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Straw Poll, political party

Which political party to you most closely align with?  

  1. 1. Which political party to you most closely align with?

    • Republican
    • Democrat
    • Independent
    • Other

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And isn't there anyone else in the libertarian-right quadrant? (Pretty much where I thought I'd land - although not quite as libertarian (-.62), but moderately conservative (3.75)


What an oddball.:D


Naah. I'm an oddball too. This was a different quiz than I had taken before, and I felt some of the questions were a bit leading. It is nice to know I am still a bit right of center:


Economic Left/Right: 3.75

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.03


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I'd quibble with some of the assertions and options, but I've been a political quiz junkie for a while.


FWIW, it pegged me as on the line between Libertarian & Authoritarian (a hair more Libertarian), and as far "right" economically as Milton Friedman. Yay for Uncle Milt!


Upon consideration, that's probably about right for this free-market Catholic Monarchist. :D


I'm in the same spot, but a little more left, and a little more south.


The problem is that the fact that I believe something to betrue/false in that quiz doesn't necessarily reflect whether I think the government should have any role in that issue. This is particularly the case on page 2. Also, I would always support my country, even if it was wrong, but I think speaking out is supporting it, at least in the U.S.


Still, a fun quiz!

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I'm in the same spot, but a little more left, and a little more south.


My problem is that things that what I believe to be true or not in that quiz doesn't necessarily reflect whether I think the government should have any role in that issue. <snip>


Still, a fun quiz!


:iagree: I have a friend who put together a hard-core, 3 dimensional quiz.


I don't agree with some of his assumptions, but it's been pretty accurate across a host of tests. LEO Test


I'll warn y'all, though, this is for the hardcore political junkies. :hat:

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This quiz seems to be flawed.


How can the Democrats in the quiz be positioned be so far away from Nader?


Why are the people on this board commonly showing more left than the 2008 candidates?


I would have expected Ron Paul to be more libertarian too.


Maybe the problem is this quiz is from the UK. The quiz could be how political leanings are perceived from the european perspective.:001_unsure:

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How can the Democrats in the quiz be positioned be so far away from Nader?


Why are the people on this board commonly showing more left than the 2008 candidates?


Actually it didn't surprise me that much. I really think of the Dem candidates as "centrists" or "moderates" more than true liberals. Especially Clinton. Edwards, now that surprised me that he didn't rate further left and "down". But Nader is decidedly more liberal than any of these "liberal" candidates.


I think you have to think of it on a global scale, and that liberalism in American maybe just isn't as liberal as liberalism in Europe. It reminds me of one of the first political conversations I had with my now-husband. We were in Oklahoma, where I grew up and where he had just moved to from Vermont. He said that there were practically no truly liberal Oklahomans (politicians, that is), and that a Democrat from Oklahoma was like a Republican from Vermont. So I asked what a Democrat from Vermont was like and he said "a socialist!" Despite the common impression to the contrary, we have an extremely conservative media in the US. And I think it paints liberals as being far more liberal than they actually are.

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Actually it didn't surprise me that much. I really think of the Dem candidates as "centrists" or "moderates" more than true liberals. Especially Clinton. Edwards, now that surprised me that he didn't rate further left and "down". But Nader is decidedly more liberal than any of these "liberal" candidates.


What bothers me more is that they are all so Authoritarian.

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Okey dokey I am Economic Right 3.2 and Authoritarian 1.74. I would have thought I was a bit more to the right but nope. I am pretty much a centrist which surprised me. Looks like I am almost where Jose Zapatero is so maybe I should learn Spanish and move to Spain............................................. Nota a chance :D I thought some of the questions were poorly worded and would have like a neutral choice. Took the test twice several hours apart and go the same score. Now to make dh take it :D Ok we make a diagonal line he is left and libertarian with almost the same numbers I had ;) Which was no big surprise to me. Basically we are both centrists leaning a bit in the opposite directions.

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I know I might hear it for this one. But I was watching Larry King and he had on Jesse Ventura. And I am sorry again, but hes sounding pretty good.


Dare I say Jesse the wrestler for Pres. Funny coming from Miss Apolitical.



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I think benevolent dictators are highly under rated these days. ;)


:lol: Thats what my husband always says, too!

Problem is, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Not always I know. But often enough!

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My impression has been that there were more Democrats than Republicans here. My perception has been that most of the politically-oriented posts I've read on the boards seem to be critical of President Bush and his policies. At the risk of sounding snarky (which I don't mean to be at all), I wonder if perhaps it's just that the Democrats here are just more outspoken on political issues than the Republicans.

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My impression has been that there were more Democrats than Republicans here. My perception has been that most of the politically-oriented posts I've read on the boards seem to be critical of President Bush and his policies. At the risk of sounding snarky (which I don't mean to be at all), I wonder if perhaps it's just that the Democrats here are just more outspoken on political issues than the Republicans.


