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Would you buy a sofa set off the showroom?

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i don't think i worded that correctly. if a sofa set you really like has been discontinued and the only one available is on the showroom floor, would you buy it? it would of course be discounted. is that a little like buying furniture used? would it gross you out to know others(100's??) had sat on it?



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It depends how much of a discount and how much I liked it.




I thought we were buying a dining set off the floor. But then dh hemmed and hawed to long and someone else bought it. (We'd left the store in the meantime. They had no reason to think we were coming back.) But I loved that set.


If I liked it well enough, I'd buy it.

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It would not gross me out, and for case goods like tables and chairs I would have no qualms. You'd just want to check it over for dings and scratches, make sure if it is next to a wall or anything, you pull it out and look.


However, for a sofa, there's a wear issue in regards to cushions and fabric. I'd look it over very carefully and make sure all the seats or still pretty firm and I'd flip the seating cushions over make sure they look the same under as what is showing up on top.

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It would not gross me out, and for case goods like tables and chairs I would have no qualms. You'd just want to check it over for dings and scratches, make sure if it is next to a wall or anything, you pull it out and look.


However, for a sofa, there's a wear issue in regards to cushions and fabric. I'd look it over very carefully and make sure all the seats or still pretty firm and I'd flip the seating cushions over make sure they look the same under as what is showing up on top.


:iagree: Not to mention, with something like a sofa or chair that had upholstery, I'd unfortunately have to worry about bed bugs now, with how prevalent they are. This would probably keep me from buying anything upholstered off a showroom floor.

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It would not gross me out, and for case goods like tables and chairs I would have no qualms. You'd just want to check it over for dings and scratches, make sure if it is next to a wall or anything, you pull it out and look.


However, for a sofa, there's a wear issue in regards to cushions and fabric. I'd look it over very carefully and make sure all the seats or still pretty firm and I'd flip the seating cushions over make sure they look the same under as what is showing up on top.



holy cow, never thought to do that! duh!:001_huh: great suggestion!



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:iagree: Not to mention, with something like a sofa or chair that had upholstery, I'd unfortunately have to worry about bed bugs now, with how prevalent they are. This would probably keep me from buying anything upholstered off a showroom floor.


:eek: never thought about bedbugs!! uh, that may be a deal breaker right there.:ack2:

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Yep, without a second thought if there was a significant discount involved. Then again, it doesn't gross me out or anything because it is my preference to typically buy used furniture anyhow.


i hear ya as i buy mostly used everything. but a couch where 100's(??) of people have sat on is different than buying from one family off of craigslist,yk?:D


then again, buying a couch off of craigslist comes with the possibility that the owners had s*x on it, too.:ohmy:

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i hear ya as i buy mostly used everything. but a couch where 100's(??) of people have sat on is different than buying from one family off of craigslist,yk?:D


then again, buying a couch off of craigslist comes with the possibility that the owners had s*x on it, too.:ohmy:


Exactly- or other bodily fluids from pets/ toddlers/babies! Showroom wouldn't bother me- But I wouldn't buy a used couch from anyone I didn't know.

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Yep, without a second thought if there was a significant discount involved. Then again, it doesn't gross me out or anything because it is my preference to typically buy used furniture anyhow.


I bought a high end (Hancock and Moore) leather sofa off CL, along with my kitchen table and chairs. It doesn't bother me. Stores selling new merchandise have had their share of bedbug issues too. Just be cautious, make sure you check the piece over carefully, find out if they still give you a warranty if applicable, etc.

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We did! :D We fell in love with a set - it was the last one, so it was showroom model or none. We walked around a bit, but knew that we weren't going to find anything we loved as much. So, we bought it.


The only drawback for us, was that because it was the floor model & the price was discounted quite a bit.....delivery wasn't free. We had to pick it up. Kind of a pain, but sooooo worth it!

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In fact I did just that - I was looking for a set that didn't seem to exist; I knew what I really wanted, but couldn't quite find it....until one day I walked into an out-in-the-middle-of-nowhere furniture store and there it was! The price tag for the sofa and over-sized chair shocked me - $12,000! Oh my - DH would never agree to that! Heck, I'd never spend that much, even if money were no object!


I kept looking.


And looking.


And looking.


Then went back about six months later, still not finding anything comparable, and saw that the set was reduced significantly - $4000. What? I talked to the sales lady and she said it had been discontinued and they needed the floor space. I talked to the owner of the furniture store and he took $1500 with free delivery! Happy dance! The set is perfect in our living room and I love it - I love even more that we didn't pay even close to the retail because it was discontinued....and there wasn't a mark on it when it arrived - no one can tell that it was a sales room sample, or that I got it for next to nothing compared to the retail it once was!

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Guest submarines
Yep, without a second thought if there was a significant discount involved. Then again, it doesn't gross me out or anything because it is my preference to typically buy used furniture anyhow.



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i hear ya as i buy mostly used everything. but a couch where 100's(??) of people have sat on is different than buying from one family off of craigslist,yk?:D


then again, buying a couch off of craigslist comes with the possibility that the owners had s*x on it, too.:ohmy:


I think buying a showroom floor couch is a LOT less gross than buying a used one. You know people are out in public, dressed and shopping. Any couch in a living/family room has had lots of sick people sleeping on it, dogs drooling, diapers leaking, babies spitting up.....ugh. Now I don't want to sit on my own couch.


So, yes, I'd go for it!

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Someone close to me sold higher-end furniture for years, and I would have absolutely no problem buying off of that showroom floor. The place was kept cleaner than most people's homes (no eating, sleeping, playing, etc. took place there). Also, I don't think hundreds of people tested the furniture. Quite often people were a little self-conscious about testing the furniture and had to be encouraged to do so--even then, they didn't sit long and usually appeared to be clean and well-dressed--it's not like they took a nap or drank a beer and watched a ballgame. ;) Also, at this location the employees were not even supposed to be on the furniture in between customers.

If you really like it, go for it! It can be a great way to get discounted furniture.

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I purchased a set of matching sofas (no loveseat) from a bankruptcey sale at a better quality furniture store. (it was being run by the bank, so the discounts were real. I used to work in a better furniture store and it was quite educational.) it was a great deal becasue my livingroom plans called for two sofas, (no love seat). they were good quality, and we were very happy with them for many years when they were replaced by a leather sofa and chairs.

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Yes, I would and I have. Got a great deal and loved that sofa set. We passed it on to my db and sil when another sil gave us her old leather set.


The most comfortable living room furniture we've ever had was given to us by a single woman who smoked and had pets. The smoke smell was strong. We left it out in the sun and steam-cleaned it. The smell slowly left. One leg was chewed by her puppy. We put that leg against a wall so it isn't noticeable.


3 of my kiddos are lounging on it now and watching a video. :D

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