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Juicing: A little late to the party, but I made it!

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Well, this isn't going to help you at all except to give you a bump, but....


I was thinking about this as well. I spent a week looking at juicers and I've done this before. Whenever I think of it though, I go back to thinking that it's better (and much cheaper) to eat WHOLE fruits and vegetables. So we are buying weekly from an organic farm and aspiring to eat everything in the pre-packed large basket each week. If you think of some great advantage (that comes with juicing only) that I'm not thinking of, will you let me know?

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Go for it!!


I haven't done anything like that, but I think that there are MANY ways to achieve a healthy diet, and you are excited about THIS way, so you should absolutely do it.


Take one day at a time, expect bumps in the road, and just start anew every morning.


Sweating for an hour every day is a huge help. Walk, run, bike, zumba, whatever. Just sweat!


You can do this!

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We started juicing a couple of weeks ago (dh, not me, I am hypoglycemic and juiceing is NOT helpful).

I cannot say that he has lost weight (he didn't weigh himself before) but he looks so much better. He lost the dark circles under his eyes and his skin was a gray color and is now pink again. I also think he has lost some inches on his waist.

I make his meals amost every night (for the next day).

He juices all day but eats a salad or other vegan dish at night.


Here is a link to some good recipes:




DH likes the salsa one and the italian one best


He also likes the Green juice from the SF&ND movie.



Good luck!



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I was thinking about that too!! But the way they explained it in the documentary was that it was just easier to drink such a high quantity of vegetables than eating them. Also, I think it's easier to absorb all the nutrients when it's in liquid form??


One draw for me is that there are several veggies that I just do not like eating, like, beets, celery, a few others. I like the aspect of getting all the benefits from the raw veggies, but I don't have to eat them, LOL! Plus, ginger is really good for me (anti-inflammatory) but I don't feel like the capsules benefit me as much, but I did notice a lot of juice recipes have ginger in them :)


I don't think I would go through the extremes of juicing if I wasn't so desperate to lose the weight..... I'm hoping that the huge influx of nutrients and antioxidants will detox my body and help me break my sugar addiction.


I'll have to let you know if it works! :)



I can't eat very many veggies or fruits before I get sick of eating them! We have a vitamix and it's great because you use the whole fruit and lots of veggies and I can drink it down with no problem. I get a lot more of spinach, kale, and carrots than I ever thought possible.

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I was thinking about that too!! But the way they explained it in the documentary was that it was just easier to drink such a high quantity of vegetables than eating them. Also, I think it's easier to absorb all the nutrients when it's in liquid form??


One draw for me is that there are several veggies that I just do not like eating, like, beets, celery, a few others. I like the aspect of getting all the benefits from the raw veggies, but I don't have to eat them, LOL! Plus, ginger is really good for me (anti-inflammatory) but I don't feel like the capsules benefit me as much, but I did notice a lot of juice recipes have ginger in them :)


I don't think I would go through the extremes of juicing if I wasn't so desperate to lose the weight..... I'm hoping that the huge influx of nutrients and antioxidants will detox my body and help me break my sugar addiction.


I'll have to let you know if it works! :)


That would be great! I can't wait to hear. I hope that you will update often. I also want to know if you begin to feel differently as well. Have fun with this!!!

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Just to let you know that even the guy from the documentary says he would lead into the juicing rather than just jump into it if he had to do it again.

As you saw in the documentary, he was miserable the first few days.


What *I* am doing:


One 32 oz juice per day (nursed as I wish)

and otherwise:

soups/stews from lowfatvegan.com and cancerproject.org/recipes




I *might* go for straight juice after awhile for awhile, but....


Anyway, I'm trying to get over 1200 calories per day, mostly easily digestible, nutrient-dense foods.


Congrats on your choice though. Juicing is often a great start to eating a more nutrient-dense diet.

It clears the slate a little to give you the opportunity to build a healthy diet.

Edited by 2J5M9K
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Sure, I can make updates :) I get my juicer on Thursday and I have co-op that day, so I plan on stopping at Whole Foods on the way home. I'll just add it to my diet, I think, and start the actual fast on Monday.


