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Do you have a Bucket List?

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I don't have one. I am quite content with my life, and I don't need all of the bells and whistles of this world to feel fulfilled. There are things I would like to do, to be sure, but the most important things involve growing closer to God and being with my family. The things of this world pale in comparison.

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I don't. I'm just trying to enjoy my family and my life as much as possible!


I do have a dear friend who definitely is a "bucket-lister" - - - to the point that she married a man that she felt "lukewarm" about quite possibly so she could cross off "wedding" from her Bucket List! (They are now divorced, but no kids - not sure if that's on her list).


At this point in my life I don't need the stress of a bucket list! If my house is reasonably clean, my family is eating mostly nutritious meals, my children are learning, and I have enough energy to kiss my hubby goodnight - - - then I feel pretty darn good!

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Maybe that's it. Maybe I'm just too content. ( NOT saying that anyone who has one isn't content!) I really like where I am in life and I'm sure I'll be able to accomplish many things before I die. If not, oh well. There are a lot of cool things I'd like to do though. I'd like to eat my way through Europe. haha. I like to learn to dance. I'd like to be some sort of something in the field of natural food/medicine/childbirth. I guess I kinda have a list, but I will in no way feel as if my life isn't complete if those things don't happen.

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Never heard of that. Now I'm gonna have to Google.


I'm reading the answers and if it means making a list of bunch of stuff to do or see before you die, I have to say I don't have a bucket.


I've seen a lot, done a lot, gone places. I've never been to Asia, and I would like to, but I would never bungee jump or willingly parachute from a a plane...


Get better, deeper sleep? Go to bed earlier and fall asleep in a timely manner? Do those things count? Getting better sleep and visiting SE Asia are about as grand as I can consider right now.


Oh! Grandchildren, and health and money and motivation to take them wherever they want to go. Let's add daughter and son -in-laws who control themselves if I make a mistake. I don't wanna read about any of my slip-ups online someday. :)

Edited by LibraryLover
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it's based on the idea that, "every man dies but not every man lives"... not that a person needs to *do* or *see* a lot to experience life -- it's just for fun honestly. a person that marries to mark off an item on a list -- well, that's just weird. it's simply things you would like to do or see before you die. it can be as simple as a cartwheel (mentioned in another thread) or as grand as volunteering at the masai mara in kenya.

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I do! I started the cartwheel thread. :D


But it is just for fun. I won't feel discontent if I don't do the things on my list. I just think it is fun to think of things I'd like to do and then give them a try. :)


That is where I heard it today. :) ( I'm new here, should I have titled this thread " S/O- bucket lists?" haha There seem to be so many etiquette rules to break on here.

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I'm working on it, but here are some of the things on my list:


See all the continents


Learn to play the sax


Become more fluent in Spanish


Become MUCH more fluent in French


Finish the book I started writing a long time ago. :001_huh:


Finish a triathlon (chickened out this summer)

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I want to milk a cow. And then make butter from the milk.

I want to go para-sailing, even though I'm afraid of heights.

I want to complete a full hat with a buckram base.


That's it. :tongue_smilie:


Well, scuba diving in Hawaii or somewhere with tropical fish would be cool, but if I were in a situation where I was given a dead-line, it wouldn't be a must-do. Just a nice-to-do.

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Sure do!


They are a bunch of holidays I'd like to take, crafts I'd like to try and books I'd like to read, mostly. Great if I get them done, but since it is about 500 items long, odds are slim I'll manage them all. :lol:


The newest item on my list is to learn to play a hammered dulcimer. What's excruciating thing is I have enough in my account to buy a beginners instrument. We need a nail biting smilie!




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My oldest says I'm too young for a bucket list. Funny thing is that she has one!


It's not written down, but I'd like to go to a 5 start restaurant and stay in a 5 star hotel. But those aren't going to happen until the kids are out of the house and we're not paying for college any more.

