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Service Project Ideas that involve sewing?

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I participate in a "heart pillow" ministry where we sew heart shaped pillows for heart surgery patients. Part of the recovery process for the patients includes a lot of coughing which, apparently, can be extremely painful. By holding the pillows firmly against their chest when they cough, the pain is eased somewhat.


We have now expanded and also sew pillows for Wounded Warriors at a local military hospital. These aren't necessarily for therapeutic reasons, but just for them to have something to know that they are thought of.

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I've heard of knitting blankets for NICU babies, to cover the isolettes. I'm sure they would appreciate sewn blankets or little quilts.


Oh, speaking of blankets and babies, I'm sure a women's shelter would love hand-sewn blankets too! If a woman with children escaped from a bad situation and couldn't bring much along, a blanket sewn with love would probably be a huge comfort for her.

Edited by SunD
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Some hospitals have a pillow ministry. People sew small pillows for people undergoing chemo or surgery. Call a local hospital or cancer center for more info.


I just got a heart shaped one in my intro to breast cancer package. It is a sweet thing to get.

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A couple of years ago I organized a parent/child fleece mitten sewing workshop. We gave the mittens we produced to a local group that supports special needs adults.


The workshop was set up so that each participant would sew two pairs of mittens: one pair for himself and one pair for the organization.

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There is a charity in Portland that makes quilts for foster children. They give a quilt to each foster child before their first placement so that the child has something that is unique and belongs only to them to begin their journey with. A woman who works for the charity has told me that she has had firemen, lawyers, other people tell her that they still have the quilt they were given and that it meant a lot to them.


I am thinking of making some quilts for this organization in the new year with the kids from church. We made a quilt for our worship leader's new baby and it went very well. We used the ticker tape method where you make a quilt sandwich with plain white cotton and the kids made patterns with my scraps that they sewed on top with a zig zag stitch. If you are interested I will see if I can figure out how to make a link to a picture of it.

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Lots of people have given you suggestions for projects, but let me also suggest that you start letting people know you would love fabric scraps. So many people have left over fabric from forgotten projects around their houses, they may be happy to donate to save you from spending money.

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