I'll be your buddy...:D anyone else want to start out together???


I'm semi starting tomorrow (finally got our juicer back from SIL) but am plannint on starting a 15 day detox/raw food diet on Monday...juicing breakfast & lunch, with as raw as possible dinner w/ occasional lean protein (I am a runner/avid exerciser and nervous about going cold turkey w/ no protein) I'm juicing to try and detox to build my immune system

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We started juicing a couple of weeks ago (dh, not me, I am hypoglycemic and juiceing is NOT helpful).

I cannot say that he has lost weight (he didn't weigh himself before) but he looks so much better. He lost the dark circles under his eyes and his skin was a gray color and is now pink again. I also think he has lost some inches on his waist.

I make his meals amost every night (for the next day).

He juices all day but eats a salad or other vegan dish at night.


Here is a link to some good recipes:




DH likes the salsa one and the italian one best


He also likes the Green juice from the SF&ND movie.



Good luck!




Thanks for posting this site. I bought a new juicer this week and it didn't come with recipes. :confused: I've been searching the internet, but hadn't found nearly as many good recipes as this site has. Thanks!

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If you aren't already on it for your insulin resistance, you should really ask your doctor about Metformin. It helps normalize insulin and blood sugar levels which greatly impacts those carb cravings. We saw this movie too and got a Vitamix rather than a juicer. I am diabetic and so the added fiber is better for me. I also add at least some protein (greek yogurt, almonds) to my fruit/veggie mixtures and, hopefully obviously, would not do a straight juice fast myself.

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I got my juicer Wednesday and have made a few juices.


The first one required beets, carrots and oranges.... I should have used fewer beets... it was very..... earthy.


I'm going to be having a green juice (Kale, Lemon, Ginger, Apple, Cucumber, Celery) for breakfast and a handful of nuts about 30 minutes later.


For lunch, I'll be making a healthy meal, sometimes vegetarian, sometimes vegan; lots of fish and Quinoa/Bean, with red meat 2-3 times a month. Tons of veggies.


I'll be making a smoothie with frozen berries, almond butter, dates and coconut milk midday.


Dinner will be leftovers from lunch, and another veggie/fruit juice.


I decided not to do a straight fast b/c I didn't want to have my blood sugars go all over the place. As others suggested, I am easing into it. I'm glad I listened to that advice, because the juice is going to take me a minute to get used to ;) I know that if I started off with an all or nothing juice fast, I would have failed after the first week and ended up at The Cheesecake Factory!



Sounds like a great plan- I keep going back and forth between 100% raw & juicing or just 2 meals a day w/ a reasonable lean/raw dinner. ;)


DH & I have already made 3, 8oz juices each- a spinach, carrot, apple (on the sweet side), a spinach, tomato, celery, parsely, onion (I will never be adding onion again- I instantly felt sick- LOL) and a orange/grapefruit one. Nice, but sweet. THe kids enjoyed all of them too...so that part is neat


We have juiced in the past so the taste/texture isn't new...the playing w/ varieties is :)


We bought 80lbs of veggies/fruit from CostCo so we're committed until that runs out...which, actually will be before the week is out. LOL

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I was on Metformin whenever my A1C was REALLY close to being classified as diabetic. It made me really nauseous though, and gave me GI issues. I told my doctor that I couldn't take it anymore.... I started seeing a holistic nutritionist and she started me on high quality (NOW Foods Brand) Cinnamon capsules, and a few other things. I cut out a lot of sugar and after almost a year, I got my A1C down into normal levels :) This current physical we had in the Fall, was the FIRST time that my triglycerides were in the normal range!! My Vit D, LDL and HDL were also normal... usually, my HDL is too low.


So, I'm hoping that adding the juice and replacing a meal with it will help me get rid of my sugar issues once and for all. It runs on both sides of my family though, so it's an uphill battle. :glare:


I'm also going to cut waaaayyyyy down on carbs/grains.


I am glad you've had success. :001_smile: I don't know what you were taking, but the extended release Metformin is much better in that area.

