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Knitters ~ what are you working on now?

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Socks to dishcloths? You are more talented than I.


Talented, no. Stubborn, yes. Thank God for YouTube and Knitpicks videos. :001_smile:


I was honestly too naive to realize you weren't supposed to go straight to socks. I like making small things that get done quickly and fit in my purse.

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Talented, no. Stubborn, yes. Thank God for YouTube and Knitpicks videos. :001_smile:


I was honestly too naive to realize you weren't supposed to go straight to socks. I like making small things that get done quickly and fit in my purse.


There is bliss in ignorance, sometimes. :D


I will be searching out those vids because I am fully determined to make socks.

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I just finished this for my daughter in a gorgeous soft rainbow colorway (KnitPicks Chroma in Lollipop.) Dd's noggin a bit largish, so I am adding earflaps and ties to keep the thing from popping right off the top of her head. I am working on plain jane wool gloves for Dh and have yarn coming (splurge!) for 2 sweaters (this for the girls, this for my son, and several pairs of legwarmers to match the girls sweaters.) I am drooling over this color yarn and am asking for it for Christmas--I want to make a cardigan for myself, but I am not sure which one yet. (BTW, how does Cascade Eco + feel/knit up? I've never used it before and can't find any locally to "squeeze"--is it scratchy? I'll likely be using it for a cardigan, not undergarments, but all the same...)


Wish I had pics of my actual projects, but they seem to walk off on a kid before I get to take any!:D

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Would it be wrong if I made these for ME?


:D Be sure to post if you work out that size up! We could have a monster-butt-knit-a-long! Those are hysterical.


The chalice blanket is gorgeous! Bookmarking pattern ... and it's free too! Cha-ching.


I love this thread. I'd love to connect with more people on ravelry too. I now knit AND crochet and I've been super productive lately. At the moment I am knitting a pair of fair isle mittens for a dear neighbor and I just finished the first mitten. I am THRILLED with this pattern - they are coming out beautifully. Trying to attach ...


Ok - my mitts aren't blocked, but hoping the stitches even up a little when I do that.



Here's the link to the pattern


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Talented, no. Stubborn, yes. Thank God for YouTube and Knitpicks videos. :001_smile:


I was honestly too naive to realize you weren't supposed to go straight to socks. I like making small things that get done quickly and fit in my purse.



Yeah, that was my line of reasoning too. However, 2 socks later (really, 2 socks. Not a pair. Not 2 pair. Two completely different, single socks) I have decided that I need to use worsted weight or huge needles, cause fingering weight on size 2's is never gonna keep my feet warm...


But seriously, thank goodness for moxy and ignorance. The combination has gotten me further than it should have.:D

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I'm working on the sleeve of St. Brigid. (This is not me, nor is it my blog or my St. Brigid!) but I wanted to post a link that's not a Ravelry link in case some of you are not Ravelers. Here's the Ravelry link to the pattern page:



I'm doing it in Harrisville Highland Blackberry. I have the front and back DONE, so I'm kind of on the home stretch. It's been a long haul!


I just finished some Musica fingerless gloves for Molly. Here's the Ravelry link to those. http://www.ravelry.com/projects/astridrobi/fingerless-gloves-musica


I"m enjoying looking at all your projects!! Keep them coming!



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I just finished this for my daughter in a gorgeous soft rainbow colorway (KnitPicks Chroma in Lollipop.) Dd's noggin a bit largish, so I am adding earflaps and ties to keep the thing from popping right off the top of her head. I am working on plain jane wool gloves for Dh and have yarn coming (splurge!) for 2 sweaters (this for the girls, this for my son, and several pairs of legwarmers to match the girls sweaters.) I am drooling over this color yarn and am asking for it for Christmas--I want to make a cardigan for myself, but I am not sure which one yet. (BTW, how does Cascade Eco + feel/knit up? I've never used it before and can't find any locally to "squeeze"--is it scratchy? I'll likely be using it for a cardigan, not undergarments, but all the same...)


Wish I had pics of my actual projects, but they seem to walk off on a kid before I get to take any!:D


That girls sweater is another perfect one for my kids and me! thanks!


:D Be sure to post if you work out that size up! We could have a monster-butt-knit-a-long! Those are hysterical.


The chalice blanket is gorgeous! Bookmarking pattern ... and it's free too! Cha-ching.


I love this thread. I'd love to connect with more people on ravelry too. I now knit AND crochet and I've been super productive lately. At the moment I am knitting a pair of fair isle mittens for a dear neighbor and I just finished the first mitten. I am THRILLED with this pattern - they are coming out beautifully. Trying to attach ...


