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Wolf Wants Me To Ask...

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Wolf wants me to throw myself at the mercy of the wisdom of the Hive.


Baby Boo has totally messed around his days and nights. He slept for 5 hrs, until we finally woke him last night...from 6pm to 11 pm. And then was up every.hour. He's *still* awake now.


Anyone have any suggestions, tips, tricks for getting this little vampire to turn into a daywalker?


I've been honestly trying to just grin and bear it, but my pain levels are shooting up...So, if there's any way to encourage him to switch around, I'd appreciate hearing it.

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Imp, all I know is the good ol' fashioned way...


You gotta keep him awake during the day more so he'll sleep at night.


Helpful, aren't I. :D


But seriously, I think that's all you can do. I know it'll be a hard, several-day-long transition, but it will be worth it in the long run.


Hunh. Well, hopefully someone else comes along who is more helpful...

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Agree just try to wake him up during the day. Also try to get him into the sunlight during the day. At night have the room very dark.


If he were a little older, I would suggest instead of a night feeding, switch one night feeding to a bottle of water. But I think he would be way too young for that.

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Imp, all I know is the good ol' fashioned way...


You gotta keep him awake during the day more so he'll sleep at night.


Helpful, aren't I. :D


But seriously, I think that's all you can do. I know it'll be a hard, several-day-long transition, but it will be worth it in the long run.


Hunh. Well, hopefully someone else comes along who is more helpful...


It has been along time since I had a baby in the house, so take this for what it is worth...


I read that a baby who napped for more than 3 hours straight could mix their days and nights. I always woke mine up before the 3 hour mark.


I hope you get some sleep soon!


Agree just try to wake him up during the day. Also try to get him into the sunlight during the day. At night have the room very dark.


If he were a little older, I would suggest instead of a night feeding, switch one night feeding to a bottle of water. But I think he would be way too young for that.

:iagree::iagree::iagree: and it was unbelievably to wake the twins especially if they were napping and we were approaching the three hour mnark b/c I was SO enjoying the down time, but it was necessary to do that. It's brutal, but it will work (brutal on you, not on the boo):grouphug:

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Imp, all I know is the good ol' fashioned way...


You gotta keep him awake during the day more so he'll sleep at night.


Helpful, aren't I. :D


But seriously, I think that's all you can do. I know it'll be a hard, several-day-long transition, but it will be worth it in the long run.


Hunh. Well, hopefully someone else comes along who is more helpful...


What she said.


I had a kid that was born with jet lag--slept all day and partied all night.

I put him on a strict schedule. When he was very little--eat, play, sleep, but only let him sleep for a set amount of time before I woke him up. Didn't put the baby for a nap in the late afternoon or evening so as to get him extra tired before night.


Just my two cents--but I think keeping baby up during the day and a strict schedule is the way to go.

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Imp, all I know is the good ol' fashioned way...


You gotta keep him awake during the day more so he'll sleep at night.


Helpful, aren't I. :D


But seriously, I think that's all you can do. I know it'll be a hard, several-day-long transition, but it will be worth it in the long run.


Hunh. Well, hopefully someone else comes along who is more helpful...


:iagree: Wakey, wakey.


We had babies that arrived as infants from South Korea. Talk about flipping days and nights :D. The only thing we could do was keep them awake and wake them if they dozed off during the day. I felt terrible doing it, but it's the only thing that works that I know of.

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ONE of my twins got his days and nights mixed up at about two weeks. Only one. So, I had a wakeful day baby and a wakeful night baby. I was exhausted!


I started limiting naps to about two hours at a time, no more than two and a half. Took about three days to straighten that little bugger out! It takes diligence - harder when you hurt and are tired - but hang in there, he'll straighten up.


ETA - IIRC, during this process I think I made an effort to anticipate those night time feedings. I picked him up at the first squeak so he wouldn't get all wound up and awake from crying, snuggled and fed him but did not talk to him, and did not turn on any lights in the room. That seemed to help him stay settled and not think it was play time after the feeding.