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It's not written down, but I'd like to go to a 5 start restaurant and stay in a 5 star hotel. But those aren't going to happen until the kids are out of the house and we're not paying for college any more.


That one would scare me. What would you wear? What would you do? WHO would pay?


On my list there are only 2 and dh doesn't think very highly of number 2, so I'm not sure that'll ever happen.


Go to a spa type place (with a friend who's been before)

Help out with the Sisters of Mercy in Calcutta for 2 weeks

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I guess I do, but never really thought of it as a "bucket list."


I want to move to the Appalachians and work on Economic Development and poverty issues. It's been on my "list" since I was 14 and spent a week in a remote place in WV.


I want to run a 5K. I might move up from there, but a 5K is a good start.


That's pretty much it. I am a boring person, huh?:tongue_smilie:

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Bucket list.....yeah kind of.


I grew up overseas so I did a great deal of traveling the world (primarily various parts of Africa and Europe) before I got married. China and India were still on my "must see" list. I had been to Hong Kong and Singapore, but hadn't actually gone into mainland China (I went to Hong Kong before they were officially "China.")


But 5 years ago I did get to visit China. I didn't get to Tian Jian where my dad grew up, which was a disappointment, but I did get to see most of Beijing, travel up to Inner Mongolia and see the grasslands, and go back down to Guangzhou and back to Hong Kong.


India is still on my list but it isn't as important as it once was.


Run a marathon? Nah, not even interested.


I would like to get thin.....is that a bucket list item?

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I guess I do, but it's not set in stone. They are jjust things I've always wanted to do - you know, since I was a kid. And, now I'm finally doing them.


1. Swim with the dolphins - even though I'm scared of deep water. (Did it! Doing it again!)

2. Parasail. (Still too scared!)

3. Run a marathon. (Done! Never doing it again!)

4. Meet and feed all different types of animals (mostly birds). I just love birds. I want to meet them close up.

5. Visit Galapagos. (See the animal one!)

6. Cruise through the Panama Canal.

7. Travel lots!!!! I never did as a kid (much - we camped a lot) and I want my kids to see more of the world than I did.

8. Get really unbelievably rich and go around doing really good things for people. Wouldn't that be amazing????


There's more. Can't think of them now.

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I'd like to swim with the dolphins and sky dive before I die. Dh bought me a trip to Discovery Cove for a gift but I haven't gone yet, and dd11 and I are thinking about sky diving for my 50th in two years.


I always wanted to do an African safari but I hate to travel. These uncertain times make me hate travelling even more.

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I don't, in the context of being discontent if I can't do them.


I AM trying to get better about doing those things that I say "I always wanted to do that....."


1. I'm (slowly) learning violin with dd's. That's been a wish for 15-20 years. I'm not very good and will probably never really play for people, but that wasn't part of my desire to learn.


2. I'm trying to train for a half marathon. I keep having to backtrack to give my joints time to strengthen, so not sure if I'll be able to do it. But, I'm trying. I want the window sticker really bad. The one that says 13.1. :tongue_smilie:

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I'd like to swim with the dolphins and sky dive before I die. Dh bought me a trip to Discovery Cove for a gift but I haven't gone yet, and dd11 and I are thinking about sky diving for my 50th in two years.


I always wanted to do an African safari but I hate to travel. These uncertain times make me hate travelling even more.


We're going to Discovery Cove as a family next year! I loved swimming with the dolphins so much, I'm taking everyone. DO IT!!!! Heck, you should come when we're there!!!




2. I'm trying to train for a half marathon. I keep having to backtrack to give my joints time to strengthen, so not sure if I'll be able to do it. But, I'm trying. I want the window sticker really bad. The one that says 13.1. :tongue_smilie:


You can do it!!! Heck - even if you have to walk most of it. You WILL get that sticker!


Honestly, I smile every time I walk up to the back of my car and see my 26.2 and 13.1 stickers. You will get it!!!! Now, I need a triathalon one!!!

