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Would anyone like to "diet" or get healthy with me?

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I come to this site so much now(atleast 4 times a day if not more)and I was wondering if any of you wanted or needed a diet buddy or just someone to talk to about weight issues or healthy recipes or share some tips and advice.


I don't want to diet...I want to change my way of thinking and get my fridge and my pantry much healthier. I want to cook from scratch more often and have healthy, yummy snacks available for my growing and always starving(lol!)kids!


I personally want to lose atleast 25 lbs or more and I'll be the first to admit, I LOVE FOOD! it's my crutch for sure. Bored, happy, mad, sad, tired, you name it and it's a reason for me to eat!


would love some of you to join me.

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I will! I just returned from a clinic to get some meds for a UTI. My blood pressure was so high, at first they said they wouldn't treat me. I calmed down enough for it to drop to a safer level. I've known that I need to do something but I really want to wait for my annual next month. So, I'm needin' some new cooking skills (less salt) and overall support. I, too, have about 25 lbs. to lose. I'm with ya!

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Me too! I need to drop about 20-25 pounds, and I could use some support! Somehow, I can't seem to get motivated, and the number on the scale keeps creeping up. But before I need to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe (in a bigger size, that is) I'd like to nip this weight gain in the bud.



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well....in all honesty, I NEED to lose about 40 to 50 lbs., but I would like to lose about 25 lbs to start - I don't want to overwhelm myself and then give up.


Have you ever heard of Weight View.com? it was on the Rachel Ray show today...you submit a photo of yourself and then they take that photo and trim off 10, 15, 20, etc...pounds to show you what you would look like if you lost that weight. It's free and takes 48 hours or so to get the photo back to you via email. I just send my photo and can't wait to see what I look like!

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has anyone done Weight Watchers? or low carb(South Beach)? or any other planned diet?


what are your goals? healthier meals and snacks, more water consumption and definitely daily exercise for me!


My mom says he is the most dedicated person she has ever seen! My uncle--his brother is very overweight and is a diabetic. He is to the point that they may have to remove his feet! My dad thinks about him ALL the time and is very committed to not turning out like him!


I just saw him about a month ago and the last time I saw him was in Nov..so I was shocked to see how good he looked! The last time I had seen him the size he is now,was when I was 7!!!


She basically counts his carbs and tells him what each item will be. Over time she has learned how much things are. You can find online how much you should be eating, just google and you should come up with something.

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I am trying to do healthier thing. Having problems with tummy. Talked to naturopath and she didnt put me on anything drastic, just had me add Juice Plus shakes. They have all vitamins and fruit and vegetables.


Its not a pain, I dont have to pull out blender. I just add a scoop to my juice, milk or water and stir. No icky mess. Love em. When I dont have time I eat as meal replacement , they have protein. Also, great for kids.


Love it,


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so happy you replied! I just looked at your blog - you are too funny! I can relate to sooooooo many things that you have written and I love your photos! do you scrapbook by any chance?


If you're refering to me, Thanks! And no, I do not scrapbook. For me, it would become cult like because of all the scissors, stickers, paper, decor...I'd be broke. And nothing would get finished. I'm a planner, not really a finisher. :o My poor dc have hardly any documentation of their little lives because I can't get their stuff organized. I find the blog is helping with keeping up with their goings-on. I am currently working on stepping up my blog. I'll let you know when it's up and running. :001_smile:

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okay, so here's a little about me and maybe everyone can share little tidbits and we can get to know one another.


I'm Lisa, 41 yrs old, happily married to my HS sweetheart for 18 years, we have 2 girls(11 and 7), we've been homeschooling for 6 or 7 years. I love to scrapbook, read, play on the computer and of course spend time with my dh and our girls.


I've struggled with the weight thing for as long as I can remember, it consumes my thoughts, what to eat, what SHOULD I eat, is it healthy, how many calories is it, I should go for a walk, I should do an exercise dvd, am I setting a bad example for my kids, do I look fat, I feel fat, I shouldn't have eaten that, why did I go back for seconds....you get my drift I'm sure.

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I could use this support too!


I'm Jen, 33 yo, married to my HS sweetheart for 14 years (together for 18 years) with 2 girls (10 and 8). We've been homeschooling for 3 years now.


I too have struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. I go up and down all over the scale. I am tired of doing the dieting and really just want to change my family's lifestyle so my girls don't have to suffer with weight issues/body image issues as they grow older.


Hopefully if we are all here for each other and help keep each other accountable, maybe we can all accomplish our goals!!!

