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Book a week in 2012 - We're doing is all over again!

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I would love to join in! My (Early) Birthday/Christmas present this year was a Kindle, and I have been reading at least a book a week since it was given to me. Most of the time I read lighter books or non-fiction, because I read in short bursts throughout the day. It's hard for me to collect my thoughts and keep going in a book if I don't have a long time to dedicate to reading it.

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In 2011 I took three months to slog through The Peloponnesian War. Not only did I count it, but I toyed with counting it twelve times. :D


I really like reading difficult books, but basically for the same reason everybody here likes reading whatever she happens to like reading. My oldest is with my husband all day, and I'm working with The Little Girls, and I feel like I spend all day paddling around in the shallow end of my brain. In the evenings we have a Family Reading Hour, and I get to plunge into the Diving Pit of The Mind. Then the next day, when I'm going out of my mind with tedium as we cover drop-the-e-and-add-ing for the fifteenth time, I have something in my head to think about.


:lol::lol::lol: OK, got it!


I'm the opposite. I DON'T like difficult books, but I know they're good for me. I'm hoping that by forcing myself to push through them, they'll start getting easier (SWB says they do, so they must :lol:) and I'll actually begin to enjoy them. I'm currently pounding my head against the brick wall of Don Quixote for the fourth time *sigh*

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:lol::lol::lol: OK, got it!


I'm the opposite. I DON'T like difficult books, but I know they're good for me. I'm hoping that by forcing myself to push through them, they'll start getting easier (SWB says they do, so they must :lol:) and I'll actually begin to enjoy them. I'm currently pounding my head against the brick wall of Don Quixote for the fourth time *sigh*



Want to try slogging through Moby Dick with me?? :D

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2011 drop out here but I must report that my early participation led me to what was my favorite "read" of the year: Susan Howatch's Starbridge Series. As usual, I am behind the times as these books were published in the '80's and '90's. They can be read, I suppose, as a saga of related characters in a town modeled after Salisbury, England, but the six meaty novels actually provide a fascinating look at the history of Anglicanism in the 20th century. They gave me great food for thought.


My hat is off to several people in the Book a Week challenge who led me to this series. (That includes Lady Dusk!) Thank you so much!

Edited by Jane in NC
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Oh no! I'm not ready for Moby right now. I want the holidays well over before I even attempt it (again.) :lol:


Oh, I thought you were reading it now! Then yes, I'd love to read it with you (assuming Señor de La Mancha and I are done wrestling). Did you say you were reading Ahab's Wife first? Have you already started that?

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Oh, I thought you were reading it now! Then yes, I'd love to read it with you (assuming Señor de La Mancha and I are done wrestling). Did you say you were reading Ahab's Wife first? Have you already started that?


I read Ahab's Wife years ago and loved it! I always planned on giving MD a chance again after reading AW but never got around to it. 2012 is the year! I remember loving AW so much that I bought it. So I'm planning on rereading that and then attacking MD. Want to do that with me?

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Oh, I thought you were reading it now! Then yes, I'd love to read it with you (assuming Señor de La Mancha and I are done wrestling). Did you say you were reading Ahab's Wife first? Have you already started that?


I read Ahab's Wife years ago and loved it! I always planned on giving MD a chance again after reading AW but never got around to it. 2012 is the year! I remember loving AW so much that I bought it. So I'm planning on rereading that and then attacking MD. Want to do that with me?


Hey, great idea. I'm in with the Moby Dick read.

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OK, I have a question. Can we only list books that we started and finished in the span of one week? Or, if it takes me three weeks to slog through something more difficult, would I list that in the week that I finished it? I'm thinking about how long it takes me to work my way through some more difficult books.


The goal is 52 books, how you get there is up to you. You count the book when you finish it. With the heavier books that take time to read, I may take a break and intersperse with a light read here and there. It all averages out in the end.

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After years of not even hovering over a 52 week challenge title, I'm so glad I finally read a thread. I think I *can do this. Maybe I won't get through 52 books in the next year, but maybe I will. Can't possibly know if I don't attempt it, right?


Off to make some TBR lists!

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I'm in. I don't know why I didn't join last year/this year.


