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Random Poll: How do you sleep?

How do you sleep?  

  1. 1. How do you sleep?

    • Back
    • Stomach
    • Both back and stomach
    • Side
    • Other

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I can only sleep on my right side or on my back.


I have a herniated disk on the left side of my neck which makes sleeping on that side impossible.


I haven't slept on my stomach in about 40 years. I have had back issues since childhood so it is out of the question.


I flip flop all night long like a fish out of water. Its exhausting.

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I only sleep on my back most of the time. If I flip in my sleep and stay there, I will be in a lot of pain the next day. I used to be a dedicated stomach sleeper until I had a neck injury. My injury made it impossible to sleep on my stomach because I couldn't turn my head to the side far enough. Even sleeping on my side still bothers my neck- 14 years later. I think it probably took me at least a year to feel comfortable on my back and not to resist the position all night long but it really is better for your neck if you can do it. I sleep with a pillow under my knees or it hurts my neck. It's better for me to sleep on my side than it is to sleep on my back with no pillow under my knees. I stay on my back while pregnant too until about 34 weeks because it is so uncomfortable for me on my side.

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I sleep on my side and and on my stomach. I cannot sleep on my back.


Why is sleeping on the stomach bad for you?


The Drs are always telling me it is because I had a spinal fusion and have back issues. No matter what they say I can't get comfortable if I'm on my back. I usually start out half on my side half on my stomach, but usually wake up on my stomach and since my fusion I have no issues with sleeping that way.

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Other. Stomach and side.


I used to be a tummy-only sleeper. It made my first pregnancy miserable. I never got used to sleeping on my side, and tossed and turned every night the entire time. Now, after two pregnancies in two years, I've actually gotten quite comfortable sleeping on my side, as long as I have a body pillow to put between my knees, although I still sleep on my stomach, too.

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I'm a rotisserie oven. LOL. I usually start out on a side, roll to my back, sometimes to my other side (I have a hard time sleeping when facing DH if he is too close - I don't like to be breathing the air I just breathed out!). Then to my stomach. I usually end up spending most of the night on my side though.

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I voted other. I think I sleep on my side always. My three sleep studies say otherwise. I start on my side but apparently spend a lot of time on my back unaware. My husband insists he always sleeps on his side. He sleeps on his back a lot. I'm not sure anyone knows how they sleep unless there is a medical issue that in substance prevents certain sleep positions!

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I sleep mostly on my side. My lower back hurts if I sleep on my back. Whenever I sleep on my stomach, I wake up in excruciating pain in my neck as well has my arms having fallen asleep. I am most comfortable on my side in a fetal-like position. I have a body pillow on my left side (preferred side) and dh, the human body pillow, on my right.

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