Edited by AuntieM
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Wolf wants me to throw myself at the mercy of the wisdom of the Hive.


Baby Boo has totally messed around his days and nights. He slept for 5 hrs, until we finally woke him last night...from 6pm to 11 pm. And then was up every.hour. He's *still* awake now.


Anyone have any suggestions, tips, tricks for getting this little vampire to turn into a daywalker?


I've been honestly trying to just grin and bear it, but my pain levels are shooting up...So, if there's any way to encourage him to switch around, I'd appreciate hearing it.


Wake him during the day to eat and let him sleep as long as possible at night. I would say wake him up every 3 hours - if he wants to eat sooner than 3, that's ok, just don't let him go longer than 3 hours. Then figure out your bed time - 9? 10? 11? and at that point let him sleep until he wakes you up. This worked with all of my kids. They slept through fairly early - all between 8 and 12 weeks.

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You just described my third child!


I made sure the house was very bright during the day. That was easy since dd was born in May. Not so easy for you so far north during the darkest part of winter. Try many, many lights and as much natural sunlight as possible. Like pps said, wake him up after he has slept about 2 hours or so. Talk to him. Make everyone else talk to him. Do whatever you can to stimulate him within his level of tolerence.


If the above-listed things do not work after about a week, you may have to use sound. Loud noises (aka general house noises with lots of littles;)) during the day and absolute quiet during sleeping hours. I always hated to resort to this, but at some point Momma just needed to sleep in order to feel even remotely human.


I promise you will sleep again one day. Good luck!

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Thanks, ladies!


I've always rescued babies at the first peep...until Princess. Discovered that, like her Daddy, she 'talked' in her sleep. Picking her up woke her up, and made for a rough time. Boo seems to be the same way, making noise in his sleep.


I feel like a guilty jerk waking him last night, but I guess I'll suck it up and do it during the day too...Or Wolf will ;)


Here's a pic of my lil nocturnal party animal...Notice he's sleeping :lol:


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ONE of my twins got his days and nights mixed up at about two weeks. Only one. So, I had a wakeful day baby and a wakeful night baby. I was exhausted!


I started limiting naps to about two hours at a time, no more than two and a half. Took about three days to straighten that little bugger out! It takes diligence - harder when you hurt and are tired - but hang in there, he'll straighten up.


ETA - IIRC, during this process I think I made an effort to anticipate those night time feedings. I picked him up at the first squeak so he wouldn't get all wound up and awake from crying, snuggled and fed him but did not talk to him, and did not turn on any lights in the room. That seemed to help him stay settled and not think it was play time after the feeding.


I tried to limit talking to my babies during night feedings. I remember once my middle son was just talking and babbling and cooing to himself so much while he nursed that I finally said, "Are you having fun, honey?" I really startled him! He swung his head up so fast to look at me, I thought he'd give himself whiplash! Then he made this cute little surprised noise. It was darling.

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I agree with the PP who mentioned not letting him sleep for more than 3 hours during the day. Not sure why, but that seemed to be the magic number. I had to do this with my first baby. I won't lie, the first day and night is terrible, but it gets much better after that. I think it took about 3 days to get her totally switched back around. Hope you are able to get some sleep soon!!

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You just described my third child!


I made sure the house was very bright during the day. That was easy since dd was born in May. Not so easy for you so far north during the darkest part of winter. Try many, many lights and as much natural sunlight as possible. Like pps said, wake him up after he has slept about 2 hours or so. Talk to him. Make everyone else talk to him. Do whatever you can to stimulate him within his level of tolerence.


If the above-listed things do not work after about a week, you may have to use sound. Loud noises (aka general house noises with lots of littles;)) during the day and absolute quiet during sleeping hours. I always hated to resort to this, but at some point Momma just needed to sleep in order to feel even remotely human.


I promise you will sleep again one day. Good luck!

That's just it...we don't quiet the house at all during the day. He sleeps in the livingroom, in the midst of the chaos, perfectly fine.