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I've found recipes online and in books and tried them and they always seem to taste terrible. What I do is just get the stuff I want and throw it all in there together. It might not be the most efficient or pretty solution but it works. This morning I made juice for dh and I and here's what I put in there.



1 apple

1/2 small lemon

A handful of spinach leaves

1/2 a cucumber

1 small kiwi

3 or 4 large pieces of celery

3 or 4 carrots


It was supposed to include broccoli but I forgot it. Basically I've found that the more I throw in there the better it tastes. Sometimes I also use a small amount of ginger (very small because I learned the hard way that too much ginger is yucky and too spicy)

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I forgot about this thread. :blushing:


I'm on day 6 of juicing and doing well. I'm juicing for breakfast and lunch, eating raw fruits & veggies as needed (usually 2 snacks during the day), a small cup of of fresh grapefruit juice around 4pm (seems to help quench any random cravings) and then having veggies & something warm at dinner....protein about every other night, a baked sweet potato (plain) and spinach w/ olive oil & balsamic. Like, fresh- those kinds fo things.


But I have to be really careful to chose bland, easily digestible things- otherwise, my stomach gets really upset (I had a spoonfull of sausage/kale soup that I made for the fam and felt it for 2 hours afterwards) Anyone else noticed that???


The first few days were tougher (getting used to it and all) and today was hard, as I ran 3 miles this AM, and this afternoon my body started craving carbs & protein in a most assertive way. Was rough.


Otherwise, I've already lost 4.5 pounds and am thru the worst of it and feeling good. I'm still hoping to continue to 15 days, maybe 21 (we'll see how life goes).

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Thanks, this is similar to our morning veggie juice. I think I might try to add kiwi next time, to try and sweeten it up a bit.


Here's what I did this morning..... it made too much, I think; like, 36 ounces of juice.


8 Kale leaves

3 Apples

2 Lemons

1 Handful Parsley

1 inch Ginger

2 Cucumbers

2 Celery Stalks


Like I said, it was ok... I could still taste the celery too much. I'm hoping the kiwi might sweeten it up.


My morning cocktail is:


4 cups kale

2 cups spinach

1 stalk celery

1 granny smith apple

1 kiwi

1/2 cucumber



I was warned about celery, and have never tried more than one stalk. I've never added lemon- I keep forgetting to pick them up, but I"ve heard it brightens the taste.


I LOVE beets, but think you have to clean the (and cut off ends) to avoid the grit...and I've never done more than 1 at a time...they are so very earthy and I love them, but in moderation :D

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Well, this isn't going to help you at all except to give you a bump, but....


I was thinking about this as well. I spent a week looking at juicers and I've done this before. Whenever I think of it though, I go back to thinking that it's better (and much cheaper) to eat WHOLE fruits and vegetables. So we are buying weekly from an organic farm and aspiring to eat everything in the pre-packed large basket each week. If you think of some great advantage (that comes with juicing only) that I'm not thinking of, will you let me know?


If you look at the reboot program that that movie encourages, you don't have to purely juice. You can just rely on fruits and veggies. I'll be honest with ya here: We bought a juicer. Although I love the taste of fresh juice ... nothing like that bottled crap ... I hate cleaning that thing. It is such a nuance. Plus you do miss out on all that good fiber that I really hate wasting.

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Try a couple dates to sweeten it up. Grapes are good for sweet as well.


Try and muscle through the celery. It is a negative calorie food!


You all are inspiring me to try and smoothie more! I don't juice, I like the fiber.


I just wish I could make a smoothie in the morning when I get up. However the Vitamix is *cough* somewhat loud and would wake up the neighborhood, let a lone the rest of the house.


So I am trying to have one lunchish.


Hopefully I will feel better as I incorporate more in. I have been feeling really tired lately!

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We got a juicer at Christmas & have been using it almost daily. We are really enjoying it!


(TMI ALERT) HOWEVER, today I added a radish, greens & all, to my normal green juice. By late afternoon I had become extremely..um..'windy'. I have eaten raw radishes in my salads without trouble in the past, but that is the only thing different about today that I can think of. Anyone else ever have a not great after effect from putting a radish in your juice?

