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Dear Children,

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When I began HS/ing I bought a date stamp. My dc learned quickly to stamp their work before handing it in for checking. When the Education Review Officer visited us, he was really impressed that my dc's work was dated ;) My dc liked to stamp the date as it meant that that subject was done for the day :lol:

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I just tell my kids "Some day when you are in a formal setting, you will need to date your papers and put your names on it." Until then we take an "unschooling approach" to this particular issue. I do however require my ds to put the lesson and page number on his papers so that I don't have to hunt around in the teacher's manual to find out which paper goes with which answer key. (Which wouldn't matter if I was more on the ball when grading, but that is another issue. . . )

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I just tell my kids "Some day when you are in a formal setting, you will need to date your papers and put your names on it." Until then we take an "unschooling approach" to this particular issue. I do however require my ds to put the lesson and page number on his papers so that I don't have to hunt around in the teacher's manual to find out which paper goes with which answer key. (Which wouldn't matter if I was more on the ball when grading, but that is another issue. . . )



I tried that for a while. However, I have twins doing the same grade level. I got tired of trying to decipher subtle differences in handwriting :lol: Now it is pretty much...if there isn't a name on it, I'm going to assume you haven't done the work until a name magically appears.

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I tried that for a while. However, I have twins doing the same grade level. I got tired of trying to decipher subtle differences in handwriting :lol: Now it is pretty much...if there isn't a name on it, I'm going to assume you haven't done the work until a name magically appears.


See, you have a good reason to require the name! My kids seem to do a bit better (though they still need reminders) if the rule has a need behind it.

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I'm trying to get them to put their names on their stuff.


Tazzie protested, saying, "You already KNOW who I am!"





I wanted so badly to mess with the girls' heads by asking them to wear name tags. :D


It's just a habit with me now, I hand Rebecca a page and say, "Name and date." And it always takes us a little while to figure out the date.

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We've had to (attempt:glare:) to implement the name on paper rule here too...maybe I should just start giving them the wrong papers back, with orders to redo the work. Bet having to do sister/brother's work in addition to their own would change things. Hmmmmm.......


where's the hand rubbing, evil chuckling smilie?


I've done that (on accident). It didn't help. Sorry.

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Do not ask me where you left your pencil. I was not there with you when you put it down.


Thank you.




:iagree: I'm also not responsible for your shoes. And if you want to know, "What is this?" you have to hold it to where I can see. If you need help on a page, please bring the page with you when you ask. I'm bright, not iridescent.

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Dear Child,

I know and you know that you can count the change out loud (or whatever it happens to be today that you need to do that you're balking about), so please just do it without all the drama. You will still have to do it in the end, and it takes so much less time to JUST DO IT ALREADY!! Plus, you won't have to deal with me being irritated with you for the next hour or so. At least.




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I don't care if they write their name on (most) things. I do want the date so I know when they did it.


Also, don't shout your math problem to me from the other room and expect to be able to (a) understand you and (b) solve it in my head.


We have this happen a lot.

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Also, don't shout your math problem to me from the other room and expect to be able to (a) understand you and (b) solve it in my head.


And yes, we do have to do schoolwork today!



1. What is WITH that?? My girls seem to think I'm a walking calculator. :confused:


2. Rebecca is always asking me, "Why are we reading this? Why are we doing this?" Like I just pull stuff out of the air to do every day. We have a PLAN, kids!

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I don't worry about the date on papers because I am "the All Knowing Keeper of the Stamp" as my kids call me, and when I correct them I stamp the date on the pages. Now this only works for me because I correct their work daily. If I asked they would know how to put the date on, but this system works better for us. It serves as a reminder to me also, if I see the date I know I already looked it over.


Now as for them leaving things around like the pencil and shoes mentioned earlier, that reminds me of my brother and dad. My brother always used to ask my dad, "Where are my shoes?" My dad would always reply "I don't know I don't wear your shoes," meaning I don't wear them and thus haven't taken them off, so I wouldn't know where that happened.

One day my dad insisted that he couldn't find the Weed Whacker and said to my brother, "Hey, where's my weed whacker?" To which my brother replied "You don't wear my shoes, I don't whack your weeds." My mom and I busted out laughing, but the "I don't wear your shoes" response wasn't heard much anymore.


Sorry I couldn't help but share that little funny from my family.

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