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Gonna Block Him!

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Wolf, that is.


He calls home every. single. day. now.


"Anything happening?"


Dude. If my water breaks, I WILL CALL. Honest! I'm not going to have the baby without you, at least not on purpose :tongue_smilie:


He's driving me crazy. "There's nothing happening at work, so I can come home if you need me to..." or the opposite, "The Eskimos have a game tonight, so don't go into labour..." "The Oilers first game of the season is on _____, so don't go into labour that day..."


Like I have any control. :lol:


My personal fear is Thanksgiving is on Sunday (technically Monday, but we do it Sunday)...I'm worried I'll have a half raw turkey in the oven when the other turkey in the other oven will decide its time for the Great Escape! :tongue_smilie::lol:

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Sounds like a typical dad to be.


I will share my birth story with ds. The last couple of weeks before he was born I would get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. Every night dh would ask "Is everything ok?" Finally, I had enough and I snapped at him that "For goodness sake I was just going to the bathroom. Same as every night for the past two weeks. Stop asking me if I am ok. I will tell you when something is wrong." Well, the very next night my water broke. I was in the bathroom for a good 20 minutes and I could not believe he was not coming to check on me. I walk back into the bedroom and he was sleeping! I whacked him on the shoulder and started in on how could he not check on me, I've been in there for the last 20 minutes. Poor guy didn't know what to do, although he did manage to point out that I had just told him the night before to stop checking.


So, maybe you should tell your dh to stop calling and then you will go into labor the next day.

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My mom did this when I was way past due with my first. She'd just call randomly to say "hello," just in case I'd had the baby and forgotten to tell her. So I showed her (I thought): I finally agreed to be induced, and I didn't tell her. So I'd been in hard, agonizing, purely-Pitocin-induced labor for 10 hours when the phone rang in the l&d room. Sure enough, it was my mother, who had tried to call me at home and, not getting anyone, called the hospital and asked for me. Stupid hospital transferred her to my labor room. Dufuses.


Best of luck with timing that labor, though. ;)



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Awww, you know you love him for being so sweet and worrying so much. You would think though, by his constant calling, that he was a brand new, never btdt before dad. :lol: I would probably react like Justamouse...sarcastic reply along the lines of "If you don't stop calling, I won't call you when the time comes, and will spend the rest of my life telling the kid you weren't there!"

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lol! Now, I answer those kinds of questions and demands with smart ass answers.


"Don't have the baby the Oilers--"


"Tazzie! Get me that crochet hook! the long one! (back to wolf) Get in the car, I should be ready when you get here."

Bwah hahahahaha!! Love it!


I'm only 34 wks. The OB has him completely freaking out, with yammering about the baby being full term size, and saying that he doesn't expect me to go to my due date.


Add in that we've had 2 trips to the hospital already, I have daily contractions, and yeah, Wolf's just a *wee* bit edgy. How driving ME insane helps him, I dunno!


Heaven forfend baby shows up during the first game of the season. *snicker*


I *did* point out that at least there's no danger of baby showing up during Game 7 of the Stanley Cup though. Somehow, he didn't find that as amusing as I did...I can get away with many things, but messing w/Oilers and the Cup...Lord have mercy!


(I actually have pics around here somewhere from when I was pregnant with Princess...The Oilers *were* in the final play offs for the Cup, and Wolf painted my belly up with the Oilers logo! :lol:)


Did I mention that the car seat cover is Oilers? And so is the baby hat? I had to convince him with Tazzie that a poster of the Oiler's goalie would terrify the crud out of a baby, make him think it was a monster coming to eat him, not a hero worship sort of thing!

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lol! Now, I answer those kinds of questions and demands with smart ass answers.


"Don't have the baby the Oilers--"


"Tazzie! Get me that crochet hook! the long one! (back to wolf) Get in the car, I should be ready when you get here."



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Wolf, that is.


He calls home every. single. day. now.


"Anything happening?"


Dude. If my water breaks, I WILL CALL. Honest! I'm not going to have the baby without you, at least not on purpose :tongue_smilie:


He's driving me crazy. "There's nothing happening at work, so I can come home if you need me to..." or the opposite, "The Eskimos have a game tonight, so don't go into labour..." "The Oilers first game of the season is on _____, so don't go into labour that day..."


