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MRI tomorrow, I am nervous....

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I had a bOOk reduction 2 years ago, and the found some abnormal tissue. So, I am now in a high screening pattern. Mammogram one year, MRI the next, over and over. Tomorrow is my first MRI.


I know there is a 80% chance it will be fine, but I get nervous anytime I have to think about it. O do a pretty good job of forgetting about it in between appointments, but when the appointment is looming, I get scared.


I know I am lucky that this was found so that I am being well screened, but I still don't like it. For people who pray, I would appreciate a short one.


Thanks for listening.



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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: and prayers.


I'm sure everything will turn out fine, but I absolutely understand that you're worried. Waiting to have a test done is always hard, because once that appointment is scheduled, it's so difficult not to picture all of the scary possibilities that would never even occur to us on a "regular" day when we don't have any tests coming up.


Please let us know how it goes. :grouphug:

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Thank you for the prayers and hugs. I won't find out the results for a few days. I got through the test though. I had not realized that I would have to get an IV. I am phobic of needles, and the 1st guy placing it was horrible. He couldn't get it in and was moving it all about. They finally got the IV team in and that nurse placed it no problem. It was a learning experience. I will let you know when I get the results.



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Try not to worry too much (I know, easier said than done!). MRI's are meant to pick up a mass that is so small, it would be at its very early stages. That's WORST case scenario; chances are much, much greater that it is nothing at all!


Over time, you will realize that the MRI is your friend. My family is at great risk for breast cancer, and I have fibrous tissues. I do an MRI every year, and a mammogram every year too, 6 months apart from the MRI. I know that if there is ever anything to worry about and the mammogram isn't seeing it, the MRI will pick it up. Now I don't have to worry about it anymore!


I spend my time in the MRI machine just relaxing and sometimes I even fall asleep. :)


Keep in mind that sometimes there are false positives with the MRI. That happened to me the first time I had an MRI. I had to go back another day, to have a needle biopsy. It checked out fine.

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Thank you for the prayers and hugs. I won't find out the results for a few days. I got through the test though. I had not realized that I would have to get an IV. I am phobic of needles, and the 1st guy placing it was horrible. He couldn't get it in and was moving it all about. They finally got the IV team in and that nurse placed it no problem. It was a learning experience. I will let you know when I get the results.





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Still no results, I think I should hear by Friday. I am feeling calmer today. Thank you for reminding me about the false positives. My Oncologist had said that happens more with the MRI than the Mammogram, but I had forgotten.


I think I might be on the same path. I did a Mammogram last year, this year MRI and I will switch back and forth for a couple of years until I am 40, then it is each one every year 6 months apart. I am hoping that this will all soon become routine and not make me so nervous, I just have to remind myself that this is all still pretty new to me.


Also, a reminder to every woman on this board, Do breast exams! I have no family history of cancer, let alone breast cancer. I was in the lowest risk category. Other than going to my yearly appointment I did not even have breast cancer on my radar. It was only through a fluke that I found out I was in a high risk group. I had a breast reduction and they send the tissue for biopsy as part of routine screening and that is how I found out. This was there, and I had no idea.


I will post again when I get my results.



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