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I want to join in! I want to lose 15 or 20 pounds!


I'm in my 40's, married 20 years to a WONDERful man, and we still adore each other! I LOVE scrapbooking and am learning to knit just because there's a group of ladies at church that are doing this, and it's mostly ones in their 50's or younger! I am a vegetarian--no flesh food of ANY kind, but I do eat cheese and eggs.


I still haven't lost my baby weight from my last baby (11 years ago! ;) ), and now have a tummy! I DON'T LIKE IT!!!


I started out this year VERY well---Jan, Feb & March I was on the treadmill at least 3 times a week, usually 4. Then my mom got sick in April, and I hurt my foot the beginning of May. I've gained back what I lost those first 3 months, and NEED to get going again! I could use ya'lls help and support! THANKS FOR STARTING THIS THREAD! :D

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I'm 47 yo, married almost 28 years to my beloved. We have two dc, ER (17yob, just graduated) & EK (13 yog, rising 8th grader). I have homeschooled for 12 years. I never had a weight problem (I was actually very slim in my teens & 20s) until my mid-30s. I don't want to diet -- I can't deal with feeling deprived -- I want to make permanent changes in my eating and exercise habits so that I'll be more healthy and look good. I need to lose 40 pounds, but 20 would be a great start!

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I'm Sarita, 33 years old, married to my amazing prince for almost 9 years. We have 3 kids--dd5, dd3, ds1--and we have "always" homeschooled. I have a MS in kinesiology/exercise science, so I definitely fall in the "eat less, exercise more" weight loss camp. Unfortunately, I haven't really put into practice any of the great info I learned in school because here I sit--still wanting to lose the same 20 pounds I've always wanted to lose! (Actually, when I was younger, wanting to lose 20 pounds was maybe unrealistic and unhealthy...now it's probably not even enough!) My goals (along with losing the weight) are to make exercise a priority and to be healthy in my food choices (what and when) and portion sizes. (I tend to be an emotional eater, and with 3 small kids at home with me all. the. time... my emotions tend to get a little crazy!)


I'm excited to get to know all of you gals better on this journey! I've really enjoyed these boards, and I've learned a TON from everyone here. A question for you as we continue on together... Will we track our progress and put out encouragement for each other on the boards? Or would you rather do it more "privately"? Just wondering...



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I'd like to join in. I've been really wanting to get serious with this weight thing for a while now, but can't seem to get motivated. I don't know what my problem is.:confused: I am 45 and married to my highschool sweetheart 26 years. For years I have yo-yoed with my weight. I need to lose about 35lbs. So, how we gonna do this thing? :001_smile:

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May I join in? I need to lose 15 pounds, and I need to make exercise a regular and enjoyable part of my life. I have had success with Life Without Bread before (low-carb, but not as restrictive as Atkins) and want to do it again. I really want it to just be a way of eating, not a "diet" per se --- meaning I want to do it for the rest of my life, not just as a short-term goal. The weight quickly melted off for me when I did this before. Now I need to stick with it. I'm 34 now and not naturally "skinny" like I used to be. I have to work at it. And the problem is, I'm lazy!!!!!


Should we set up a Yahoo email list or something to keep in touch that way? I've done that before. It's pretty easy.

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ME. I am lousy at trying to lose weight. And African food does not encourage weight loss. Being 5'11", everyone looks at me really strange when I say I am trying to lose some weight because I don't look heavy. But the scale does not lie and I need to lose at least 25 lbs. I am going to have to cook something different for myself I guess.



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I want to join in, too! I did weight watchers before I started homeschooling and got to my goal weight. Since I started hs 3 years ago, I've gained it all back, plus a little more. I need to lose 25 lbs, but I might make it more so that I have a safety zone. I turned 40 during this time and that's when it got bad.


I don't want to diet, I just want to change how I eat and get exercise. I did the points with WW. I just figured out how to eat what I wanted, not any healthier. My goal is eating more raw food, more whole grains, more beans and nuts and water, while eating less sweets and processed foods.


I got an exercise bike, an indoor trampoline, and resistance bands. I asked for help with what to do and how often on another thread and someone recommended http://www.sparkpeople.com. It's a free website with meal tracking, fitness videos, etc.


We actually leave for vacation on Sunday, so I don't think I'll look at joining that until I get back. I'm going to really try, even on vacation, to watch what I'm eating.



Amy of GA

Darin's wife for 17 years

11yo dd

5yo ds

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Count me in! I want to lose 20 lbs. and need to git into my dress for my wedding reception... I HAVE to do something right now!


