair to say that ps parents across the board put no thought into it. That has not been my experience in general. Of course, I know of some parents that don't care, but there have been some hs'ing parents I've known that have done a disservice to their children, as well.


:grouphug: to you. I hope everything works out for you soon.

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Jenn, I'm actually having an issue with the ones I DO know. I wouldn't trust them under any other circumstance; but I have to leave my young sons with them. And it isn't just one issue. I realize I am picky but no the majority of people would not leave their kids in these circumstances but do because it is what parents are expected to do.


A friend and I chatted earlier. She believes she must send her kids to school. No issue there. But she really had t considered she would do more if she were hiring a babysitter. She figures she just has to put up with how things are.


I just am not so indoctrinated....


I took the class to volunteer. But they don't REALLY want anyone up there. Especially don't want someone there if the parent has a reason for wanting to be up there. I am not allowed in the door because I used specific examples of things causing my son problems.

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Jenn, I'm actually having an issue with the ones I DO know. I wouldn't trust them under any other circumstance; but I have to leave my young sons with them. And it isn't just one issue. I realize I am picky but no the majority of people would not leave their kids in these circumstances but do because it is what parents are expected to do.


A friend and I chatted earlier. She believes she must send her kids to school. No issue there. But she really had t considered she would do more if she were hiring a babysitter. She figures she just has to put up with how things are.


I just am not so indoctrinated....


I took the class to volunteer. But they don't REALLY want anyone up there. Especially don't want someone there if the parent has a reason for wanting to be up there. I am not allowed in the door because I used specific examples of things causing my son problems.




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Pamela, if the courthouse gives you any grief, see if you can pull them and use Texas Virtual Academy or other cyber school for the interim, until you can get it cleared. It's still ps, so they can't deny you legally, and it keeps the kids home with you. Then, you can continue to pursue the issue and just withdraw from TVA.

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Pamela, if the courthouse gives you any grief, see if you can pull them and use Texas Virtual Academy or other cyber school for the interim, until you can get it cleared. It's still ps, so they can't deny you legally, and it keeps the kids home with you. Then, you can continue to pursue the issue and just withdraw from TVA.

I didn't think you could use the virtual academy under 3rd grade. Maybe this has changed? :confused:


Pamela, :grouphug:.


Mine are back in PS, and although I am less than thrilled with ds6 teacher...he is enjoying the whole school experience. If he wasn't then he would probably be right back home.

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What took place?


All employees of the school district go through criminal background and fingerprint databases. :confused: Are you suggesting abuse is taking place?


Or is this more non-communication (too many "hands" in the soup pot) and your frustration at not being told of what is taking place? :grouphug:

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