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Warning about Skylander-cash cow

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Some kids probably love this game and the cost is worth it for them.


I own a DS and play with my kids a lot. I own most the of Pokemon games and Dragon Quest IX. Most of the games I buy cost $35 and have years of play in them. A lot of the extended play comes from wireless group game play. We can go dig underground, have a battle, rescue each other, explore and team up to beat the bad guys.


Skylanders cost $70, twice the other games we play. Took my kids less that 24 hours to have completed the whole thing. They had problems with getting the portals to read at times. The figures save your progress, so it can't be used by another child, unless they are ok with playing through the content with a fully leveled figure. Because the figures save your progress companies that would normally take used games won't take this one. The only way to extend the play is to buy new figures, but the game play is still exactly the same for each figure. There is no wireless play, so we can't do anything together.


Compared to other games this one is a cash cow, specifically designed to get as much money out of your pocket as possible with very little actual play time in return for your money.


My kids get much more play out of Pokemon (own most of them), Dragon Quest IX, Age of Empires series games, Might and Magic Clash of Heroes, Kingdom Hearts series games and Final Fantasy games...and most of those we can play together. Several of them we only need one game to do so, because they support download play-Age of Empires, Might and Magic. The rest require each player has a cartridge but, but allow a lot of group game play.


Not saying you should ever buy the game. I just want people to be informed on what you are getting, so you don't end up disappointed. If we had known here we would have bought Pokemon Rumble instead, for half the cost.



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Yes quickly found this out. Ds got this for his birthday and all had on his Christmas list was more, about $100 worth, plus he bought some with birthday money. What a brilliant marketing scheme,not so great for the parents though.skip this one if you don't have endless funds for a collection of figures (there are around 32 or 36, can't remember which, plus figures to open new adventures.

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Ds8 received the wii version of Skylanders for Christmas. It came with 3 characters, plus 2 more that he got in his stocking. He then used a gift card and bought another 3 pack a couple of days ago. I guess that you use a character and it needs to "rest", so you need others to take its place on the portal. He has the poster that came with the game and is planning which ones he wants to buy next. I can see that this game could be an on-going expense. I think 8 characters is more than enough.


How do you do it with a DS system?? Do you have to carry around the portal and the characters?

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I almost got the DS version of the game for my son for Christmas, but at the last minute I decided to read the reviews at Amazon. I am so glad I did. A few reviewers said the same thing as you. It seems the DS version is a very shortened version of the game. One reviewer stated that it only took his son 5 hours to play the complete game on the DS. :glare:

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Compared to other games this one is a cash cow, specifically designed to get as much money out of your pocket as possible with very little actual play time in return for your money.




We did not buy it for ds9, but a friend did. He has already taken his other Christmas money and bought more figures for it. I can see him doing it again too. :tongue_smilie:

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So, it sounds like the DS version is a shorter game? My ds8 has been playing his wii version for WAAYYYY too long, but hasn't said anything to me about finishing the game. He just keeps switching out the characters on the portal and insists he needs more since they are from different groups and have different abilities. I should have read more about this before purchasing it for Christmas, but I knew that he really wanted it. Besides, "Santa" brought it.

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We bought Skylanders for ds as a Christmas gift and also bought the other available figures and the Pirate Seas and Darklight Crypt packs. It was pricey, but it was hard not to want to buy all the little characters because they're so cute.


I think I bought more figures than ds needed, but I got a little caught up in it, and couldn't resist. :tongue_smilie: He would have been fine with fewer figures, though.


I hope they come up with new worlds/expansion packs for the game, so this doesn't turn out to have been a massive waste of money.

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How do you do it with a DS system?? Do you have to carry around the portal and the characters?


Ya they have to set it all up and then when they are done playing put it all away. They kept the original packaging so they just package it away in there.



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If we had known here we would have bought Pokemon Rumble instead, for half the cost.