I love reading, but I admit most of the reading I do these days are lighter books that take me a day or two to get through 300-400 pages, are they okay? Or do I need to shoot a little higher? :)


Anything you want to read is okay. There are no hard and fast rules about lengths of books, hard or light, etc. If you want to challenge yourself to read something higher that's totally up to you.

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Awesome!! Middle of January for Ahab's Wife work for you too?


I know MD is going to take me 2 weeks to read because I'm going to need to put it down and read something fluffier every once in awhile. And Cliff Notes. :D



Yes it does. If nobody buys me Ahab's wife for Christmas, then I'll get it with christmas money. Put it on my amazon wishlist and hubby likes to buy me books with as many pages as possible. :tongue_smilie: Mid Jan works perfectly. I may just mention it on the 52 books blog and see if anybody else is game.

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And, big :grouphug:, eaglei.


:iagree::iagree: me too. Life to just too heavy for heavy reading. I try to enjoy...this is my peace, my escape, my time to travel and dream.


I included books I read to my kids in my 52 when they inspire me, or take me to a new place. So what if they are kids books...we are all kids inside...and if a book can reach that kid inside me....all the better.


I a, looking forward to the new year and our new challenge. I think I just made 52 this year...IF I finish the 2 books I am reading now:D




Wow! I got quoted, hugged, and agreed with! You just can't imagine the actual, literal tears that brought to my eyes - seriously.


Mommyfaithe - Your mention of "peace" and "time to travel and dream" belong on my list, too. Isn't it incredible that a book can provide so much...

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Yes it does. If nobody buys me Ahab's wife for Christmas, then I'll get it with christmas money. Put it on my amazon wishlist and hubby likes to buy me books with as many pages as possible. :tongue_smilie: Mid Jan works perfectly. I may just mention it on the 52 books blog and see if anybody else is game.


Go for it!


I was disappointed by her book after AW but I haven't looked to see if she recovered after that. I don't even remember what the book was, I just remember thinking, "Wow. She missed on this one!"

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And oh, after AW and MD, I plan on rereading We Need To Talk About Kevin and if ever there was book a bunch of thoughtsfull moms could really get into, that's it. And then I want to go see the movie adaptation.


I'll warn everyone first though - it was a book I could not put down and it kept me up for nights after reading. As a mother who freely admits that not every single parenting moment is roses and sunshine, it really affected me. And when DS killed a sand spider a couple of years ago, I almost threw myself into Lake Michigan. :lol:


And then I think I'll read her new novel. :D

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I read Ahab's Wife years ago and loved it! I always planned on giving MD a chance again after reading AW but never got around to it. 2012 is the year! I remember loving AW so much that I bought it. So I'm planning on rereading that and then attacking MD. Want to do that with me?


Hey, can anybody join this literary party? I've always wanted to read Moby Dick, and nobody in real life will attempt it with me! :tongue_smilie:

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The goal is 52 books, how you get there is up to you. You count the book when you finish it. With the heavier books that take time to read, I may take a break and intersperse with a light read here and there. It all averages out in the end.


Good to know, thank you!


Hey, great idea. I'm in with the Moby Dick read.


Awesome!!! I love this mini-challenge thing!


And oh, after AW and MD, I plan on rereading We Need To Talk About Kevin and if ever there was book a bunch of thoughtsfull moms could really get into, that's it. And then I want to go see the movie adaptation.


I'll warn everyone first though - it was a book I could not put down and it kept me up for nights after reading. As a mother who freely admits that not every single parenting moment is roses and sunshine, it really affected me. And when DS killed a sand spider a couple of years ago, I almost threw myself into Lake Michigan. :lol:


And then I think I'll read her new novel. :D


Oh, I don't know if I could handle this. I don't think I could even see the movie. I'll consider it, but I might not be able to do it. Mama-ing is hard and guilt-inducing enough already!


Hey, can anybody join this literary party? I've always wanted to read Moby Dick, and nobody in real life will attempt it with me! :tongue_smilie:



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2011 drop out here but I must report that my early participation led me to what was my favorite "read" of the year: Susan Howatch's Starbridge Series. As usual, I am behind the times as these books were published in the '80's and '90's. They can be read, I suppose, as a saga of related characters in a town modeled after Salisbury, England, but the six meaty novels actually provide a fascinating look at the history of Anglicanism in the 20th century. They gave me great food for thought.


