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Help me name our new kitty :)

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Handsome fella.

How about Mister :) Goes with Missy ??

I stink at pet names, sorry. My kids go with theologians or Bible names. Our current pet came already named (being over 1 yr I wasn't renaming).


I like this! Along the same lines, if Mister is too close sounding to Missy, how about Buster? You know ... Missy Buster. :lol:


He's beautiful!!! Congratulations!!! :001_smile:

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Oh, so many good ideas! We've visited with him twice and he seems very laid back and loves to snuggle. We'll get him in the next week or so after he's been neutered.

I'm going to go back through your ideas and make a list to share with the kids and DH.

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We have a black cat named Dash! Op, I saw him and thought "Scratch". I don't know why.


Oh, I really hope this isn't a foreshadowing that he'll scratch the furniture. Our old cat that died over the summer did that and it drove us crazy! Missy is such a good girl and uses her scratching post. I hope he follows her example.

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when we got our black cat as a kitten 12 years ago I wanted to name him Shadow or Midnight but dd, age 4 at the time, wanted to name him Blackie. I said no and she cried and cried until dh said "Oh let her name the kitten what she wants". Now dd, age 16, says "Why in the world did you and dad let a 4 year old name a cat?" lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

We've had our new kitty for about 2 days now and he is soooo sweet. He loves to snuggle and have his tummy rubbed. My boys are loving hanging out in the guest room (his designated area for the time-being) with him while they read and do school work. He was named Bear by his foster mom because he looked like a bear when he was a newborn. We've continued to call him that while deciding on a new name. I think we've decided on.........

Paddington :) Then we can call him Paddington Bear, Bear, Paddy, or Bear Bear and they all fit with his original name and his new name.

Other names in the running are Hobbit, Little Bear, and Jesse Bear.

I'm pretty sure it will be Paddington unless DH objects.

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Here he is :) We'll get him really soon - after he's fixed.

He's so sweet and gentle. We currently have one other cat, a female Tuxedo named Missy.

We prefer non-people names.


Moses! I've wanted a cat named Moses ever since I heard it in a song years ago. I still love that son.



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