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Anybody have a rug under their eating table?

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I need one. The varnish is almost non-existent now on the hardwood under the table. But I cringe at the thought of kids eating 3 meals a day over a rug. What kind should I get, meaning what's the best fiber for durability, cleanability, etc. Sisal, seagrass, hemp, jute, bamboo, others? I don't know much about rugs. Please help.

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I'm not sure what it's made of, it looks sort of like sisal, but it's some sort of fabric. It has no "shag" or whatever you call the texture of regular carpet, it's completely flat.


It is definitely stained, more from me dropping an entire plate of teriyaki chicken than from DS! We've had it for five years now, and it doesn't look too bad. Of course, I only have one child.


I wanted to have a rug under the table to protect our laminate floors from being scratched when the chairs get pushed back and forth.

Michelle T

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We have an eat-in kitchen & put down a burgandy rug (very short pile, like a berber) and I love it. I wish my whole kitchen was carpeted with it! Mainly because my old linoleum is so ugly now! But the burgandy shows nothing, and it's so short that any spills are easy to clean up, it cuts down on the noise (important for my sound-sensitive dh), and it looks very pretty against the wood cabinets.


My SIL has a beautiful rug under her diningroom--one of those with a design on it. The advantage of that is that it doesn't show every little white scrap of paper that mine does! Neither of us have a problem with food dropped etc... but my youngest is 9 too. My grandma's kitchen was carpeted so it doesn't seem strange to me at all. If something gets spilled, you just clean it up, no big deal.


Merry :-)

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She has a lovely rug under her dining room table. She has an older son with severe mental disabilities and she has a clear mat under his place at the table. It's very discreet but very practical.


I just bought a rug for under my dining room table to protect our newly finished floor, but I can't remember the last time we used our dining room table, so I don't think my choice of an oriental rug would be helpful to recommend. I also recently bought some indoor-outdoor rugs for our family room, and I can tell you that cleaning them is very difficult, if only for their size and having to move the furniture that sits on top of them. My husband got bicycle grease on one rug, right in the middle. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about that one (grease stain, that is... not the husband. :) )


Go with a pretty rug and then a clear mat on top if you can find one!

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We do, ours is leopard print. It was an expensive one from Target or Wal-mart. If you get one with a pattern they don't show crumbs as much.


:iagree: Mine has a fruit pattern and you can't see food in it at all.



You also can't see doggie poo until you step in it with your bare feet, but that's a different issue altogether.

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. My husband got bicycle grease on one rug, right in the middle. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about that one (grease stain, that is... not the husband


You might try Lestoil. I've had good luck getting grease off with it. Just dab it on til the grease dissolves. Then wash it with soap and water (carpet cleaner helps :001_smile: but not necessary). Try to use as little Lestoil as you can because the smell is strong and usually takes several washings to get rid of, but the grease will be gone.

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as a do it yourself project in Better Homes & Gardens some years ago. It looked cute and you put acrylic or something over it so that it would wipe clean. Maybe you could google something like that.


I guess it depends on whether you are more concerned about spills or crumbs. My concern would be cleaning it - if you aren't going to want to move you table and chairs to clean up underneath, then you'll want something the vacuum won't suck up.

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We have white/beige carpet in our apt. We didn't want to pay a hefty damage deposit, so we got a carpet remnant from Lowes that covers most of the room for about 40$. Price was a big factor.


I figure we can just throw it out when we move and also I won't have to add up how much money each stain will cost me. :)

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Our every-day kitchen table is in our dining room, which has regular wall-to-wall carpeting in it. So, yes, carpet under the table. It has not been a disaster. Eating over the carpet has not been nearly as bad for the carpet as pets in the house. And we're not planning to abolish either! :)

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and I love it. The pattern is so busy that you don't see the crumbs or small spots. I vacuum it every couple of days. It seems easier to me to keep this clean than to try to keep the hardwood floor clean. I used to have to vacuum the hardwood floor every day (every meal, when my in-laws are visiting!) :)


It's not a real Persian rug. It wasn't nearly as expensive as a real one would have been, so I don't panic about every little crumb or possible stain.

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