Is it possible that many Republicans are critical of President Bush and his policies? Any national poll indicates that is is not only Democrats who do not like the direction in which the country is going.


I doubt that Democrats here are more outspoken because most Democrats on this board will tell you that they have the opposite impression, that Republicans dominate this board. According to this poll, the Republicans do dominate this board. My guess is that you read through the Republican responses quickly because you agree. The responses from the Democrats resonate because you don't agree. I do the same, just in the opposite direction.


In a similar manner, conservatives do not see Fox News as being overtly conservative, but Democrats will say it is Bush's mouth piece. However, conservatives think CNN is liberal.

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Prior to this year, I would have considered myself Republican but the grand old party just isn't conservative enough for me. I think if I had to choose a party that I most agree with the platform of, it would be the Constitution Party. I think we need to really get back to the basics of what our country was founded on before it's too late.


That said, I will probably continue to vote for Republican candidates in most elections, but not in the presidential election this year.

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Prior to this year, I would have considered myself Republican but the grand old party just isn't conservative enough for me. I think if I had to choose a party that I most agree with the platform of, it would be the Constitution Party. I think we need to really get back to the basics of what our country was founded on before it's too late.


That said, I will probably continue to vote for Republican candidates in most elections, but not in the presidential election this year.



I totally agree with you, Krista!


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Prior to this year, I would have considered myself Republican but the grand old party just isn't conservative enough for me. I think if I had to choose a party that I most agree with the platform of, it would be the Constitution Party. I think we need to really get back to the basics of what our country was founded on before it's too late.


That said, I will probably continue to vote for Republican candidates in most elections, but not in the presidential election this year.



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I have been a conservative all my adult life.


I'm having an identity crisis.


I don't know who I am anymore!:willy_nilly:


Well, I am still this :patriot: anyway!


Oh dear. I had no idea my little post would cause the fall of someone's world. Sorry about that!!! Have a nice hot chocolate and relax. It's all relative, after all. My dad scores around about what you did, and he's the "hard core" right winger around here. I turned out to be more to the left than I thought, and my brother is so libertarian he's nearly an anarchist! I think you are still conservative, but the conservative politicians got more conservative and you stayed where you were. I'm trying to be helpful, but maybe I should just stop. :glare:

I'm glad to see there's a good hippy contingent here.



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This quiz seems to be flawed.



How could you make a test that wasn't? It's true that some of the questions seem to lean a bit, but having watched a bunch of my rellies take the test, it seems to me that we create the leaning ourselves based on our point of view. I've seen four people interpret the same question in a different way.

Anyway, did you read their FAQ page? That might answer some of your uncomfortabilities with it. (Ok, I know that isn't a word, but I couldn't think of a proper one that meant that.)



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Um, I came out to the left.


Economic Left/Right: -2.62 (to the left)

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.00



This can't be right. I am a conservative. I am a conservative.


Someone tell me I am still a conservative before I hyperventilate.


Economic Left/Right: -4.75 (to the left)

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.13




(And I'm conservative, too!)

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Oh dear. I had no idea my little post would cause the fall of someone's world. Sorry about that!!! Have a nice hot chocolate and relax. It's all relative, after all. My dad scores around about what you did, and he's the "hard core" right winger around here. I turned out to be more to the left than I thought, and my brother is so libertarian he's nearly an anarchist! I think you are still conservative, but the conservative politicians got more conservative and you stayed where you were. I'm trying to be helpful, but maybe I should just stop. :glare:

I'm glad to see there's a good hippy contingent here.




Actually my dh took the quiz this morning (he was further right than me with a score of 6.88 and barely over the Libertarian line.) We both observed that the question were very leading towards a leftist response. I am not surprised at how many scored on the liberal side.

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Actually my dh took the quiz this morning (he was further right than me with a score of 6.88 and barely over the Libertarian line.) We both observed that the question were very leading towards a leftist response. I am not surprised at how many scored on the liberal side.



I thought the the questions were skew to get a liberal response. I know I am more conservative than what I came out to be. Dh does tend to be more liberal than I am but he has become more conservative as he has gotten older. He did vote for McCain twice tho so .... I don't know :D He might be one of those rare hybrids.

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Their views are contradictory.


What do you find contradictory in the LP platform? I only had a chance to skim it, so maybe I missed something, but I didn't see anything contradictory. I do some some policies that could be problematical, though.

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My impression has been that there were more Democrats than Republicans here. My perception has been that most of the politically-oriented posts I've read on the boards seem to be critical of President Bush and his policies. At the risk of sounding snarky (which I don't mean to be at all), I wonder if perhaps it's just that the Democrats here are just more outspoken on political issues than the Republicans.


How can we tell if everyone who posts on those threads voted in this poll?


At the time I'm writing this...two hundred and something people have participated, and you can't tell from the thread who all responded to the poll. (I repsonded to the poll, but didn't say so in the thread).


I'm sure this is indicitave of the whole board population, but it's not an exact representation, KWIM?

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