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Cramps! Stop the madness...help

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I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO tired of cramps. I would rather bleed for two weeks then deal with cramps.


I get can get cramps for up to a week prior to my periods every month plus the first 2 days of my cycle.


And I hate the thought of taking either Naproxen or Ibuprofen for up to 10 days at a time per month.Naproxen 2 a day or Ibuprofen sometimes 6 a day, it helps but that stuff is toxic!)


Is there anything you can recommend from IHerb or Vitacost(Either liquid or pill form) to take to get rid of cramps with non-harmful ingredients?


I already know about some of the other things, cut out sugar, caffeine, exercise, drink rasberry tea.........etc. NONE of which works for me.


Exercise? :lol:


I am tired of this. I see many things listed on IHerb but have no idea what is good, works and is natural.


Any help would be immensly appreciated.


ETA: I cannot take ANY calcium due to kidney stones just in case that is a suggestion. So a Cal/Mag supplement won't do. Thanks.



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I think it's important for you to know that any herbal supplement or natural supplement that has medicinal properties will also have potential side effects. Natural does not mean safe or without risk.


That said, tart cherry juice has been shown to reduce inflammation and pain (you can google the studies). You can get juice or capsules. I have not researched the side effects, but your pharmacist could look it up for you.

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The thing is, I start taking the Ibuprofen prior, but I hate to take it for 10 days out of the month. Because the cramps just come back. I have to take it around the clock for it to keep working. I am afraid I am going to kill my liver or kidneys.


Isn't that dangerous to be taking 600mg of that everyday for 10 days, every month?

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The thing is, I start taking the Ibuprofen prior, but I hate to take it for 10 days out of the month. Because the cramps just come back. I have to take it around the clock for it to keep working. I am afraid I am going to kill my liver or kidneys.


Isn't that dangerous to be taking 600mg of that everyday for 10 days, every month?


You need to call a pharmacy, ask to speak to the pharmacist, and ask him or her. I don't have the degree so I really can't answer this more than telling you to call. I am a pharm tech. I routinely see patients taking this for longer periods than you, but you should still talk to an RPh to get the info.

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I am so sorry. I have no advice, but I can sympathize. In my teens and 20's I had cramps so bad I'd pass out, vomit, diarrhea, etc. It was horrible. Nothing helped. Fortunately, as I passed out of my 20's my cramps really diminished. I get super emotional a lot more now prior to my period. If it's not one thing it's another.

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My grandmother, a teetotaler Baptist, countenanced one use for alcohol. If my mother developed debilitating cramps, Grandmother would procure a little whiskey, and have my mother drink it straight.


This remedy may, or may not, appeal to you. Maternal testimonials, however, confirm success!


I hope you feel much better, very soon.

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I have endometriosis and have suffered debilitating periods for years. :grouphug: At their worst I would pass out and vomit, stay in bed with uncontrollable shaking. My doc put me on prescription pain killers (I am allergic to anti-inflammatory drugs) and it would sometimes help. I finally had a lap done 2.5 yrs after my 2nd child when I was pretty much having cramps every day of my cycle. My doc talked to me about hysterectomy, but we were desperate for more children so that was not an option. They removed lots of endo from my ovaries, etc and it helped with the cramps a lot. After IF treatment we finally got pg with #3 (3+ yrs ttc) and since him my cycles improved a lot as well, but they are starting to get a little nasty again and I'm not sure what I'll do. If you do go the surgical route, make sure you go to a doctor that is really good at it, not just any gyn will do- trust me! I was going to have my RE do a 2nd one about a year after my first lap (done by a gyn), not only for endo but for ovarian drilling due to PCOS, but we found out we were pg at our pre op appointment (IUI #3).


BTW, none of the herbs worked for me, tried a lot. But I did notice some difference taking Progesterone cream in the 2nd half of my cycle.

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Havent had a kidney stone since 2006. I drink water.


I also take Emerita Proges cream. I am a little confused over that as well I have that on a seperate post. I cannot seem to get a hold of them, ever.


I stopped the cream on day 26 like they said, I have some cramping, very little spotting, no period yet.


So how am I suppsed to know when to restart the cream? I dont even know when my period will be here(if it ever gets here). I am on a 26 day cycle (with 5 days of spotting prior to that) they told me to use it on days 12-26 then take 12 days off from first day of my period. But that was when I was on a 26 days cycle now it is different I guess. So Ihave no clue when I am supposed to restart? Or should I have just used it until I got my period then stopped? So confusing. And I hate that I can NEVER get a hold of them.


I will look into Mag Citrate. My cramps aren't bad where they are debilitating, more annoying. Because it is every day for a week prior, and 2-3 days into my cycle. Anti inflammatories work, but I am not sure how safe they are to take like that every month.


Going to ask the pharmacist.

Edited by dancer67
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