I let ds2 read your review--he's the DS expert around here. He agrees with a pp to read the reviews. He also said to warn you that Pokemon Rumble is only an 8-hour game (normal play through for a 13-yo). He says if you do a ton of exploring it might last 10 hours. :D

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It may be, but my kids are having a blast with it and have been playing it for days. They got the wii version as a gift and bought quite a few characters and the dh's version with money from my parents. I think they only need 10 more figures to have them all. They also have Pokemon rumble and enjoy that too.

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My kids wanted this game and I just had ds13 read this thread and he has decided not to buy it. He was saving up his own money for it and when he realized that that buying it was not the end that he would have to keep spending more he has decided it is not worth it. For that $70 he can buy 2 new games that are better suited for him. We both appreciated the list of great games in the OP. The kids own most of the pokemon games but not the other listed so he has added them to his want to buy list.

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It may be, but my kids are having a blast with it and have been playing it for days. They got the wii version as a gift and bought quite a few characters and the dh's version with money from my parents. I think they only need 10 more figures to have them all. They also have Pokemon rumble and enjoy that too.




We got this for our ds because of the fact he could collect the characters. He is a very tough kid to buy for. He is not much into actual toys. Every time a holiday rolls around - Easter, his birthday, Christmas, etc - everyone is wondering what the heck to get him. My oldest used to collect pokemon cards, yo yos, pogs, sports cards, etc. I thought this was an excellent way to start a collection for him. Yes, it costs money. I am okay with that because I can afford to put one $8 figure in his Easter basket or as an end of the school year gift, etc.

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My boys love Skylanders. We have it for the Wii and a bunch of the figures but not all. A few of them are specific to certain stores. Let's see, Drill Sergeant is Wal-Mart/Sam's, ummm Whirlwind is Target (I forsee a trip to Omaha in our future), Dark Spyro is ONLY in the DS version (I am so annoyed with this one) and they have a legendary pack not listed on the chart at Toys R Us. In addition, there are three more characters...hold on, grabbing my list...ok, Dino Rang, Eruptor and Boomer that are SILVER. They are extremely rare and unless I find one by myself, I'll never afford Ebay prices (same with Dark Spyro). My kids are enjoying collecting them and my oldest really loves the game (he's almost 9). My 4 year old is figuring it out and the 2 year old just likes his figures. :tongue_smilie:


We actually went shopping for new guys today and everywhere was sold out. We really need an air guy or 3. :glare: I hope the madness will die down soon enough so we can finish off our collection. We have 19 of the 32 listed, buy add in the Dark Spyro, 3 silvers and the legendary set, that's 39 total to collect. Blame my MIL for me having all this information.


I did read how short the DS game is, so I'm willing to wait until someone has the DS game, decides that they don't want to collect the little guys and sells me their Dark Spyro. :lol: I am not buying a DS and one game for one little character. It ain't happening.

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I let ds2 read your review--he's the DS expert around here. He agrees with a pp to read the reviews. He also said to warn you that Pokemon Rumble is only an 8-hour game (normal play through for a 13-yo). He says if you do a ton of exploring it might last 10 hours. :D


That's disappointing to hear. Normally we get a ton of play out of Pokemon games. It does have have some wireless that will extend the play here. I hope this isn't a trend.



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I haven't done it, but I have been told you can reset your Skylanders and play with them again. I questioned DH about this when we first bought it, since we're playing it but DS might like to some day. He assures me it can be done and the information I found on the internet agrees, though I haven't found specific instructions yet.


ETA: I just found some instructions that say to push "select" to go to the Skylander's menu and there is a selection for Reset so you can start over with that character.