Exercise stimulates me to have more energy, so I have to do that early in the day or I can't sleep... and I usually get busy with my to do list and end up not exercising... hmmm...


looking forward to posting with you all to see what we can do!



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wow! this is exciting! there is entire group here!!


should we come up with a name? how about "The Healthy Hive"? lol! do you want to start a group here? or at Spark People.com? or somewhere else?


what are your plans for today? I'm heading to the grocery store this morning, going to fill the house with good, healthy food! I also plan on doing a walk away the pounds video today because it so bloomin' hot and humid outside!


have a great day, eat well and get some exercise!


oh, and drink lots of H2O!

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I have @ 30 left to lose, but thought I'd share my story. I am 39 and have lost 98#s in the last 15 months. I started by making small changes and concentrated on being healthier, rather than losing weight.


I started by switching to high fiber foods; brown rice, whole wheat breads, oatmeal, lots of veggies and fruits. I also gave up red meat and pork and ate just fish and chicken. No baked goods or fried foods and I limited sugary stuff to very rare treats. I ate this way for a long time and then slowly added in more vegetarian meals and less meats/eggs/dairly until I gave them up altogether in October.


I am hoping and praying that I continue eating this way. One of my biggest fears is that I will go back to the old way of eating and gain it all back. My family is now eating this way too and that does make it easier for me to keep on track and the best part is my DH and 16 yo have both lost @ 30#s now too!

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well....in all honesty, I NEED to lose about 40 to 50 lbs., but I would like to lose about 25 lbs to start - I don't want to overwhelm myself and then give up.


Have you ever heard of Weight View.com? it was on the Rachel Ray show today...you submit a photo of yourself and then they take that photo and trim off 10, 15, 20, etc...pounds to show you what you would look like if you lost that weight. It's free and takes 48 hours or so to get the photo back to you via email. I just send my photo and can't wait to see what I look like!


Please share what you think about this after you get your photo back. I have often thought that if I could see how I would look after loosing weight that it would motivate me to loose the weight.


I am in as well. I need to change my habits a lot. I got the Wii Fit to help me get more exercise, but I haven't set it up yet. I have a lot of weight that I need to loose.


Quiver of 10 your story is very encouraging. Thank you for sharing.



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at the Well-Trained Sparks Team on Sparkpeople. Sparkpeople is a FREE website offering lots of articles, advice, and tracking tools for your weight, calories, and fitness. Because our group is PRIVATE, all our members have been invited through the WTM boards. You can choose how private/public you'd like your information to be and whether or not you'd like to join other groups, as well (such as people who use Leslie Sansone videos or people dealing with fibromyalgia, etc.)

First: register with Sparkpeople.com

Then: follow this link: http://www.sparkpeople.com/myspark/groups_individual.asp?gid=8627&gcode=49I2F1HTCT

We have 162 members registered, but around 35-40 who are active every month. You can create your own Sparkpage and blog or post to our forums.

If you have any trouble joining, PM me!



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Mrs. Mungo -- I read your sparks page. Great job! I too just starting getting active again on that site. I finally made a sparks page as well.


I'm feeling pretty positive about it all. But I also get annoyed that it's an issue at all. My husband admitted that I am right on the line weight-wise, where he wouldn't be happy if I gained more weight. I'm sick of the shape of things here as well. I was very fit when I met him, and I felt pretty good overall. It's just not as easy now that 10 years have passed, you know?

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Mrs. Mungo -- I read your sparks page. Great job! I too just starting getting active again on that site. I finally made a sparks page as well.


I'm feeling pretty positive about it all. But I also get annoyed that it's an issue at all. My husband admitted that I am right on the line weight-wise, where he wouldn't be happy if I gained more weight. I'm sick of the shape of things here as well. I was very fit when I met him, and I felt pretty good overall. It's just not as easy now that 10 years have passed, you know?


You're telling ME! Sheesh, I started dating hubby just before I turned 19. I'm now 35 and have birthed three children! Blech.

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Have you ever heard of Weight View.com? it was on the Rachel Ray show today...you submit a photo of yourself and then they take that photo and trim off 10, 15, 20, etc...pounds to show you what you would look like if you lost that weight. It's free and takes 48 hours or so to get the photo back to you via email. I just send my photo and can't wait to see what I look like!


You can also go to the My Virtual Model site and make a model of yourself at what you weight now and what you want to weigh. My model looks so much like me it's scary, LOL! I put the two side-by-side in a Word doc. and have it up on my fridge. HTH!

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