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ETC Online, Reading Eggs, or Click N Read?


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We have used all three programs and my kids love Reading eggs! They ask to do it and will work for an hour each day if I let them. The other two they had to be forced to use. I have a 5 yo and a delayed 8 yo using it.

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Well, every time there's a thread about ETC Online, I feel compelled to chime in and call it names because it's the biggest waste of money we've put into homeschooling so far so I'm slightly bitter. Don't do it unless your kid can type fluently. Which is unlikely in a 5 or 6 yo, right? It gives the parent little control (you have to log out, log in, log out blah to change things). It weighs speed over accuracy. The obscure pictures are just annoying when you're being timed to figure them out. Basically, don't do it!


Reading Eggs is okay but we didn't end up using it (just the free trial) but everyone I know with younger sibs uses it for them. Everyone. I don't know about Click n Read, but I've heard good things about More Starfall, which is a subscription based one from them... and I think it includes math too?

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We use Reading Eggs - my DD is not that enthused with it - I have to require her to do a lesson a day before she can use her favourite (ABCmouse.com).


There isn't anything wrong with it - my DD just doesn't like that she has to work and think as opposed to just playing games.


It can go kind of quickly (starting out with letter sounds and then requiring sentance formation). My DD can read short vowel words and some sight words and it is a challenge (but not impossible) for her to keep up.


My DD can use it fairly independently but there are a couple of activities she calls me in to help with because it requires timed reading and she can't read fast enough to beat the timer and pass the level -even though she can read the words correctly - just slowly.


I wouldn't use it as a primary phonics program without you teaching phonics alongside. My DD wouldn't be able to keep progressing through RE unless I was teaching her phonics seperately because RE progresses quickly without much teaching.


I got it at the Co-op for $16 so it has been worth it for that price -not sure I would have paid full price for it though.


I haven't used the others.

Edited by sewingmama
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We use Reading Eggs.

For me, it's really a "educational" way of keeping DS5 busy while I do independent things with DS8, and then vice versa.


They both love it. DS8 obviously tested/started a few maps ahead of DS5, but only by 4 or so. DS5 would spend hours on it if I let him. To give you a hint, DS5 is now on the same Map as DS8, even though DS8 started ahead of him (the Maps are like levels). DS8 kind of likes it, but mostly does it because I require him to, as he struggles quite a bit in reading, and I figure this is just one more way for him to get phonics in.


All that being said, I do think it moves quite rapidly along. DS5 has flown through Maps yet I don't see that his reading has really improved all that much. Some parts are quite frustrating for them both, as they are based on speed, ie match this word but do it in a certain time frame. They can match the words, but not quick enough with moving fingers on the mousepad on laptop. So I have to help by controlling the pad on the laptop while they just point the words out to me.

They do take quizzes at the end of the Maps and I get the emails showing me their score. The email says that Reading Eggs is meant so that the student would repeat lessons. I don't think I could get either of mine to repeat a lesson. But nonetheless, they both do well on the quizzes, but I don't really see it panning it to actually reading yet (they're only on Map 4 so still quite a bit early in the game).


We got a huge deal on it, so overall it's worth it to me, but I don't think I would have paid full price for it.

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DS4.5 loves Reading Eggs. He asks to do it all the time. He does like the games and shopping, but he always finishes (unprompted) a number of lessons before veering off. I personally think Starfall is a better program in every regard - easier for child to use, stronger phonics presentation, better progression, etc. But DS never really got into Starfall. Reading Eggs does a fair amount of sight reading. And while I don't think I'm a prude generally, I was really annoyed once when I heard a farting noise on one of the lessons. I really don't think farts are a necessary tool in teaching reading. Although honestly I think my son missed it. There have been a number of times when I've had to help DS figure out what he was expected to do because the instructions weren't clear at all. I also purchased my subscription through the coop, and for that price I'm quite pleased. DS loves it and does get something out of it. I wouldn't be very happy if I'd paid full price. I know a couple of people who swear it basically taught their kids to read. We'll see. ;) I don't have any experience with the other two you mentioned.

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We have just started Click N Read. Dd has done lessons 10-14 and so far, so good. I like that it asks her to identify beginning and ending sounds of words, do blending and segmenting and review simple letter/sound recognition. Hopefully she continues to enjoy it! I got it for just $30 through the Homeschool Buyers Co-op and it's a lifetime membership so ds can use it after her. For that price I was willing to give it a try.

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I've tried all three... click n read was sooo boring!!! ETC online was okay... dd kinda liked it. Reading eggs both kids love! It's fun and ds who only just turned 3 pick up reading from it! I can't remember where, but I found a 50% off discount code on the web somewhere. So, it's was also pretty cheap;):tongue_smilie:

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My 5yo dd really likes Reading Eggs. I bought a subscription through homeschool buyers coop for $16. It is worth the price. I agree with the previous posters about it moving fast. The children are encouraged to repeat the lessons to gain automatic recall. I happen to like the fact that it does involve sight words because dd has to learn them in school anyway. I also like that it gets the children reading sentences early on in the program. I let my dd "play" for 45 minutes 3 times per week. This is part of her afterschooling curriculum. We also use HOP and ETC workbooks.


