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Guess who I met last night?

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Sarita Holzmann, from Sonlight.


Not being a Sonlight user I was not overly impressed when I was invited to a HS meeting where she was the speaker. But I went anyway because DH says I never get out. (probably a big reason I don't have friends)


What a neat lady!


She gave a very uplifting talk about the benefits of HS'ing and talked about her life, how her husband (and circumstances) caused her start Hs'ing (but with much dragging and screaming).

How she started Sonlight and her love for missions.


Here is the really interesting thing that happened last night.


As many of you know, I am at a watershed moment with regards to my church. I had a talk with my pastors last week and it did not go well.


My largest problem with my current church is that I feel led (if you can describe an overwhelming drive and consuming desire merely with the word "led") to teach 4-6 grade Sunday school. They, for odd reasons don't want me to do so (except at the very basic, fold chairs and keep the kids in line stage)-me or anyone else but the "family". Problem is, the SS is really bad and the children are not learning much, nor building any relationships.

I have spent the week seeking counsel and in prayer and doing much thinking. Mostly I think and think and think, then throw my arms in the air and stop thinking for a while.


wash. rinse. repeat.



After the talk, there was a q & a time. Someone asked what she did right or wrong, what she would absolutely do again.


She said "If your kids aren't happy at their church, change".


I sat up and took notice!


Here is the eery part.


My mother keeps telling me about a church to try (she drives by it all the time at work, it is my denomination).

I do not want to go to a church with my mother and am avoiding trying said church since she wants to try it as well.

Anyway mother called me last night to AGAIN talk about this church (I had to hang up since I going into this meeting)


Guess what church Sarita goes to?


Well, I don't have to have God hit me on the head more than 7-8 times to take a hint.



I went online to "look" at this church. They state they need 4-5 grade teachers.

I cried.



This doesn't mean I have made up my mind.

I don't know what it means.

But I think I should check things out.



Edited by Lara in Colo
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Follow your heart!


No! Do not follow your heart. The Bible is very specific against doing that.


However, I do think God has given you the answer you so desperately were seeking. So be thankful and go teach! ;)


(I think it's so cool that you were able to meet Sarita and that she was God's vessel of an answer to you!)

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Actually the Bible says that if we delight ourselves in the Lord he will give us the desires of our heart. So I don't see where it says to NEVER follow your heart.



And if God is speaking to your heart to do something like teach, shouldn't you follow it then? Don't you love rhetoric. Perhaps I should have typed something different but it seems that the Lord has plans for her and she need to follow Him even if it means leaving where is she currently attending church.

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Did Sarita talk about why she didn't actually hs for highschool?



No and I didn't know enough about her to ask!!

I got the impression she Hs'd all the way.

I know she was forced into HS'ing since they lived in a bad school district and they were too broke (after a pay cut) to put them all into private school. Perhaps they moved to a better school district. I know her oldest daughter asked to come home from private school.

(I guess I can ask on Sunday though :) I think I will try out her church this week.)



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And if God is speaking to your heart to do something like teach, shouldn't you follow it then? Don't you love rhetoric. Perhaps I should have typed something different but it seems that the Lord has plans for her and she need to follow Him even if it means leaving where is she currently attending church.


I agree. I think the definition of "follow your heart" is where I was getting confused. For me it means that when things line up and God is tugging at my heart to go a particular direction, that is where I need to go. But I can see it meaning doing what you want no matter what you see God saying to you.


I think God, at times, does give us clear signs on where He is leading and it is a huge blessing.

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I grew up in an Eastern faith, but married into a Christian family.


Your story just gave me goosebumps! In a good way!


Best of luck on your spiritual journey, and three cheers for meetings such as the one you experienced - whether destined, or by chance, they are truly amazing experiences ... even secondhand :)

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