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My boys love Skylanders. We have it for the Wii and a bunch of the figures but not all. A few of them are specific to certain stores. Let's see, Drill Sergeant is Wal-Mart/Sam's, ummm Whirlwind is Target (I forsee a trip to Omaha in our future), Dark Spyro is ONLY in the DS version (I am so annoyed with this one) and they have a legendary pack not listed on the chart at Toys R Us. In addition, there are three more characters...hold on, grabbing my list...ok, Dino Rang, Eruptor and Boomer that are SILVER. They are extremely rare and unless I find one by myself, I'll never afford Ebay prices (same with Dark Spyro). My kids are enjoying collecting them and my oldest really loves the game (he's almost 9). My 4 year old is figuring it out and the 2 year old just likes his figures. :tongue_smilie:


We actually went shopping for new guys today and everywhere was sold out. We really need an air guy or 3. :glare: I hope the madness will die down soon enough so we can finish off our collection. We have 19 of the 32 listed, buy add in the Dark Spyro, 3 silvers and the legendary set, that's 39 total to collect. Blame my MIL for me having all this information.


I did read how short the DS game is, so I'm willing to wait until someone has the DS game, decides that they don't want to collect the little guys and sells me their Dark Spyro. :lol: I am not buying a DS and one game for one little character. It ain't happening.


My kids just got the Dino Rang character at the Wal-Mart in Nebraska City. I had no idea they were hard to find! They were mostly sold out in Lincoln. The Game Stop in Bellevue had a few characters last Monday. Perhaps if you look in the smaller, more rural stores you can find a few.



My ds got Skylanders for Christmas (Wii). We had no idea how expensive it could get. Ds has used his own money to purchase more characters. All three kids play with those characters even when the Wii is off. I don't know if they will collect every single one, but. Long as they are spending their own money, they can have at it.

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I let ds2 read your review--he's the DS expert around here. He agrees with a pp to read the reviews. He also said to warn you that Pokemon Rumble is only an 8-hour game (normal play through for a 13-yo). He says if you do a ton of exploring it might last 10 hours. :D


I'm glad I saw your post, Cinder. Ds is semi-interested in Pokemon Rumble, and although the reviews have been pretty good, he was concerned that the game might be too short.


Thanks! :001_smile:

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I'm glad I saw your post, Cinder. Ds is semi-interested in Pokemon Rumble, and although the reviews have been pretty good, he was concerned that the game might be too short.


Thanks! :001_smile:


You're welcome. I will pass along your thanks to ds2.

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My kids are loving Skylanders. They each use their own figures and have used their own money to buy more and asked for more figures for gifts. They have it for the Wii and have gotten lots of enjoyment out of it, so while you have some valid points, it's still been a big hit over here!

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My Son got Skylanders for Christmas. He has spent quite a bit of quality time with his cousin, sister, and Dad playing. He's actually got 4 "games" on the go, as I understand it. One for him alone, and one for him and each of his playmates mentioned above to play with him.


I bet there will be some sort of expansion game or "new world" to purchase in the future, because if the game can be finished in a few hours, people won't want to continue to purchase the little characters to add to the collection.


On another note, I have heard the game tell my family that they need an "X Skylander" to complete certain tasks, such as an air one, or water one, etc. If you have at least one character from each element, there may well be a lot of other things to do on the game to make it last longer. Though, having never played it myself, I can't say for sure.

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You absolutely can reset all the figures. I know because DS 2 reset all of DS 1's characters last night and a rather large tantrum ensued.:lol:


That is good to hear. I wonder why Game Stop won't take it used then? I just assumed it was because of the figures.


I am currently frustrated because my kids have gone from being totally upset with how little play there was and wanting to get rid of it, to making the best of it and now to talking about buying more figures or expansions to "fix it". :001_huh: There is no way I am giving this company more of my money. :glare: If the kids want to save up their money and poor it down the drain there isn't anything I can do about it. (Well I can but I believe in letting them make their own decisions and then living with those decisions.)



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That is good to hear. I wonder why Game Stop won't take it used then? I just assumed it was because of the figures.


Maybe they just haven't started accepting it yet, but they will soon? It's still pretty new, and maybe they are still trying to figure out if it will keep selling beyond the holiday season before they start accepting trades.


I haven't asked about it at our local GameStops, so I'm just guessing about all of this.

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