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Is it possible to cook like Pioneer Woman AND look like her?

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it is possible to be critical of PW without hating her.


That was a good article that was posted earlier in this thread, I think the last couple pages especially covered the aspects of PW that have changed and how it affected her image.


I thought it was a good article and balanced. Nothing like the snark I've seen here. (And not everyone that is critical is snarking IMO.)


I really do not see where Ree claims to be anything that she isn't. It's obvious she's rich. It's obvious she has staff. So the heck what? I think she's funny. I thought Erma Bombeck was funny. I wonder if she were still with us if she'd be accused of pretending to be something she wasn't/isn't.


Ree exaggerates family stories. I do the same. I do it to make people laugh and it appears she does the same.


It's like the Duggars I guess. Someone always is in the business of tearing others down instead of not reading their stuff, or not watching their show, etc


There are a ton of public figures that make me want to throw things at the TV but I choose not to read about them or change the channel when they come on. I don't seek out ways to remark on it.


Oh well, to each their own.

Edited by pdalley
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I wasn't talking about ranch hands, I was talking about housekeepers, cooking help, personal assistant for running errands, possible tutor for the kids, PR people, professional blog designer and editors, etc.


I am not "hating" on Ree Drummond. If she's doing cooking shows, obsessing over editing photography, making detailed dinners nightly and so on, then obviously someone else is in the background doing a lot of the yucky grunt work.


Or maybe she just needs a lot less sleep than I do.


I'm sure she's probably a nice lady. I'm just saying that her blog is a facade of her life. A lot of people apparently like to read it so good for her! She's become (more) wealthy and famous because of it. I am not resentful of her success I am just calling a spade a spade.


I hadn't even read your post so what I said had nothing to do with you. :)

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I really don't think PW is a polarizing figure in the world! Lots of people here have said they're so so on her and yet the word "hater" is thrown all over. Maybe the defenders are a little overboard and not the observers.


She's a media figure now, it's ok for people to have an opinion and impression of her and then talk about it. She doesn't seem to care about that nearly as much as some of her faithful followers.

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but when Ree used to post here, to give her credit, she was unfailingly good humored, polite, reasonable and kind. Jean too. Both are first class ladies. But I have a hard time believing that many people are waaaaaaay prettier on the inside than Ree cause she's the second nicest (after Jean) person who ever posted here!



Just defending my Ree!!


Can't say anything for how either of them look on the outside, but she who is loved is always beautiful, according to my Grandmother.

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I live in the south and know old fashion southern food. i cook like that about once a month. the general population is not going to stay thin eating that way with our sedentary lifestyles.


the south is full of cooks like her and Paula dean


the south is also the fattest in think Miss and AL


It is so hard to get folks to stop cooking all their vegetable in animal fat, to stop frying everything. the food is great but we have the highest overweight and heart disease


Her book is nothing special if you live in the south.

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I live in the south and know old fashion southern food. i cook like that about once a month. the general population is not going to stay thin eating that way with our sedentary lifestyles.


the south is full of cooks like her and Paula dean


the south is also the fattest in think Miss and AL


It is so hard to get folks to stop cooking all their vegetable in animal fat, to stop frying everything. the food is great but we have the highest overweight and heart disease


Her book is nothing special if you live in the south.


But it is perty, doncha think?

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There are a ton of public figures that make me want to throw things at the TV but I choose not to read about them or change the channel when they come on. I don't seek out ways to remark on it.



I have a lot of free time right now as my dh is working out of town and ds is on break from school. I purposefully watched a couple of episodes of the Kardashians because I see so much of them in the news.




Talk about wanting to throw things at the TV! That is the most ridiculous show I've ever watched! Talk about marketing genius....that family has that down pat.


I'll take Ree's spin on life over the Kardashians. (and ftr, I'm not a HUGE fan of Ree's. I began to feel like her posts were repeats...in fact I haven't read her blog in months.)

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I have a lot of free time right now as my dh is working out of town and ds is on break from school. I purposefully watched a couple of episodes of the Kardashians because I see so much of them in the news.




Talk about wanting to throw things at the TV! That is the most ridiculous show I've ever watched! Talk about marketing genius....that family has that down pat.


I'll take Ree's spin on life over the Kardashians. (and ftr, I'm not a HUGE fan of Ree's. I began to feel like her posts were repeats...in fact I haven't read her blog in months.)


I have no biz posting cause I am supposed to be writing lesson plans and sorting through reams of paperwork left by my late mother. :tongue_smilie:


LOL! Cause I can't even peek at the Kardashians cause they are on my list. :D


Like you said though - they found their market. I guess Ree's is more my cup of tea than theirs. I do confess to liking Gene Simmons Family Jewels and they aren't like Ree's reality at all. And Gene will market anything and everything if he can stick a KISS logo on it.:lol:

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I never got that idea at all. Knowing the little I do about ranch work I figured there were a ton of staff working behind the scenes. I never thought she did it all herself - at all. The size of the ranch alone keeps me from thinking she runs much of anything by herself.:confused:


LOL- here we go. She is almost as hated as the Duggars. I like her and I don't care if she has a staff. If I could afford it, I'd have a staff - to do cooking (which I hate), cleaning (which I hate), laundry (which I hate) - so I could do the stuff I enjoy -like homeschooling and doing projects around the house. More power to her! I am off to put her cookbook on my Amazon wish list.