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  • 1 month later...

I'm not one of the original posters, but I've been on the 'Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead' juice fast for a week now...and I've lost 6kg! (Just looked up the conversion and it's 13.2lb) :party:


I'm feeling really good (after the first 3 days, which were a bit yucky), and I plan to stick it out for the 60 days. I'm soo glad my dh is on it with me for moral support (plus he has weight to lose too.) We are both feeling better than we have in quite a while. 2 of my dd's have even commited to a 10 day fast, on seeing how great we feel!

Edited by Isabella
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I didn't do a straight juice fast but juiced for breakfast and lunch for about 10 days before we left for our Disney trip. I noticed a drastic difference in my energy level and my sinus/allergy problems were majorly improved. I also lost about 7 pounds. Unfortunately I didn't have the juicer on the trip and it broke when we got home so now I'm working on over two weeks without juice and also have some kind of respiratory bug so I feel cruddy. Bought a new juicer and started back today. I imagine at this point we'll make this a permanent change at our house.

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Hoping for updates from the juicers!


I did a modified juice fast for 15 days, and am starting another one tomorrow. :) My rules were: I juiced breakfast & lunch, ate raw fruits & veggies as desired and then added lean protein at dinner and one cooked veg- like tilapia & sweet potato w/ raw broccoli. My energy was sky high- I felt soooo great; positive outlook, more than enough energy for the day, no sinus/allergy issues or feeling chronically sick or run down (which is what led me to juicing in the first place). I felt fantastic. Really :)


I lost 6-7lbs, have kept it off (for those wondering if you immediately gain back 'water' weight) and feel like crud now that I've introduced processed food back into my diet. :glare: Transitioning out of juicing, I ate a very high lean protein/high veg diet w no sugar, wheat or processed foods and still felt realllllly good. But I thought it wasn't realistic and so 6 days ago started adding back more processed food back- promptly got sick/run down/sinus dealio no less than 48 hours after that...and have felt yuck since then. Honestly, looking back it was seems stupid but actually yielded very valuable info for me...I now know I have issues w/ sugar & wheat and cannot happily co-exist with them. I'm sad about that reality (for wheat), but honestly feel sooo thankful that I was able to find a healthy way of living that improved my life.


DH was just talking with me about this....he pointed out that many people live w/ diabetes meds, high blood pressure meds, or they drastically alter their lives- forever. We have to accept my wiring and choose to live with it- its doable. Not my choice or ideal, but doable.


Anyway- starting another 15 day fast tomorrow (until 3/14) if anyone wants to join me. :D We have quite a few social eating things in the next 2 weeks that I am hosting, so I will have to flex a lot...but the important thing is for me to make this more liveable.

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I didn't do a straight juice fast but juiced for breakfast and lunch for about 10 days before we left for our Disney trip. I noticed a drastic difference in my energy level and my sinus/allergy problems were majorly improved. I also lost about 7 pounds. Unfortunately I didn't have the juicer on the trip and it broke when we got home so now I'm working on over two weeks without juice and also have some kind of respiratory bug so I feel cruddy. Bought a new juicer and started back today. I imagine at this point we'll make this a permanent change at our house.


Ok- we sound like body twins.... :D Sorry you're feeling so cruddy (me too) but I'm with you in realizing this will likely be a permanant change in our house. Glad you finally got a new juicer...enjoy!!

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I'm not one of the original posters, but I've been on the 'Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead' juice fast for a week now...and I've lost 6kg! (Just looked up the conversion and it's 13.2lb) :party:


I'm feeling really good (after the first 3 days, which were a bit yucky), and I plan to stick it out for the 60 days. I'm soo glad my dh is on it with me for moral support (plus he has weight to lose too.) We are both feeling better than we have in quite a while. 2 of my dd's have even commited to a 10 day fast, on seeing how great we feel!


Wow- that's a huge loss!!! COngratulations on completing your first week!!!! So impressive that you guys have so embraced this- continued good luck & success...

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