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Favorite wii games? esp for 5yo boys?

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A generous friend gave us his wii. :001_smile: I am not generally a video game fan, but I am enjoying playing the cow riding game and bowling with DS. I am looking at games to buy for his birthday next month and Christmas. Are Just Dance Kids or wii fit kids any good? What about the Lego games? Other ideas? Any other good games for moms and boys to play together? And is wii fit fun for moms? Thanks!

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I just asked my 5 year old son for you. He said "The Scooby Doo Wii game". So there is one idea for you :D


My son asked me to post again and tell you that his second favorite is Wii Fit. He can actually beat most of our family at several activities! :hurray:


Scooby Doo would be a hit! And does your son play regular wii fit, or the kid one?



Legos are a big hit, I take it. Lego Pirates might be good for the birthday since he's requested a pirate theme. Hmm.

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My son loves all things Mario (Mario at the Winter Games gets them moving a bit - especially if you have the fit board to goes with it).


Lego Star wars is ok, Lego Batman also. Lego Harry Potter is not so great for a 5 year old.


Mario Kart is fantastic as a "starter" game. My vote goes there!

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Best one ever in our house is Active Life Explorer. It comes with a mat and has 22 mini games within the game. It is so active...my kids are literally dripping with sweat by the time they're done. I am not a video gamer, but this is one of the ones I really don't mind them doing since it is really good exercise/coordination.

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The Wii Fit was an unexpected huge hit with the kids. They love it and I'll readily admit I'm glad we have it on snowy or rainy days when we don't get out.


Also, one I didn't see mentioned that captivated my kids for a LONG time is A Boy and His Blob. Nice graphics, simple story, decent music and no reading needed.


ETA: Mario Kart is one we often come back to and the kids were also really into Carnival for a long time, but I think that's only fun if you have two kids who are going to play against each other.

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Best one ever in our house is Active Life Explorer. It comes with a mat and has 22 mini games within the game. It is so active...my kids are literally dripping with sweat by the time they're done. I am not a video gamer, but this is one of the ones I really don't mind them doing since it is really good exercise/coordination.



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The Wii fit gets used a lot here in the winter when it's too cold/wet to go out. My kids will ask to do it for 'recess' :D Any of the Mario Games--New Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Mario Party 8, Mario vs Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games, Mario Kart. And Animal Crossing has been a huge hit here. Really cute. Oh, and Kirby's Epic Yarn which is adorable and a lot like Super Mario Bros.


But I have to say as far as family involvement, I think Mario Kart wins hands-down. You can play up to 4 player, change the settings to make it easier/harder, play on teams or compete against each other, etc. You can do it without the wheels, but it really does make it more fun.

Edited by LemonPie
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