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I got the judgement in the mail today. I lost. He did not win the entire amount he sued for. He sued for $1975 + interest + court fees. He won $450 + $50 court fees (he paid $99 to file).


There are no details to say exactly what I did wrong. I plan to appeal with an attorney (I'm poor enough for legal aid). I have to appeal because I didn't friggen do anything!


If I lose again, I have to find out what can happen in my state. I have nothing. No earned income, no property, no fancy car, etc.


Does anyone know what he (the would have been landlord) can do to make me pay?



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I got the judgement in the mail today. I lost. He did not win the entire amount he sued for. He sued for $1975 + interest + court fees. He won $450 + $50 court fees (he paid $99 to file).


There are no details to say exactly what I did wrong. I plan to appeal with an attorney (I'm poor enough for legal aid). I have to appeal because I didn't friggen do anything!


If I lose again, I have to find out what can happen in my state. I have nothing. No earned income, no property, no fancy car, etc.


Does anyone know what he (the would have been landlord) can do to make me pay?





:glare: I am sorry. :grouphug:

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Without more research, what I've learned so far is that wages can't be garnished in PA (which doesn't matter any way), he CAN attempt to take my car and stuff in the house. I have to look more into all of this. I'm pretty sure my bank accounts can't be frozen because I can prove that the only money going in is from SSI and child support.


My car is a 94 with 195,000+ miles on it, and needs a new exhaust, has a bunch of engine gasket leaks, and a few other problems. Because he's already made a comment about me owning a car, I need to figure out how to protect it. I hope that having disabled children with various therapy needs with help.

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Guest IdahoMtnMom

I just asked my cousin the attorney (since I was on the phone with him anyways) and he said that there is nothing the landlord can do until you get a job and he can garnish wages or you own a home and he can lein property. He DOES has the right to turn it over to a collection agency, though, and they could harass you a bit legally.

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Can't garnish wages in PA. A bank account can be garnished, but I don't think mine can. I've seen a few sites that list the steps he would have to go through. I have 30 days to file the appeal (it'll be started tomorrow!), or 30 days until he can attempt legal ways of collecting. I did find that PA has a few exempt assets, but I can't find details on what assets are exempt.

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I don't know what the law is in your area about collection of judgements so I can't give you any specific advice. Maybe you could call the Clerk of the Courts office and ask for a list of your rights regarding collection?


Many years ago dh and I worked as apartment managers. Several times there would be more damage to an apartment than could be covered by the deposit. Most of our tenants were students who would move out of town or out of state after leaving our building. We would go to small claims court and get a judgement. Usually there was no way to collect the money but the apartment owners could use the 'uncollected' judgement as a tax write off. I don't know if it still works that way, this was 20 years ago. If you don't have the money maybe he is planning on a write off.

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