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We're going to Discovery Cove as a family next year! I loved swimming with the dolphins so much, I'm taking everyone. DO IT!!!! Heck, you should come when we're there!!!





It would be SO nice to meet you!!!


We had a trip booked for Costa Rica and the Galapagos Islands years ago. Dh and I were going to stay in huts in the rain forest, take the whateveritscalled through the rain forest (as well as hike through it) AND go to the Galapagos!!!


All I can say is.............






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It would be SO nice to meet you!!!


We had a trip booked for Costa Rica and the Galapagos Islands years ago. Dh and I were going to stay in huts in the rain forest, take the whateveritscalled through the rain forest (as well as hike through it) AND go to the Galapagos!!!


All I can say is.............







So, when are you going???!!! We even have a condo rented already and your family would fit! We'll be there Aug 25 - Sept 1. This is our do-over vacation after we had to leave our cruise in Mexico for Andrew to have his surgery. He's doing most of the planning.


So, did you go to the Galapagos? I've priced out trips for our family and think this is one that will have to wait until the kids leave home! If you went, would you go back?

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This is the first time I've ever heard of a bucket list.


Strangely, however, only two days ago I was thinking along similar lines. I was dusting the piano in our dining room, the piano that everyone in the family can either play, or is learning to play. My father's family all played brilliantly, but sadly he died when I was young and my mother refused to get a piano (house too small), so I never learned. While I was dusting I suddenly started reflecting on the fact that I would probably die never having learned anything about playing the piano. Suddenly this made me decide that as soon as all the boys are in school I would start lessons with the lovely lady who teaches the boys. I'm rather too old, but, hey, I might live to 100, so there's plenty of time. When I informed DH that evening about my ideas he was delighted and thought it a brilliant idea.


So I'd actually unwittingly started a bucket list! Now that I've started I just might think of a few more - I'm at that age, I think: a mild mid-life crisis :D.

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I don't, but I think it might be an interesting thing to do. On the other hand, I tend to find the most joy and wonderment in things I happen across in my life that I never even knew existed. I tend to become so myopic that I miss a lot of beauty and amazement going on right in front of my face, so maybe a list wouldn't be the right thing for me.


I have a niece with an actual list. At 27 years old she has crossed off a lot of stuff! Most recently she checked off "climb Mt. Everest". She didn't summit, but she and my sister made it to Everest Base Camp on the South side of the mountain. How cool is that? I would never have even thought to do it, and now she can cross it off her list.

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It's interesting to see everyones goals! I have been thinking about it since last night. I don't really have any big aspirations, but I thought of a few things.


I'd love to make a formal dress. I have a sewing business, but it's mostly bags and baby stuff. It would be awesome to make a gown, then have somewhere to wear it!


I have a friend who runs 1/2 marathons for fun. (ack!) I would love to have that accomplishment under my belt. THere is a 1/2 marathon that goes through Disneyland and ladies wear fairy wings while running it.

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So, when are you going???!!! We even have a condo rented already and your family would fit! We'll be there Aug 25 - Sept 1. This is our do-over vacation after we had to leave our cruise in Mexico for Andrew to have his surgery. He's doing most of the planning.


So, did you go to the Galapagos? I've priced out trips for our family and think this is one that will have to wait until the kids leave home! If you went, would you go back?


Sorry..... I had to leave.


We haven't set a date for DC, and aren't you sweet with your offer! I'd never infringe on your family vacation, but I would stay nearby so we could do something together!


I can't believe I didn't explain myself more clearly. We had our trip to CR and Galapagos booked when I found out I was pregnant. I was worried about getting bitten by something poisonous so we cancelled the trip.

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Nope. I'm not into creating even more opportunities for disappointment or falling short. I need to live my life right now and it's too hard when I feel I need to accomplish many other things in the future...I can get so discontented!


I'm not trying to be a downer, but life is tough right now and to have a list of things that I may never, ever get to do or be or accomplish would make me feel like crap. It could give someone else hope, I'm sure, but that's not how I'm wired. LOL

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