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I have a blog!!

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Hi Nakia! Great blogging!


The craziness of life has kept me away from these boards for a while (except to check a few prices on the For Sale boards), but I actually have a few minutes this afternoon. The two youngest are still napping, so I hop on here to see what I've been missing - apparently something about low post counts, boy am I in trouble - and there you are with your new blog. It looks great! As a fellow Jesus freak and lover of all things fall, I will be checking in often.


Have fun and keep speaking the Truth!


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Congrats, sweetie!! I tried to follow, but when I click to follow it brings up my daughters blog address and when I click "switch to another" it says it's unable to process my request... Grrr. I have not been able to follow any blogs lately because I cannot figure out how to get my daughter's blog account replaced with mine! I've signed out and signed in numerous times and it hasn't helped. (My daughter uses my computer to work on her blog when she comes over...)


Anyway, Yippeee!! I hope to follow as soon as I get my "user account" switched over....

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Thanks everyone! I see some of you have "followed" me! Thanks. I am excited to be more involved in blog world. :D


Good luck!


I found the font a little hard to read.


I worried about that a little. I changed the font. What do you think now?

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ok, so I went to her blog to see if her REAL name is Clarise.


Do you know how stupid it was of me to do that? We're FB friends. :blushing:


:lol: Don't feel bad. The reason Cyndi called me that is because on fb, I posted about the name of my blog, but I wrote "Simply Starling" and she made a comment about Clarise. It took me more than 24 hours to realize I had left out the "t". I could not figure out why the heck she was talking about. :lol::lol::lol:

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:lol: Don't feel bad. The reason Cyndi called me that is because on fb, I posted about the name of my blog, but I wrote "Simply Starling" and she made a comment about Clarise. It took me more than 24 hours to realize I had left out the "t". I could not figure out why the heck she was talking about. :lol::lol::lol:



Now that right there is funny! I actually snorted when Denise wrote that earlier in your thread. Snorted, I tell ya!

~Cyndi, Doing What I Can to Keep it Classy Around Here :001_smile:

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The new font is better, but is still hard to read for more than a paragraph or two. Maybe you could use it for post titles and find something that is easier to read for the main text?



Okie dokie, I changed it to something more plain. I really appreciate you helping me out with this. I would hate for people to quit reading because of a difficult font!

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