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It's a Puzzle!

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I thought I'd show you guys my new dress. I'm so psyched that I found a dress I liked yesterday.


Then I thought I'd give you all a clue about the thing I'm doing tomorrow that I've wanted to do for ages but was always too chicken.


Can you spot what I'm wearing that gives it away? What am I going to do tomorrow?



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Can you spot what I'm wearing that gives it away?



Um, you're wearing headphones because you have to go get your hearing checked because of the !!!***BLING***!!! on your finger? :001_smile:


(OK, that was silly, but I hope you have fun, whatever it is!)

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Okay, the "bling on my finger" line cracked me up. The only way I EVER get a picture of me is to take it myself in the mirror. It's like I don't exist, otherwise - no one except my MOM takes pictures of me and she's in NY!


Several of you got it right!


I am going to the rifle range to shoot a handgun for the first time tomorrow. Why?


Because I want to be the new "angel" in the next Charlie's Angel flick. Watch out Lucy Liu!


Okay, seriously. I started looking into shooting because of my writing. The scenes where people used guns were too ridiculous. Then, I kind of got intrigued. I don't know if I'll get "into" it, but tomorrow I'm going to a practice where you have to shoot various targets through "doorways" and "windows" and other scenarios. I watched them do it a few weeks ago and it's interesting.


I am nervous. I don't know the guy who's teaching me, but I'm going to go with an open mind and learn all I can. I'll report back tomorrow night.

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Okay, the "bling on my finger" line cracked me up. The only way I EVER get a picture of me is to take it myself in the mirror. It's like I don't exist, otherwise - no one except my MOM takes pictures of me and she's in NY!


Several of you got it right!


I am going to the rifle range to shoot a handgun for the first time tomorrow. Why?


Okay, seriously. I started looking into shooting because of my writing. The scenes where people used guns were too ridiculous. Then, I kind of got intrigued. I don't know if I'll get "into" it, but tomorrow I'm going to a practice where you have to shoot various targets through "doorways" and "windows" and other scenarios. I watched them do it a few weeks ago and it's interesting.


I am nervous. I don't know the guy who's teaching me, but I'm going to go with an open mind and learn all I can. I'll report back tomorrow night.


So are you going "in character"? My MIL writes murder mystery novels and we've been on a few "research missions" with her. It's so fun to see those scences show up in the finished product.


Have fun!

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Well, I would have been wrong. Given your shoes and the position of your feet, I was going to guess that you were going to get a tatoo above your ankle. :D Must have been the talk about Lisa's nose ring that gave me that idea. I thought the headphones were meant to throw us off. :lol:


Yes, I am pretty stupid tonight.

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Well, I would have been wrong. Given your shoes and the position of your feet, I was going to guess that you were going to get a tatoo above your ankle. :D Must have been the talk about Lisa's nose ring that gave me that idea. I thought the headphones were meant to throw us off. :lol:


Yes, I am pretty stupid tonight.


Snort! I'm showing off my shoes. I love those shoes but I hardly ever wear them out of the house. Every time I do, something bad happens. They're possessed or something. :lol: They're so retro and cute though. I hate keeping them in the closet.

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You look lovely, by the way, but I thought of you as having straight, blonde hair. Wrong again, I guess!


Probably from an older photo. My hair goes really blond in the sun, and when I lived in California I was outside all the time. Since moving here where the sun don't shine, I'm back to being a brunette. :tongue_smilie:

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Okay, the "bling on my finger" line cracked me up. The only way I EVER get a picture of me is to take it myself in the mirror. It's like I don't exist, otherwise - no one except my MOM takes pictures of me and she's in NY!


Several of you got it right!


I am going to the rifle range to shoot a handgun for the first time tomorrow. Why?


Because I want to be the new "angel" in the next Charlie's Angel flick. Watch out Lucy Liu!


Okay, seriously. I started looking into shooting because of my writing. The scenes where people used guns were too ridiculous. Then, I kind of got intrigued. I don't know if I'll get "into" it, but tomorrow I'm going to a practice where you have to shoot various targets through "doorways" and "windows" and other scenarios. I watched them do it a few weeks ago and it's interesting.


I am nervous. I don't know the guy who's teaching me, but I'm going to go with an open mind and learn all I can. I'll report back tomorrow night.


Required to get my CW Permit. Anyways, at the end of the class we were rewarded by getting to sho0t one, single bullet from a Desert Eagle....50 caliber handgun.


Good Lord, I will never forget the feeling. I felt as though my hand exploded as I pulled the trigger. The precussion shook my whole body. And then, I laughed wickedly and wanted to do it again...


Of course, I wanted to be one of Charlie's Angels too....




Agreeing with others - you are one HOT MOMMA

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I HAD a pair of shoes like that. . .everytime I wore them something bad happened, but they were SO cool! The something bad was that I would fall. . .not stumble, but HIT THE GROUND!!!! DD got rid of them for me.


Someone should start a shoe reform school.


My worst shoe story involved a pair of "sensible" black shoes with block low heels that should have been impossible to fall in, but I was out with dh and another couple, we'd had a few drinks and we were on our way to play a little midnight basketball.


I fell ON THE WAY to the basketball court. For no good reason at all - just splat! Rolled my heel, thought I'd broken something it hurt so bad, and hobbled for about six months after that. God, that was a nightmare.


Bad shoes. Bad, bad shoes!

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