I don't know about ETC online, but I do like their workbooks. I looked into Click n Read, but I'm not willing to shell out $60 for it.

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My kids used Reading Eggs for the 30 day trial, and liked it a lot. I didn't buy it because they were really already starting to read and finished it by the time our trial was over.


We also use Click N Read -- I agree with the other posters that indicated their kids thought it was a little boring, and they don't love it, but I think they are still learning from it. Every lesson has the same format. I believe my DD is on Lesson 73, and it's gotten harder. She doesn't get everything right all the time, so I'm still having her and my DS use it when I need one of them to work independently.

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though it was not much talked about I have to say that I use http://www.starfall.com with my kids. we start with their CALENDAR (my 2yr old loves it) then my 4yr old does some of the basic letters for the LO. Then they move to the next level and do 3-4 numbers then they can play with it on the other levels. I did use SWR? Wanda Sanceri method for the phonics.

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I used Reading eggs with my two oldest and they loved it. They get really excited when they finish a lesson and crack open the eggs. They also like the idea of accruing eggs so that they can play games (which are also really good), or playing in other areas of the program.


We highly recommend it and will also use it for my 2 youngest.


Reading eggs taught my kids to read!!

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It costs more, but I'd skip them all and use Headsprout. It's amazing and proven. The methodology builds confidence from the start....the child is reading his or her first book after, I think, just 4 lessons. It starts with sounds that are always the same....ee....sh...v...etc. None of the silly short nonsense, which I always hated bc short a has different sounds in itself! My kids have both become excellent readers as a result of this program.

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It costs more, but I'd skip them all and use Headsprout. It's amazing and proven. The methodology builds confidence from the start....the child is reading his or her first book after, I think, just 4 lessons. It starts with sounds that are always the same....ee....sh...v...etc. None of the silly short nonsense, which I always hated bc short a has different sounds in itself! My kids have both become excellent readers as a result of this program.


My oldest used Headsprout and is a phenomenal reader. My second is currently on about lesson 60 of Headsprouts 100 and is doing very, very well. Certainly reading above grade level. I am finding that she struggles a bit with the short vowel sounds when she's trying to work through her ETC workbooks but we use AAS so that gets cleared up in time.

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I was very happy with the first level of Headsprout, which my son did at 3 1/2. However, the second level seemed to push sight reading a lot, unlike the first level, which was mostly phonetic. My son wasn't ready to blend yet and I think the second level reinforced his tendency to guess at words.


If I had to do it over, I would've either stopped after level one, or waiting until he was 4 1/2 to start level 2.

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Well, every time there's a thread about ETC Online, I feel compelled to chime in and call it names because it's the biggest waste of money we've put into homeschooling so far so I'm slightly bitter. Don't do it unless your kid can type fluently. Which is unlikely in a 5 or 6 yo, right? It gives the parent little control (you have to log out, log in, log out blah to change things). It weighs speed over accuracy. The obscure pictures are just annoying when you're being timed to figure them out. Basically, don't do it!



:iagree: This. My dd was 9 last year and I was using it to shore up phonics and I *still* hated that it rewarded typing speed or ability to drag and drop quickly rather than phonetic knowledge. She started out excited to "win" the higher "stickers" but quickly got resentful of the whole process.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest homeschoolmom123

I wanted to mention a great new phonics product on the market called Looney Tunes ClickN READ Phonics. It is made by the same compnay that developed ClickN READ Phonics. This new product incorporates the same great research based curriculum and instructional design of ClickN READ Phonics only they added the Looney Tunes characters (Bugs Bunny, Daffy Taz, Tweety) to the mix to make the product more fun for the kids. We have used ClickN READ and now use Looney Tunes ClickN READ Phonics and the kids LOVE it! They have cartoon skits in between each lesson and the kids laugh hysterically. Also, they have a new robot teacher that does all kinds of fun things to keep the kids entertained. Aside from the fun, as a homeschooling family we still need real curriculum and reports on the progress and this program has everything I need. For those who were unhappy with ClickN READ, I encourage you to try a free lesson of Looney Tunes ClickN READ Phonics on their site. I bet your kids will love it. Also they offer a 30-day no questions asked refund if you don't like it. http://www.looneytunesphonics.com/public/free_lessons.php

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Reading Eggs used too much in the way of sight words for me, even at the beginning. ETC Online is nice, but it does really expect the kids to be much faster with the mouse or keyboard than is realistic. The girls like it but ask me to man the mouse after a few minutes. Even *I* can't get a super-fast airplane sticker on some of them. I'm 27. :glare:

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JudoMom, what did you decide?


My son is in the midst of his Reading Eggs trial and he REALLY likes it. I think I can tell that it's making an improvement in his fluency. But we missed out on the cheap price and if I want to buy it for him it will be $48. So I am still unsure. If it were less expensive I wouldn't hesitate because it's a great educational site/games to do while big sis needs help with math or something. But $48 is a lot...