My hat is off to several people in the Book a Week challenge who led me to this series. (That includes Lady Dusk!) Thank you so much!


Yay! I may have to do a Susan Howatch theme next year. I read (and loved) these when I had a newborn and toddlers ... I think its time to read them as a grown up. I think I'll do some other of her epics, too.

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I'm in to try again. I'm planning to have a few books going at once, so I can read the one I feel like at the time. Anyone else do that?


How much time a day do you read? I plan to *consistently* read for 30 min before bed. I imagine I can squeeze some time in the afternoon as well, but I also want to finish Lingua Latina someday...


I read Ahab's Wife years ago and loved it! I always planned on giving MD a chance again after reading AW but never got around to it. 2012 is the year! I remember loving AW so much that I bought it. So I'm planning on rereading that and then attacking MD. Want to do that with me?


Oh that sounds fun! I'll plan to pick up a copy as soon as I can.

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How much time a day do you read? I plan to *consistently* read for 30 min before bed. I imagine I can squeeze some time in the afternoon as well, but I also want to finish Lingua Latina someday...


Reading spread throughout the day all total probably spend up to 3 or 4 hours reading. I read while eating breakfast, lunch, after dinner. I don't watch much tv and the shows I do watch are recorded. I hate commercials.

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Reading spread throughout the day all total probably spend up to 3 or 4 hours reading. I read while eating breakfast, lunch, after dinner. I don't watch much tv and the shows I do watch are recorded. I hate commercials.


Ugh, I am so jealous! I feel like the kids are constantly demanding my attention, or the house is, or DH is, or friends are, or email is, or family is... I NEED to find more time to read!


I told DH about this tonight, all excited about it. His face fell immediately. I said, "You don't want me to to have more time to do one of the things I love most in the world?" He said, with the way I get when I read (totally engrossed, lost to all other things) that he didn't want to lose time with me to a book a week! So now I'm trying to convince him to do it with me :D I told him we'll put the kids to bed at 7:00 every night and curl up on the couch together and read :lol:

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I told DH about this tonight, all excited about it. His face fell immediately. I said, "You don't want me to to have more time to do one of the things I love most in the world?" He said, with the way I get when I read (totally engrossed, lost to all other things) that he didn't want to lose time with me to a book a week! So now I'm trying to convince him to do it with me :D I told him we'll put the kids to bed at 7:00 every night and curl up on the couch together and read :lol:


That sounds so romantic. Can you persuade him more with a book about TeA? :D


Although, I'm not really into reading that with you all... :lol::lol:

Keep that report to yourselves!!!

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I'm in to try again. I'm planning to have a few books going at once, so I can read the one I feel like at the time. Anyone else do that?


Sure. I like to have a book for thinking and a book for lounging.


He said, with the way I get when I read (totally engrossed, lost to all other things) that he didn't want to lose time with me to a book a week!




Dh was reading that on the weekend, and the following day had to be reminded of it. How can you interrupt a girl who is in the middle of one of her favourite fictional character's birth scenes? Even an imaginary girl should be able to complete that without being interrupted!



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Yay! I may have to do a Susan Howatch theme next year. I read (and loved) these when I had a newborn and toddlers ... I think its time to read them as a grown up. I think I'll do some other of her epics, too.


Oooo...Let me know which others you tackle. The "Plantagenet" books look intriguing.

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Oooo...Let me know which others you tackle. The "Plantagenet" books look intriguing.


I actually read Penmarric and Cashelmara in high school (did a paper on Cashelmara, as I recall) but had *no *idea until I googled this morning about their connections to the Plantagenets!


These two books, The Rich are Different, and Wheel of Fortune are definitely in my plans along with Starbridge and St Benet's. Of course these are all long books, so I won't reach the goal of 52 again ... but worth the reading. I'll probably read some of the earlier, shorter books too (because I own them). I love Susan Howatch's writing, though.