Like I have any control. :lol:


My personal fear is Thanksgiving is on Sunday (technically Monday, but we do it Sunday)...I'm worried I'll have a half raw turkey in the oven when the other turkey in the other oven will decide its time for the Great Escape! :tongue_smilie::lol:





Reminds me a bit of when I had Tigger. DH had been up late the night before (watching hockey on the internet!!!) and he was very tired during my labour. I was holding onto his hand and inadvertently digging my nails into his palm with each contraction. It kept him awake wonderfully!

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Reminds me a bit of when I had Tigger. DH had been up late the night before (watching hockey on the internet!!!) and he was very tired during my labour. I was holding onto his hand and inadvertently digging my nails into his palm with each contraction. It kept him awake wonderfully!


You were just sharing your pain! You didn't get that way yourself, you know. ;)

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Reminds me a bit of when I had Tigger. DH had been up late the night before (watching hockey on the internet!!!) and he was very tired during my labour. I was holding onto his hand and inadvertently digging my nails into his palm with each contraction. It kept him awake wonderfully!


DH took a sleeping pill an hour before my water unexpectedly broke. Bad idea.

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My ex dh was like that with my first. He was constantly checking etc had 14 plans in case just in case. Well the idiot left his cell phone at home the day I went into labour. He was still in the military so it wasn't like I could call the office. The whole think got messed up so much that it was funny.


He left for work, I rolled over to hog the whole bed and my water broke. I call my mom, she says call your husband. I call him, the phone starts ringing in the livingroom. At this point I am only 34.5 weeks along, and freaking out. I call my best friend to come drive me to the hospital. And figure I better put BOTH quilts into the washer because I heard amnio fluid stains. Best friend and her brother show up, he has stacked like 10 towels for me to sit on so I don't wreck his car. Dh got home from PT about 10 minutes later to have his shower and grab his cell phone. Sees me gone and the basement making loud banging noises. Runs downstairs just as the hose in the wate snaps, water pouring everywhere. (I have over loaded it too much). He deals with that then calls my mom to see if I went to her house. Yes I decided to take the public transport at 7 am to make the 2 hour bus trip to her house(I didn't drive and though she only lived 20 minutes from my house via car, by bus it was 2 hours due to transfers and back tracking). She says "She is at the hospital having your baby you better hurry". In the mean time I am at the hospital, been checked to see that yes my water broek, yes baby is still breech and yes baby is prem, and am being prepped for a c-section. Husband comes running down teh hall just as I am being wheeled to the OR. In the end he got there in time and all that, but I know that when it is coming close to the time to have our 2nd he was a bigger mess than with the first. He did not see the whole situation as funny as I did at that point.

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Imp, I hear ya!


Don't answer the phone. Let him know you are NOT amused.


Dh said to me about three days before our third was born, "It would be really bad if you went into labor tomorrow. I have an important meeting."


He had a bruise on his arm from that one. Call it pregnancy hormones, temporary, insanity, or just plain mean...I was not at a place in life to be trifled with!



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I'll let dh give Wolf lessons.


When my water broke, I woke dh up and told him. He rolled over and went back to sleep. I showered, shaved my legs as best I could, made sure the baby's room was ready, ate breakfast,.... Finally three hours later I woke him up again and told him we really ought to be doing.


He asked if I was sure. I said yes I needed to go ahead and have that antibiotic started (I was group B+). He was like, okay if you're sure. :glare:

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When dd was born, she was 10 days late. Dh kept telling me I had to wait until father's day. At about 4 in the morning on Father's Day I was having contractions and my water broke. My dh and FIL were both thrilled with their Father's Day gift. Somehow that will be hard to top in the gift department.

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Dh is completely the opposite. Sometimes I wonder if he knows we're having a baby! :lol:


But when the others were born, he *always* had to tell me when it was time. I remember w/ #1, my water broke, & I started crying, "I don't know what happened!"


Dh got up, walked all the way around the bed, knelt down, held my hand, & said, "Sweetie, you're in labor."


Me, crying: "Are you sure?" Baby was born *exactly* 3 hrs later.


I've never been SURE it was time, & I always hate to bother the mw, so dh calls. :lol:

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20 minutes after my DH put a homemade lasagna he'd made(and been dying to make for 2 weeks and finally took the time to make) and just as the kickoff for Superbowl 2009 happened-my water broke.


My husband was upset about the lasagna and got me settled into the hospital where they determined labor was not imminent, he went home to finish making it while I watched the game in the hospital. He brought some back, along with flowers, to see if I could eat it too. I could not.


He was more upset about the possibility that his lasagna would be ruined than missing the game. :tongue_smilie:


I think if I go into labor during a Packer's game there might be an issue though. :lol:

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