Here's the link to the pattern



Alright, now, seeing that makes me feel like I'm just learning to sound out letters. That is beyond gorgeous.


But seriously, thank goodness for moxy and ignorance. The combination has gotten me further than it should have.:D

:lol: Truth!



I'm 7bagsofskittles on ravelry, but I just horde patterns, not post anything--because I can't figure out how to do all that, this place sucks up all that time. *g*

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Ok - since most of you can see Ravelry I guess I'll post a few links to things I've finished in the last stretch. I LOVE looking at all your stuff and patterns - I've bookmarked a number of them. Thank you to the brilliant person who started this thread. :D


Shorty sweater, hat, purse crocheted for my daughter



Crocheted newsboy hat for my 1 year old niece



Super cute and easy crocheted monkey hat for DH's co worker's new baby



This is my biggest crocheted project ever. Crocheted shawl - love this pattern!



Cute knitted dress for my daughter - free pattern!



Sorry for the TMI. I just started tracking seriously on ravelry and I really did finish all that within the last 2 months. Part of that was due to a LONG 2 week road trip that had me working in the car. I spend hours and hours on ravelry lately contemplating my next project.

Edited by kck
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Ok - since most of you can see Ravelry I guess I'll post a few links to things I've finished in the last stretch. I LOVE looking at all your stuff and patterns - I've bookmarked a number of them. Thank you to the brilliant person who started this thread. :D


Shorty sweater, hat, purse crocheted for my daughter



Crocheted newsboy hat for my 1 year old niece



Super cute and easy crocheted monkey hat for DH's co worker's new baby



This is my biggest crocheted project ever. Crocheted shawl - love this pattern!



Cute knitted dress for my daughter - free pattern!



Sorry for the TMI. I just started tracking seriously on ravelry and I really did finish all that within the last 2 months. Part of that was due to a LONG 2 week road trip that had me working in the car. I spend hours and hours on ravelry lately contemplating my next project.


I want to make that monkey hat! And that shawl is just gorgeous. The dress-wow, that's a lot of work.

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I'm making:

Myself a pair of socks out of this yarn: http://patonsyarns.com/product.php?LGC=kroysocks in the blue ragg stripe - I knit two socks at a time on two circular needles. I don't want to knit socks with DPNs ever again.


Thing 2 a Wonderful Wallaby sweater with the same blue yarn I used for my Central park hoodie (with the viking cable modification).


and I'm about to start mittens for a very young friend with cold hands.

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I'm making:

Myself a pair of socks out of this yarn: http://patonsyarns.com/product.php?LGC=kroysocks in the blue ragg stripe - I knit two socks at a time on two circular needles. I don't want to knit socks with DPNs ever again.


Thing 2 a Wonderful Wallaby sweater with the same blue yarn I used for my Central park hoodie (with the viking cable modification).


and I'm about to start mittens for a very young friend with cold hands.


Very cool. I have thought about figuring out socks on circular.

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Very cool. I have thought about figuring out socks on circular.

http://www.cometosilver.com/socks/ - I've heard this is a great thing.


I do toe up socks, and I use the Queen Kahuna book. I mostly like it. It uses formulas (and I think there might be something similar on Knitty.com) to make socks that fit YOUR feet, with whatever yarn you're using - you just need to know your gauge. Some of her directions are PAINFULLY detailed (multiple pages of pictures explaining long tail cast on step.by.step, etc). Now I just use her math and I use her heel instructions which are short row magic. The more socks I make, the easier they are. I love handknit socks.


I meant to add - the 2 circulars to knit something small - basically you're knitting across the front and then across the back. It's not that complicated and you can probably find a youtube or knittinghelp video if you just want to see how it works.

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I do all my small round knitting on 2 circulars now including the blue and gold mittens above. SO much easier than double pointed!


Those mittens are so pretty!


See, I have watched someone knit with the circulars for socks, and I think that looks more complicated than the DPNs. Maybe it is all about what you get used to.


Now, I did look into toe-up, but that was mainly because learning kitchener was such a pain. Now that I can do kitchener (ok, only with the video going, but I CAN do it ;) ), I figure I am just as well off doing it top-down.

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I just started my knitting adventure about 2-3 weeks ago. I'm making a scarf that looks okay. I'm bummed because of two things. 1) I was doing very well but then I took my project to a class (not knitting class) where the lights were dimmed and somehow I ended up doing the same stitch six times, rather than switching. I'm doing a knit 2, purl 2 pattern. 2) I lost a stitch for a while and didn't realize it. I seem to lose a stitch or gain three somehow and I don't know why. Any help to offer?