I don't think her reading audience is stupid. Does anyone who reads her blog really think she does it all herself?


This is the thing with the entire "mom blog" trend right now. Ree isn't the only mom who markets herself and makes money off her ideas, recipes, style, photography, etc. I read several mom blogs because I enjoy them. To me, they're like magazines I like to flip through and get ideas from, or just escape and enjoy beautiful visuals and funny stories. All of them have advertising on their blog or sponsors. I'm aware when I read their blogs that they're also a business for the blogger and things are being presented a certain way for a reason. I can think for myself and just enjoy them, just like I can read a magazine and not think everyone lives that way or that it represents real life at all.

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wow. I forgot that I posted this :)


I simply meant can I cook rich foods like her and not gain a gazillion pounds. From the replies I gather that I should reserve her food for holidays, company or special ocassions and not everyday fare.


As far as liking her, her being real etc.She seems like a very sweet lady living life to the fullest. I wish her the best.

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I simply meant can I cook rich foods like her and not gain a gazillion pounds. From the replies I gather that I should reserve her food for holidays, company or special ocassions and not everyday fare.

The more I cook, the fatter I get. Unfortunately.

The less I cook, the easier it is to lose weight. Not that it's particularly easy, mind you.

The more I even look at recipes, the more I gain weight. :glare:

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From what I remember, she really wasn't a big poster back then.


While she wasn't as prolific as some, she WAS a regular long before she started blogging. She has said numerous times both then and since that she started the blog for kicks and as a convenient way to post pix and info. Yes, she invited her board friends to come visit the blog, and yes the blog grew. She's obviously good at it. I don't see why there needs to be an assumption of some nefarious plot on her part.

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I have been mostly a lurker here, but started reading Ree's blog shortly after it started. She has mentioned various shortcomings or imperfections, such as gaining weight as a result of all the cookbook/cooking show food. She makes fun of herself and maintains a sense of humor about her mistakes/embarrassing moments, which she has always done. People enjoy reading her posts because she is funny and is secure enough to use herself as material. If you would like an example of this read her recent donut entry. It is a perfect example of her willingness to joke about her weight gain and propensity to cause embarrassing scenes in public.


Of course she presents a polished version of life (don't most bloggers?), and of course she doesn't do it alone. But she shares just enough about the reality of the laundry mountain, the crazy behavior of children, and her less-than-perfect housecleaning that any young mom or older mom can relate. And she does it well. Therefore, she makes money and excells in the mommy blog world. I imagine she is a very savvy business woman as the article states.

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From what I remember, she really wasn't a big poster back then. I honestly think it was part of her grand plan---she'd post about her contests regularly, and it sort of snowballed, just as she hoped. She had hundreds, then thousands try to win them. The old board was a great place to get her message out, imo.


She probably is a dear, though. Last time I saw a pic of her, she didn't seem too skinny. I think it's obvious they airbrush her publicity photos, but that's par for the course.


As for the recipes, you can find exact replicas in any old cookbook. She's just recycling, no different that every other "celebrity" type chef does. I prefer butter, just not in humongous amounts she calls for.


My recollection is that she posted pretty regularly, and she was a 'regular homeschooler' whatever that is. The romance segments were enthralling--we posted about them more than she did, that's for sure.


I don't know whether her recipes are commonplace or not, but they are optimized, and I appreciate that. The photoessay style that she uses is very helpful, almost like an apprenticeship, and makes things seem pretty foolproof. I like to fuss with recipes and get them JUST right--what KIND of chopped walnuts is best for this one vs. that one? How big is best for diced yellow peppers for this recipe? How frothy should the eggs be after I beat them for that recipe? These are things that I figure out gradually over time, and my best, most successful dishes are the ones that I have made over and over, and improved to perfection. Her recipes seem that way to me, and I think that that shows dedication and smarts.


Note to everyone, not the OP: I LIKE her. I liked her when she was a homeschooling poster, I liked her in Black Skirt to Tar Heels or whatever installments, and I like it that she is successful. I don't think sour grapes is an appropriate or praiseworthy attitude. Cattiness is not attractive. I see far too much of that when she comes up, and that's just not right.

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I live in the south and know old fashion southern food. i cook like that about once a month. the general population is not going to stay thin eating that way with our sedentary lifestyles.


the south is full of cooks like her and Paula dean


the south is also the fattest in think Miss and AL


It is so hard to get folks to stop cooking all their vegetable in animal fat, to stop frying everything. the food is great but we have the highest overweight and heart disease


Her book is nothing special if you live in the south.


:iagree: I do like her blog and her cookbook, but you are right. My DH's family spends countless hours hunting, fishing, gardening only to cook every.single.bit. of it in crisco. I don't see the point of eating vegetables if you are going to make them completely null and void of any nutritional value by slathering them in lard. :ack2: It took a long time for me to get DH to get used to the fact that I was NOT going to fry everything that we eat. I joke that he would eat shoe leather if it was fried, and that isn't terribly far from the truth. It is definitely part of the culture here. Now, I can get him to eat most vegetables except for squash non-fried.

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