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DS4 broke DS 13's finger

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I am so angry and frustrated. It was a semi-accident. They were roughhousing at church last Sunday and DS stomped on DS 13's finger. It really hurt the next day so we took him in to urgent care. It was fractured. :(


Had an ortho consult today and he showed me where the bone chipped off his knuckle. He said he was more worried about the tendon that had separated.


He has a splint for a month. He just got his dream guitar for Christmas and now he can't play. He was also slated to play drum in our Fife and Drum Corps at Disneylad on Saturday.


I know accidents happen but man I am really mad. And to the guy at church who poo-poohed DS: Yes, it DID really hurt that bad! :glare:

Edited by Miss Peregrine
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I am so angry and frustrated. It was a semi-accident. They were roughhousing at church last Sunday and DS stomped on DS 13's finger. It really hurt the next day so we took him in to urgent care. It was fractured. :(


Had an ortho consult today and he showed me where the bone chipped off his knuckle. He said he was more worried about the tendon that had separated.


He has a splint for a month. He just got his dream guitar for Christmas and now he can't play. He was also slated to play drum in our Fife and Drum Corps at Disneylad on Saturday.


I know accidents happen but man I am really mad. And to the guy at church who poo-poohed DS: Yes, it DID really hurt that bad! :glare:




Wow...that really stinks! When will you find out about the tendon damage?

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I hope it heals quickly and cleanly. DD broke a bone in her hand when she tried to do a flip off our stairs (which was followed, very soon after, by my enrolling her in gymnastics classes), and the orthopedist commented at her follow up that it was good to be a kid-that an adult would have had a much worse time. Hopefully your 13 yr old will have a similar fast recovery.

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That stinks, I know how you feel. My oldest and youngest were rough housing and the oldest accidentally poked youngest in the eye about a year ago. Well after taking him to the Dr. we found out his cornea was scratched severely, when I say severely, I mean after they put the dye in you could see the scratch even without the special light. The poor little guy was basically blind for 4 days while it healed.

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I agree as he purposely stomped on the finger. However, what punishment is appropriate? I would be stumped as to what to dish out as punishment.

I am not really sure what I could do. Foster son just turned 4 a few days ago and has limited language skills. He was trying to land on top of DS13( per DS13) and landed on his hand.

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I understand. A couple of years ago dd's arm was broken at the party of one of her teammates. One girl pushed her off a big rock that a couple of girls were standing on so that she could get a chance to stand on it. My dd caught the fall with her hands and fractured her ulna. I was so mad about it. I understood it was an accident, but I was still mad that this impulsive kid didn't think about the possibility of someone getting hurt; that the parent in charge never called me and didn't say anything to me when I arrived to pick dd up; that dd had to miss the rest of the softball season; and that we had to spend time and money on dr. visits. I'm sorry about your ds. Poor guy. Hopefully hd heals quickly and he can get back to the guitar.

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Wow...that really stinks! When will you find out about the tendon damage?

Dr put a splint on it and said it should be good in a month. I hope.

Don't be too rough on them?? I think the 4yo should be disciplined for stomping on his sibling's finger. When is that appropriate?


To the OP, I'm sorry that happened. Which finger was it?

His middle finger, left hand.

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Don't be too rough on them?? I think the 4yo should be disciplined for stomping on his sibling's finger. When is that appropriate?


To the OP, I'm sorry that happened. Which finger was it?


Or, the 13-year-old could be disciplined for putting his finger where a 4-year-old could stomp on it. :D Oh, maybe the broken finger is punishment enough for him. Lesson: we're at church. Don't roughhouse with your little brother who doesn't know any better.

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I am not really sure what I could do. Foster son just turned 4 a few days ago and has limited language skills. He was trying to land on top of DS13( per DS13) and landed on his hand.


Ah, that changes it a bit. Then it was an accident and not a purposeful stomp on the finger.


My dh was wrestling with our boys and the little one jumped on dh. He smacked dh in the mouth and knocked out dh's front tooth. He now has an implant.


Rough housing is a form of male bonding so there's no stopping it. However, church is not the place for it....

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