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Does anyone else get annoyed having to click...

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Given the frequency that my cat decides to take a trip across the keyboard whenever I get a cup of coffee, I am sort of glad that I have to click on "Post Reply" to actually put a reply in.


I would hate to think that my cat was sending cryptic messages to you folks out there....

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the quick post icon every. single. time. you want to reply to a post? I find it very annoying to have to do this all the time. I wish they would change this to just having the post box ready to go. Ahhh! :tongue_smilie:


(clicking on "quote" button now) Ah, OK, "quote" automatically puts the replied-to post in the box, whereas "quick reply" doesn't. And "post reply" allows you to select multiple posts to reply to. Interesting - I never even noticed "quick reply" before!

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No, but I grew up with dial phones, and I remember a time before microwaves and remote controls. :tongue_smilie: :lol: I'm still kind of fascinated by all this "instant" communication.


How I wish remote controls had never been invented. I am sure if

people:glare::glare: had to get up of the chair to change the channel we might be able to watch a movie straight through without having to see what is on every other channel at the same time.

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