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BAD day. BAD day. Down, day!

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LOL sorry, you're having a bad morning. Yesterday was my H*** Day. Actually, it has been a bad month and then yesterday put me over the top! Really, truely over.the.top!


Instead of cupcakes, it was a mango margarita :cheers2: with nachos :D after the kids went to bed (my 4yo by force :glare:).


Today, is starting off questionably.....dd4 asked to go to daycare today. Even though I am off work today....she may get her wish if she keeps up her nasty attitude.

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Oh, yeah.


In the past 24 hours, we found out the propane tank line needs to be repaired, our water heat died, dh broke something installing the new one (cheap fix, but I had to take a cold shower this AM because he can't fix it until tonight,) and then my starter went out in the van, and we have to miss our line-up of music lessons, art classes, and FLL team practice today. Aarrrgghhh!!


So I'm stuck home, and I could be catching up laundry, but I have no hot water. So I'm "playing" on the computer and the kids are reading and catching up on things. I think I'm going to send some girls to make cookies or cupcakes, though, and liven the day up a bit. :D

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I found taquitos in the downstairs freezer behind the giant bag of edamame!!!! and I think they're only a year old!!!!!!!!!!!



P.S. Up next after the taquitos: maybe a 4.2 mile (each way) walk to the bank with dd(6) and ds(1) in a double stroller? Could I do it without being killed on our country roads??

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I wouldn't dream of being self-serving*, but I'm still having a tough day even after 3 taquitos so I'm bumping myself. Dd is painting instead of making cupcakes (what kind of sick priority is THAT?!), and the baby is crying instead of napping.


I was hoping it wouldn't come to this--but I have a feeling it's time for the 258th viewing of Pride & Prejudice. And maybe I'll just make the cupcakes by myself, followed by taking the baby's nap for him.




* Total lie.

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Hee hee. I've had a lot of those days...sometimes the only thing keeping me from dropping the kids off at the local Check-a-Child for the day is the fact that they were 20 minutes away and it was entirely too much work to get everybody ready to go. (Yes I'm a lousy mother and no I have never actually taken my children to check-a-child.)

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OK, we're finally making cupcakes, except dd insists on using her cute little kid baking set, which yields cupcakes the size of my thumb*. :glare: Question: how many mini cupcakes equal one adult cupcake? I need to know, so that when I step on the scales tomorrow I can loathe today's decisions with a high degree of accuracy.




* On hot days or when I'm bloated

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And maybe I'll just make the cupcakes by myself, followed by taking the baby's nap for him.




Sometimes, I purposefully cook things after the kids are in bed/before they get up, just so I can do it myself and not have to play 'mommy' in the process. Sometimes, you just want results (!) and not the saga of cooking that kids inevitable turn 10 ingredients into.

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Sometimes, I purposefully cook things after the kids are in bed/before they get up, just so I can do it myself and not have to play 'mommy' in the process. Sometimes, you just want results (!) and not the saga of cooking that kids inevitable turn 10 ingredients into.


Isn't that the TRUTH!? Dd is now pretending she's a Food Network star, and she's making me take her pic and pretend I'm filming her.


Do you suppose she'll notice if I start eating the can of frosting with my bare hands while she's "baking"?

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I found taquitos in the downstairs freezer behind the giant bag of edamame!!!! and I think they're only a year old!!!!!!!!!!!



P.S. Up next after the taquitos: maybe a 4.2 mile (each way) walk to the bank with dd(6) and ds(1) in a double stroller? Could I do it without being killed on our country roads??


I love taquitos! How did they ever last that long?

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The long, dark day is drawing to a close. At the moment no one is screaming, not even me.


The taquitos are gone, but I can see several nekked* cupcakes sitting on the counter if anybody'd like one.


I suppose some of these little people wandering around my feet will want dinner, so perhaps I'll harness my astonishingly vast riches of brain power** and assign them to work on dinner next.


Thank you for spending this awful day with me. Only a little further to go.




* Turns out the can of buttercream white frosting in the pantry was mostly empty, and dd claimed what there was for her own mini-cupcakes. Some daughter she is.


** In the work of comedic fiction I'm currently writing

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Wow! Everything's gone wrong, and it's only 11am! And I mean everything. I've had enough of this day--so we're ditching school and making cupcakes and toasting whatever ice-burned frozen fried things I can scratch out of the back of the freezer.


Anybody with me??


Next time you have a day like that, you should take a road trip here to PA! It'd be fun and educational and I'm here! And bring cupcakes! (Because, yeah, I'm still not back on that diet haha).

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Oh, do share about that mango margarita! Recipe?


Sorry no real recipe. I just pour some Margarita Mix (Costco's has less chemicals than other brands FWIW), ice, frozen mango chunks (Trader Joes), Tequilla in the blender and start singing

. If I have it I will add some fresh lime juice to give it a zippier flavor.


Mmmmmmmm:cheers2: Come on by, I have a full bottle and a freezer full of mango!

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Wow! Everything's gone wrong, and it's only 11am! And I mean everything. I've had enough of this day--so we're ditching school and making cupcakes and toasting whatever ice-burned frozen fried things I can scratch out of the back of the freezer.


Anybody with me??


You are ONE SMART MAMA!!! SO many days I forced myself to push through earlier on. It's really not necessary, and usually not a good idea!


HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!

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