I appreciate that I'm welcome on this thread even though I just keep reading not expecting to finish ...

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I'll take that as a yes! Woohoo, can't wait to dive into Moby Dick with you guys! :party:


I'm also considering two Hive-inspired mini challenges:


1) All things Little House - rereading the series (which I haven't read since childhood), and some or all of the nonfiction written about them. The recent threads have sparked my interest!


2) Based on the Jane Austen vs Mark Twain thread a while ago (anybody else remember that?), reading several books by each so I can have a more informed opinion. :lol:

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I actually read Penmarric and Cashelmara in high school (did a paper on Cashelmara, as I recall) but had *no *idea until I googled this morning about their connections to the Plantagenets!


These two books, The Rich are Different, and Wheel of Fortune are definitely in my plans along with Starbridge and St Benet's. Of course these are all long books, so I won't reach the goal of 52 again ... but worth the reading. I'll probably read some of the earlier, shorter books too (because I own them). I love Susan Howatch's writing, though.


I appreciate that I'm welcome on this thread even though I just keep reading not expecting to finish ...


Ayup. It was the Howatch books that threw me off the Book A Week stride. Oh well. So glad I opted to go the Starbridge route...

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I tried to start half-way through 2010 and I tried to do the whole challenge in 2011. They were both no-goes. :lol:


I DO plan to try REALLY hard for 2012. I am also doing the Shakespeare challenge and starting 12 credits at CC in Jan., BUT I promise to be as stubborn as a mule about this challenge this year.


I love reading through the weekly threads to find book suggestions, though! I think that has been my favorite part. It's like a treasure trove and you don't know where to begin :D


ETA: Does Heidi, the Little Women series, and Little House books count. I see on the blog it says as long as it is geared towards ages 9-12 or older and more than 100 pages, so I assume they do, but I'm not entirely sure... The Little House series says ages 8 and up.

Edited by BeatleMania
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I tried to start half-way through 2010 and I tried to do the whole challenge in 2011. They were both no-goes. :lol:


I DO plan to try REALLY hard for 2012. I am also doing the Shakespeare challenge and starting 12 credits at CC in Jan., BUT I promise to be as stubborn as a mule about this challenge this year.


I love reading through the weekly threads to find book suggestions, though! I think that has been my favorite part. It's like a treasure trove and you don't know where to begin :D


ETA: Does Heidi, the Little Women series, and Little House books count. I see on the blog it says as long as it is geared towards ages 9-12 or older and more than 100 pages, so I assume they do, but I'm not entirely sure... The Little House series says ages 8 and up.


I don't know about Heidi, but I'd say definitely yes to Little Women, and probably yes to Little House. There's some beautiful language in those LH books!

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I had really good intentions but I am only on book 36. :glare:


Next year I am going to reach that goal if it kills me!




I doubt I reached 52, but I always lose track of what I've read so I have no way of knowing.:glare:


I'm interested in the Jane Austin Challenge! Where's that thread?

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I counted what I had recorded, and I went through my Kindle. I have 21, and that doesn't include the ones I started and finished. I can assume I read at least 26, which is good because it's at least 1 book every two weeks! Yeah me:D!!


I think what helps me is making a book list. I list books I've started and not finished, or books I've been wanting to read and haven't even started. I also carry books over. I've been working on, "Surprised by Joy," all year and I don't think I'll get it finished this week. That will be a good goal, to finish it in 2012.:lol:




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I doubt I reached 52, but I always lose track of what I've read so I have no way of knowing.:glare:


I'm interested in the Jane Austin Challenge! Where's that thread?



There isn't a separate thread. Here's the link - it's a mini challenge within the 52 books challenge. Plan or commit to one of the levels


Freshman: 2 books

Sophomore: 4 books

Junior: 6 books

Senior: 6 books and all juvenilia


The books are all available online with links to them in the post.

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I was telling my daughter about this challenge while we were reorganizing a bookshelf this morning, and she REALLY wants to do it too! She's young but an avid reader and pretty good writer, so I think this will be a really fun thing for us to do together. :)


I think perhaps I'll start a blog after all where we can both record what we've read and our thoughts.

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