I signed up at ravelry but golly, I have to keep an abbreviations page open just to follow posts. It's too overwhelming!

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Just wow!! I'm in awe.


Thank you all so much for posting all the pictures. I am really inspired now!! :D


Ok - since most of you can see Ravelry I guess I'll post a few links to things I've finished in the last stretch. I LOVE looking at all your stuff and patterns - I've bookmarked a number of them. Thank you to the brilliant person who started this thread. :D


Shorty sweater, hat, purse crocheted for my daughter



Crocheted newsboy hat for my 1 year old niece



Super cute and easy crocheted monkey hat for DH's co worker's new baby



This is my biggest crocheted project ever. Crocheted shawl - love this pattern!



Cute knitted dress for my daughter - free pattern!



Sorry for the TMI. I just started tracking seriously on ravelry and I really did finish all that within the last 2 months. Part of that was due to a LONG 2 week road trip that had me working in the car. I spend hours and hours on ravelry lately contemplating my next project.

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I just started my knitting adventure about 2-3 weeks ago. I'm making a scarf that looks okay. I'm bummed because of two things. 1) I was doing very well but then I took my project to a class (not knitting class) where the lights were dimmed and somehow I ended up doing the same stitch six times, rather than switching. I'm doing a knit 2, purl 2 pattern. 2) I lost a stitch for a while and didn't realize it. I seem to lose a stitch or gain three somehow and I don't know why. Any help to offer?


I signed up at ravelry but golly, I have to keep an abbreviations page open just to follow posts. It's too overwhelming!


My daughter seems to gain stitches sometimes. I found that she was sliding the right needle through the back of the stitch below the one she was knitting, as well as the stitch she was knitting. Does that make sense? On the next row, it doesn't look exactly like two separate stitches, but close enough so that you'd knit them both in dim light, and then end up with an accidental increase.


Losing stitches, you're either dropping then or knitting two together.

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I seem to lose a stitch or gain three somehow and I don't know why. Any help to offer?


Another way to gain stitches is to forget to move your yarn when switching between knit and purl. Or maybe it's between purl and knit. Anyway, you get an extra loop on the needle that's not a stitch but could easily be mistaken for one. I did this a lot in the early days and it wasn't until I'd been knitting for a few years that I realized how it had happened.


I've also done what MyCrazyHouse says about her dd--sliding the needle back through the yarn. This mostly happens when I'm using dpn's and the needle slips under the bit of yarn between the last stitch on the needle and the first on the next needle.


It just takes practice to get better and be able to figure these things out--keep it up!

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I'm doing the Midsummer Night shawl for my dd (in sport weight, though - it's my first lace project) - I'm on the edging, now.


I'm also doing the Maia shawl by the same designer for my mom, this time in actual laceweight. Technically I haven't started *hers* yet, as I've been working up a test case for me, first. But I think I've gotten the pattern well enough to get started on Mom's.


I'm going to do the Gathering Leaves shawl, too :) - this one's for my sis. Got the pattern, but haven't started my test case yet (I only started crocheting two months ago, so even though I'm wildly confident about tackling semi-complicated projects :tongue_smilie:, I'm not so confident as to start one to give away without a bit of practice ;)).


I'm also trying to learn to knit - I can cast on, knit, and purl (continental knitting, but norwegian purl - I read that tip here :), and it makes purling lots easier :thumbup:), and can more-or-less k2tog, skp, and yo. I'm trying to make this simple lace scarf, but so far knitting is not as fun as crocheting. I really want to knit socks, though, so I'm going to keep at it.

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I love everyone's projects!


I just finished a quick hat for dh and a Small Things Sweater for a friend's baby BUT I think I'm going to have to frog the sleeves and make them short-sleeves.


I really should get started on my dh's Pump Jockey but just can't bring myself to cast on yet. I still feel the need to make a few small projects before getting started on the BIG ONE.

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I'm about half-way through the 2nd afghan I am making my parents for Christmas - they wanted matching ones for their chairs in their RV.


I have also knit 3 hats in the past few weeks...and I want to make these for my youngest dds.







I made a Cyclades Vest for my 7yo last month! I liked it BUT when it came to doing the button band, I think I picked up too many stitches around the neck and it's a little floppy there. I can't bring myself to re-do it. I haven't put up pics on my Rav page yet.

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I'm doing the Midsummer Night shawl for my dd (in sport weight, though - it's my first lace project) - I'm on the edging, now.


