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Babysitting rates...

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How much is babysitting going for these days?


I babysit a 7 yo, 6yo and 9 mo for 3 hours one day a week, in the afternoon. Sometimes I have to feed the baby. She usually takes a 2 hour nap. The boys are very active and I usually have to work to keep them quiet during baby's nap. Sometimes I do their homeschool art project with them. It is a trade for tuition for a class. I'm wondering what the babysitting is actually worth.


FWIW, I think I'm getting the better end of the deal because I can't afford the $60/month tuition. She thinks she's getting the better end of the deal. I think that makes a perfect trade! I'm just curious what one would pay for this babysitting.

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Are you serious?????? 15-20 an hour????? I know people that have gone through a couple years of college and don't make that hourly. What's minimum wage where you're at?


I pay sitters 10/hr, tops. My kids are 7,5, and 2. That's just under minimum wage for an employee. For a liscenced daycare, rates are about $40/day for a toddler. To hire and experienced nanny to take care of my kids on a regular basis would be under $15/hour. I can't imagine paying a casual sitter that!!

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I'm paying my 13 year old to babysit on the weekends when I'm working in Miss Good's soap booth.


I thought it would be about 10 hours each day, but we leave the house at 7am and often don't get home until 10pm.


She watches my 5 and 1 year old for 15 hours at a time for $100 a day. She is actually at the fair with us, so there is backup help if we have an emergency.


I'm starting to feel like I'm getting a really good deal!

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Irregardless I think it's a fair trade. Rates vary wildly by location, age/experience of the person doing the sitting, etc.


Oh yes, I think so too. I heard a mom mention that it was $100 for a babysitter for her and her Dh to go on a date night. I didn't know her well and the conversation glossed right over that moved on quickly so I didn't get a chance to ask her what she was paying. She has 3 elementary school aged kids. I'd like to be HER babysitter!


We never did date night, we got a sitter once and she ignored the 4 year old to play with the 10 year old (the sitter was 15!). We just gave up! We have date nights now and Ds stays home or goes to a friends.

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Irregardless I think it's a fair trade. Rates vary wildly by location, age/experience of the person doing the sitting, etc.



It's like the saying about selling/buying something: There's only one real price, what one person is willing to sell if for and what the other is willing to spend for it.


FWIW, I think it's great you've found a way to pay for tuition. I think it's a fair trade.

I trade out cleaning services for tutoring and we are both very happy with the arrangement.

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We rarely use a babysitter, but when we do it's usually a friend's 17 year old daughter. She charges $5 per hour for one child, and then $1 per hour for each additional child. So for us, it's $7 per hour. I think that's a fabulous rate, and I usually give her a little more because I just love her. Of course, she doesn't have to do too much for my 11 year old, but my youngest can be a handful. :D


All in all, I think you've got a GREAT trade-off going, for both of you!

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Once again this just seems SO high.


My dh, working in the prison system with Level 3 inmates---rapists, murders, etc. was only making about this much per hour AND he had a college degree, and his life was in danger daily inside the fence........as well as paying taxes on that money, etc.


It is no wonder parents can't afford to go out on date night or with other couples anymore.


When minimum wage was $3/hour, I was getting $1/hour (occ. up to $1.50) for up to 6 kids including feeding, bathing, clean up, etc.===so 1/2 of minimum wage. Now it looks like sitters are getting twice minimum wage and up for babysitting.


Maybe dh should look for a babysitting job vs. going back to the prison (he is currently laid off).

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