And since he's in our room at night, putting on a radio, etc, doesn't work, b/c we won't be able to sleep w/it.

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Imp, I wish you were closer. I'd love to come get to know you and your family, and help out with the little ones.


(I know you live in Canada, but unless it's just across the border from Detroit, you're quite a ways from me. :))

I used to live in Ontario, one of my best friends lives in Windsor!


I am very, very lucky, in that Canada has parental leave, which means Wolf is home right now, could be off until Boo is almost a year old and still be paid (55% of his reg pay) and have his job held for him. So, I do get some sleep during the day, but it's just not enough. I can't seem to get more than 3 hrs at a time during the day, and it's messing w/my pain levels quite badly at this point.

I tried to limit talking to my babies during night feedings. I remember once my middle son was just talking and babbling and cooing to himself so much while he nursed that I finally said, "Are you having fun, honey?" I really startled him! He swung his head up so fast to look at me, I thought he'd give himself whiplash! Then he made this cute little surprised noise. It was darling.



I do the same, not stimulating Boo at night, hoping to discourage him waking. He's not wailing at night, just wiiiiiiiiiiide awake. He only starts to wail if I try and put him down to sleep :lol:

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Wolf wants me to throw myself at the mercy of the wisdom of the Hive.


Baby Boo has totally messed around his days and nights. He slept for 5 hrs, until we finally woke him last night...from 6pm to 11 pm. And then was up every.hour. He's *still* awake now..



Are you sure 6p is not Boo's bedtime?


With our 4mo angel, we struggled with sleep time, until we realized at about 2mo that she was showing sleepy signs at 6-ish pm. We started putting her down then and she'd sleep through the night with a brief "up" at 2-3a to eat, adn then go right back.


When we were trying to put her down at 8:30-ish, she'd cry and cry and nothing we did would get her to sleep.

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Wolf wants me to throw myself at the mercy of the wisdom of the Hive.


Baby Boo has totally messed around his days and nights. He slept for 5 hrs, until we finally woke him last night...from 6pm to 11 pm. And then was up every.hour. He's *still* awake now.


Anyone have any suggestions, tips, tricks for getting this little vampire to turn into a daywalker?


I've been honestly trying to just grin and bear it, but my pain levels are shooting up...So, if there's any way to encourage him to switch around, I'd appreciate hearing it.


My kids hated tummy time. :D But putting them on their tummys was good for them and for their sleep schedule. They'd fuss. But they'd sleep deeper for nap time and then their awake time would be longer. At night they'd sleep deeper & longer.


4 of my 5 also went mobile sooner too. :D

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I used to live in Ontario, one of my best friends lives in Windsor!


I am very, very lucky, in that Canada has parental leave, which means Wolf is home right now, could be off until Boo is almost a year old and still be paid (55% of his reg pay) and have his job held for him. So, I do get some sleep during the day, but it's just not enough. I can't seem to get more than 3 hrs at a time during the day, and it's messing w/my pain levels quite badly at this point.


Man, you Canucks have some great benefits, let me tell you.


Dh and I are talking about our options on where to move to in 3 1/2 years when dss has graduated. We haven't discussed Canada, 'cause he HATES the cold. But maybe if I show him all your neat benefits...

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Oh, he's just too sweet...A naughty, won't sleep at night baby, but he's so cute. You should keep him;).


Maybe try sleeping in the living-room with him at night. Is the bed different there? Does the noise over stimulate him and put him to sleep?


Hang in there. Somehow this will work out.



Wait....You should call your mil at night when he's awake to catch up.


Thanks, ladies!


I've always rescued babies at the first peep...until Princess. Discovered that, like her Daddy, she 'talked' in her sleep. Picking her up woke her up, and made for a rough time. Boo seems to be the same way, making noise in his sleep.


I feel like a guilty jerk waking him last night, but I guess I'll suck it up and do it during the day too...Or Wolf will ;)


Here's a pic of my lil nocturnal party animal...Notice he's sleeping :lol:

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