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I received an email from Reading Eggs:


Buy a 2 Year Subscription Now for the Price of 1

(You only pay $65.56 instead of $80)


Hurry, this discount ends Midnight Wednesday (10/19/11) for good!

Your Discount Code for the 2 Year for the Price of 1 is: USE66XTE

Thanks Jen! The trick is that I don't know if I'd even need it for 2 years. He might be bored with it by then, and should be on his own with reading - hopefully. And I don't have any more kids coming down the line to pick it up.


But thanks for the code! I will keep it in my pocket as I think about this.

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I too am torn.


Right now we use Hooked on Phonics and my dd8 loved it at first but now DREADS it more and more. We tried the sample lessons from Reading Eggs and she LOVED it and said that she was excited to try something more her level. I just want her to do the lessons to strengthen her reading as it seems weak in some areas. Her spelling is amazing though! My dd6 isn't enthused about reading and makes up words and finally she grasped HoP again last week but I could tell she just wasn't jiving it. I know many subjects aren't "FUN" but they have to be done. She too tried the sample lessons and was humming and hooing when it was over and she had tried all the sample lessons. So I want to get it BUT I didn't get a good deal as right now it's $48. Beings my dd8 will be out of it in a week most likely and dd6 probably finish it up this year, I do have a ds2.5 who could use it as right now he's 100% into starfall.


So right now I'm debating the trial.

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Well, every time there's a thread about ETC Online, I feel compelled to chime in and call it names because it's the biggest waste of money we've put into homeschooling so far so I'm slightly bitter. Don't do it unless your kid can type fluently. Which is unlikely in a 5 or 6 yo, right? It gives the parent little control (you have to log out, log in, log out blah to change things). It weighs speed over accuracy. The obscure pictures are just annoying when you're being timed to figure them out. Basically, don't do it!


Reading Eggs is okay but we didn't end up using it (just the free trial) but everyone I know with younger sibs uses it for them. Everyone. I don't know about Click n Read, but I've heard good things about More Starfall, which is a subscription based one from them... and I think it includes math too?


this made me laugh and I feel exactly the same!

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Started the trial this morning.


So far my ds2.5 has made it half way through the very first lesson and LOVED it and did well!!!


My dd6 has completed 1 entire lesson today and keeps asking to play some more.


My dd8 shockingly has completed 3 lessons today and has asked to play again later today after chores.


So far it's a winner. I'm hoping by the time the trial is over we'll have a more clear idea if it's still a fit or just a phase in our home. It's usually so exciting and fun the first week, then after that it's no fun.

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ETA: Posted at the same time you did, and I'm leaving what I said below, but I'm really glad the trial is going well for you!


I have checked out all of these as they've come up on Homeschool Buyers Co-op... and consistently, I keep telling myself "don't do it."


Starfall is free and fun and easy to work into a regular schedule. But it's not just about buying an online program - I really believe that reading on paper is a different activity from reading on a screen. I think learning to read on paper is a skill that needs to be done by itself.


I'm not 100% sure - but evidence will bear this out one way or another in the years to come - if kids whose first reading is on a screen of some kind are able to transfer those skills naturally to words in print bound in book form.


For my 2 youngest, beyond Starfall, I've used Bob Books and ETC workbooks (just about to start with ds4). For dd6, we've moved on to McGuffey readers.


It's tough to get to it regularly, especially since it's not her favourite subject. We might do it more often if it had bells and whistles and "game" type incentives... but as I said, I don't believe she would be acquiring the same skills.

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My daughter loves reading eggs. We just used this code USA51TRL

for a 50% off discount on a year. The total was 37.50 for a year. It may work for you as well.

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My daughter loves reading eggs. We just used this code USA51TRL

for a 50% off discount on a year. The total was 37.50 for a year. It may work for you as well.

Saramb, THANK YOU!!! That worked and saved me $10 off the HSBC price! I still wish I had grabbed it when it was $16, but this is still good and I am happy.


Oh, and Jay3fer, I do agree completely about reading on paper. We are using OPGTR, and I use other fun things I have made, like these "paint chip phonics" cards, and Bob books, etc. But I do need something to keep him busy sometimes while I work with his sister and he loves computer games. This seemed like a worthwhile diversion that he enjoys and it will reinforce what I am doing with his phonics.


Thanks again Sara!

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  • 2 years later...

Did Headsprouts for 6 kids. They all can read well. One child required a few more lessons elsewhere more one to one reading instruction  because she is dyslexic but she reads paperback books like Dr. Doolittle at the age of 10. So she is a decent reader now. 


Did not like Reading Eggs or the Click n Read. 


Plan to do Headsprouts for kids number 7 and 8 unless they come up with something different. 


I did do level 2 with two of the students (when they came out with the levels) and they read fine-actually above grade level. Hmmmm...maybe should have done it with the dyslexic. It might be time. I completely forgot that for her. There might be an improvement. 

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