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I hear my child scream

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when we're out doing yard work and look over to see him rolling in the grass. Gasoline in his eyes. He was filling the mower for me. I ran over and led him to the hose and we started flushing out his eyes. Fortunately the hose attachment was on and we got just the right flow going. Poor thing, it hurt so badly.


He's better now, but they still hurt. ER said we couldn't do anything but keep flushing them out with water. As bad as it was I guess it could have been worse, his glasses stopped some of it.

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Glad to hear he is okay! My husband had a similar experience while doing a car repair, but it went into his ear. He couldn't hear very good out of that ear for several days -- unless he was using it as an excuse to tune the children and I out :)

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I'm glad he's OK! How very scary.


Once, when our twins were about 3yo, dh allowed one of them to "help" him pump gas into the van at a service station. We were travelling, and were about 4 hours from home; I was concentrating on our baby at the time and didn't notice that ds had exited the van. Ds grabbed the gas pump and it sprayed all over him. I ran him into the service station bathroom, and flooded him with as much soap and water as I could. We changed his clothes, and then continued on home. As soon as we got there, we put him in the shower.


I was so afraid that he would have some sort of lasting effects since he wasn't able to get showered immediately, but all seemed to be well.


And dh has never allowed the dc to help him pump gas since then. :001_smile:

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