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Bwhahaha, what's your super hero name gadget

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Seagoing Nija!


Your Superpower is Telekinesis

Your Weakness is Blood

Your Weapon is Your Laser Club

Your Mode of Transportation is Sled



Okay, 'sled' and seagoing? Maybe I use the sled to get off this mountaintop and head to the sea?

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Emerald Squirrel :D


Your Superpower is Extra-terrestrial

Your Weakness is Frogs

Your Weapon is Your Prototype Blowgun

Your Mode of Transportation is Flying Monkeys


OHHHHH!!!! You and I could travel together! Me on my broom, you on the flying monkeys! Maybe we're sisters LOL!;)


No fair!!! I want a DRAGON! *stomps away like a toddler*


Awwww. Do you want to borrow my broom?

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I love that I get to travel in a bubble :D I feel so Galinda/Glinda!


You are so lucky. I'm stuck on a surfboard. I could take one*mom's moped (she offered!), but I'm holding out for a zip line or a dragon. I'm getting ready to use my Mind Claws to convince someone to give me theirs. :D

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Is that a divorcible offense? ;):tongue_smilie:


:glare: In my house it's par for the course this time of year.


I think my favorite is everyone whose weakness is booty :lol:!


(Both of the above are testament to my life with four pre-teen boys and two 20-30ish brothers, all of us living under one roof and they've rubbed off on me not for the better!)

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Superhero name- The Winter Warrior

Your Superpower is Accessorizing-Really? I can hardly dress myself, much less accessorize.

Your Weakness is Dust-True.

Your Weapon is Your Plasma Gel

Your Mode of Transportation is Tricycle-Only if it is hot pink and totally pimped out.

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I am The Onyx Light!


Your Superpower is Ancient lore

Your Weakness is Clowns

Your Weapon is Your Radiation Club

Your Mode of Transportation is Elephant


The first two are spot on. I flipping hate clowns. And I do love me some ancient lore...


Now to find my club and elephant! :lol:



Dh works at a nuclear power plant. I can hook you up with a radiation club;).

These are hilarious!! The above could really be taken the wrong way in this group. :lol::lol:


Because we are huge pervs.


Superpower is Invisibility

Weakness is French People

Weapon is Your Mystic Lance

Mode of Transportation is Bubble



The Onyx Phantom




This thing is TOTALLY FOR REAL!!!! I got:


Your Superhero Name is The Comet Witch

Your Superpower is Supernatural

Your Weakness is Puppets

Your Weapon is Your Flaming Pitchfork

Your Mode of Transportation is Dragon



How did they KNOW???? :lol:


They know you so well!

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and quite the pair are we!


I vote we use your elephant to trample all of the French Clowns trying to weaken us, then we can float away to our happy place in my sparkly bubble :D





I'm going to so fill that bubble with good chocolate before we float off into the sunset...

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