I'm also doing the Maia shawl by the same designer for my mom, this time in actual laceweight. Technically I haven't started *hers* yet, as I've been working up a test case for me, first. But I think I've gotten the pattern well enough to get started on Mom's.


I'm going to do the Gathering Leaves shawl, too :) - this one's for my sis. Got the pattern, but haven't started my test case yet (I only started crocheting two months ago, so even though I'm wildly confident about tackling semi-complicated projects :tongue_smilie:, I'm not so confident as to start one to give away without a bit of practice ;)).


I'm also trying to learn to knit - I can cast on, knit, and purl (continental knitting, but norwegian purl - I read that tip here :), and it makes purling lots easier :thumbup:), and can more-or-less k2tog, skp, and yo. I'm trying to make this simple lace scarf, but so far knitting is not as fun as crocheting. I really want to knit socks, though, so I'm going to keep at it.


I had only been crocheting a few months when I started a Gathering Leaves shawl (I've been a knitter since childhood though). And it turned out give away quality. Although, I couldn't give it away after all that work. That's a gorgeous pattern. I only found the first 10-15 rows challenging. I really like the chart she wrote for that.


I already had those other 2 shawls bookmarked as favorites on ravelry, so you'll have to report back on those. So beautiful!

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:D Be sure to post if you work out that size up! We could have a monster-butt-knit-a-long! Those are hysterical.


The chalice blanket is gorgeous! Bookmarking pattern ... and it's free too! Cha-ching.


I love this thread. I'd love to connect with more people on ravelry too. I now knit AND crochet and I've been super productive lately. At the moment I am knitting a pair of fair isle mittens for a dear neighbor and I just finished the first mitten. I am THRILLED with this pattern - they are coming out beautifully. Trying to attach ...


Ok - my mitts aren't blocked, but hoping the stitches even up a little when I do that.



Here's the link to the pattern



Wow! Are those gorgeous!


How many hours did the first mitten take you?


Is it difficult?

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Wow! Are those gorgeous!


How many hours did the first mitten take you?


Is it difficult?


Thank you! :D I really do love how they're turning out. I got the first one done in 8 days. I have a cold which required some extra downtime and I am doing a bunch of waiting at my kid's activities this fall. I'm going to guess about 10-12 hours? I'm about 1/4 into the 2nd mitt. These are for give away, but I have a feeling I'll be making myself a pair next!

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I'm working on a Spring Butterfly for my dd. I just started the body and realized I reversed a stitch in my button placket about 10 rows back and can't decide if I can safely drop that stitch down to my mistake and pick it back up correctly. I knit where I should have purled.


This is my first cardigan, as I hate purling entire rows, so I always knit in the round. I'm hoping by the end of this, I'll finally have a comfortable way of holding my yarn when I purl. I just can't find a way that works well for me.


I've knit two of these and really like the pattern - here is one of mine http://www.ravelry.com/projects/Mothersweets/spring-butterfly.


It took me a while to get comfortable purling but doing a project like this really helped. Does the reversed stitch bug you a lot? Maybe you could make it be your "signature" like an earlier poster mentioned? :D


And, kck, your mittens are beautiful!!

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My daughter seems to gain stitches sometimes. I found that she was sliding the right needle through the back of the stitch below the one she was knitting, as well as the stitch she was knitting. Does that make sense? On the next row, it doesn't look exactly like two separate stitches, but close enough so that you'd knit them both in dim light, and then end up with an accidental increase.


Losing stitches, you're either dropping then or knitting two together.


Thanks for the tips. I'll have to watch more closely to see what's happening.

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Oh, you MUST! So much more superior to DPNs. I'm partial to Magic Loop myself, but I've also done 2 at a time on one circ.


I haven't knit socks using the Magic Loop but I have done hats with it - love it!


Socks are my next thing to master...I just have to get this afghan DONE! I'm so tired of it!!!! One was fine - but two is just boring, LOL.

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I'm new to knitting. I self taught by watching you tube video about two weeks ago. I have completed four scarves so far and just started a fifth. I really want to try to knit a hat for my almost 3 year old son, but I just have no idea how to follow the pattern for one and I'm also confused about how to use circular needles. Any advice on where to look to get good instructions for hat knitting?

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I'm new to knitting. I self taught by watching you tube video about two weeks ago. I have completed four scarves so far and just started a fifth. I really want to try to knit a hat for my almost 3 year old son, but I just have no idea how to follow the pattern for one and I'm also confused about how to use circular needles. Any advice on where to look to get good instructions for hat knitting?




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