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Can you help me find an east coast airport . . .

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that doesn't have x-ray machines?


I may have to fly soon w/ my kids -- my dad is sick -- and dh says that there's beginning to be proof that the xray machines aren't necessarily safe.


I don't want to debate the safeness of these xray machines -- but I'd love to find an east coast airport that doesn't use them.


Do you happen to know of one?



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I believe you're allowed to not go through the X-ray machine and have a full pat-down instead. At least that was the case in my airport (not east coast) a few months ago.


I have no idea if those machines are safe, full-strength x-ray's or whatever. I'd tend to doubt they're true X-rays, but I really have no clue. Regardless, if they have an issue with you not wanting your kids to go through it or something, you can say it goes against your religion or they have some kind of medical condition or something.

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I believe you're allowed to not go through the X-ray machine and have a full pat-down instead. At least that was the case in my airport (not east coast) a few months ago.


I have no idea if those machines are safe, full-strength x-ray's or whatever. I'd tend to doubt they're true X-rays, but I really have no clue. Regardless, if they have an issue with you not wanting your kids to go through it or something, you can say it goes against your religion or they have some kind of medical condition or something.


Well, I'm trying to figure out which airport I can take my kids through that won't make them have an xray or patdown.


Apparently many of the smaller airports don't have the xray scanner -- only the metal detector.


I don't want my kids to be xrayed or patted down.


I live on the east coast. I'd like to drive to a smaller airport and hop a plane.



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Where do you need to fly to? If there are, it would be a tiny airport with only a handful of commercial flights. For example, the Nantucket airport is so small I would be surprised if they do... but Cape Air pretty much only flies direct to Hyannis and Boston.


Is taking Amtrak an option?


Amtrak may be the only option, but I'm going so far that it will cost a fortune.


Dh is furious about the whole pat down and xray dangers.



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Amtrak may be the only option, but I'm going so far that it will cost a fortune.


Dh is furious about the whole pat down and xray dangers.




May I ask, besides the inherent creepiness of pat-downs, what worries you about them? I get being nervous about Xrays and radiation and all that (although to be fair, even standing in like next to an Xray machine technically makes you exposed), but what's "dangerous" about a pat down? I'm really just curious.

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My husband is a commercial airline pilot and he shares your concerns, so you are not alone. :grouphug:


I recently just flew out of Seattle with my two kids and while I know not all TSA agents follow the same policies (even though they are supposed to!), we were taken to the metal detectors simply because I had my kids with me.


They told me they do not require children to go through the Xray machines. Again, each airport seems to work under their own TSA guidelines and that can get frustrating, but it may be worth a call to your local airport authority to see what their policies are (but understand it could all change depending on which agent you get and whether or not he/she is in a foul mood). :grouphug:

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May I ask, besides the inherent creepiness of pat-downs, what worries you about them? I get being nervous about Xrays and radiation and all that (although to be fair, even standing in like next to an Xray machine technically makes you exposed), but what's "dangerous" about a pat down? I'm really just curious.


Nothing dangerous about pat downs. I don't mind the idea for myself. But dh doesn't want our kids touched that way. (Or any kid.)


Plus he doesn't think the TSA measures really do anything for air safety. He thinks it's a sort of front.


Additionally he thinks it the beginning of the erosion of our rights as free people.


The Nazis didn't begin with concentration camps -- they began taking away rights in smaller, easier to consume ways. And people looked the other way.


I get what dh is saying. . . but, still, it's my dad.



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Nothing dangerous about pat downs. I don't mind the idea for myself. But dh doesn't want our kids touched that way. (Or any kid.)



Plus he doesn't think the TSA measures really do anything for air safety. He thinks it's a sort of front.


This is exactly all that it is. It's a false sense of security.


Additionally he thinks it the beginning of the erosion of our rights as free people.


The Nazis didn't begin with concentration camps -- they began taking away rights in smaller, easier to consume ways. And people looked the other way.


I think I'd like to shake your husband's hand :D


I get what dh is saying. . . but, still, it's my dad.


While I agree with everything you've posted above, your last statement is, by far, the most important. It's your dad. I would never compromise my children's safety, but I, personally, would consider compromising some of my convictions about airport security. Unfortunately, though, that's easy for me to say as I'm not in your shoes right now. :grouphug:

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Nothing dangerous about pat downs. I don't mind the idea for myself. But dh doesn't want our kids touched that way. (Or any kid.)


Plus he doesn't think the TSA measures really do anything for air safety. He thinks it's a sort of front.


Additionally he thinks it the beginning of the erosion of our rights as free people.


The Nazis didn't begin with concentration camps -- they began taking away rights in smaller, easier to consume ways. And people looked the other way.


I get what dh is saying. . . but, still, it's my dad.





Hmm I don't know that I'd take it so far as to think of it as the beginning of a fourth Reich, but i definitely agree with the first two lines. I don't actually it makes anyone any safer, but it seems like people want the FAA to do "something", and this is what they came up with. I think it has a lot less to do with trying to give us fewer rights, and more to do with covering their behinds so that if some other nutjob puts a bomb in his shoes, they don't get sued by families of victims who wonder why no one checked every passenger's shoes. I remember reading this joke somewhere about how we should figure out a way to make the faa think the only way to keep us safe is for us all to have to sit in first class and drink champagne.


Anyway, don't blame you for thinking pat-downs are icky. I hate them.

Edited by Medstudent
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We've flown a number of times with the kids this year. Never once have I seen the scanners working. TSA mostly relies on the old metal-detectors. IF they're working (dh flies all the time and he has occasionally seen them in operation), you can opt for a pat-down instead.


If your concern is for the kids, rules for them are more lax than they are for adults anyway. Kids under twelve don't even take off their shoes any more. :)


Truly, this should not impact your travel plans.

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I fly with my children (ages 11 and 8) frequently and while they have never had to go through the x-ray machine they have both received a pat down (at different times, different flights). It wasn't inappropriate in any way and the TSA agent was joking with them the entire time. I didn't find it the least bit inappropriate.... really, it was no big deal. I think if you choose to fly you have to accept that as an option for your security clearance... the majority of the time we pass right through the metal detectors and aren't asked to do either one. If you really feel distraught about the possibility of being asked to have either the pat down or the body scan I would find another mode of transportation.


FWIW, both of my children are asked to take their shoes off to place in the x-ray machine every time we fly, so maybe that is airport driven. We live in a fairly large metropolitan city so that may be a factor.


I wouldn't sweat the small stuff (and a pat down is small)... you'll never be asked to do both and are always given a choice between a pat down or the body scan.

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http://blog.tsa.gov/2011/09/risk-based-security-for-passengers-12.html and http://www.azcentral.com/members/Blog/NowDeparting/141758 - phasing out pat downs for children and allowing multiple passes thru metal detectors for children who set them off.


FWIW, Albany, NY has at least one of the backscatter/whatever machines - the thing other than the basic metal detector.


You could see if Stewart has one (Poughkeepsie, NY). It might because it's semi-close to NYC and near West Point, or it might not because it is a small airport. Do you have a general vicinity on the east coast you're thinking of? There's always the google :)

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I wouldn't sweat the small stuff (and a pat down is small)... you'll never be asked to do both and are always given a choice between a pat down or the body scan.


Well, as a Muslim then I get both the detector and the pat down. Every single time. One time they told me it was due to my skirt, yet when my daughters and their friends travelled with jeans, then they were told it was due to their scarf.


So, different treatment for different people.


But I digress.

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...has at least one of the backscatter/whatever machines - the thing other than the basic metal detector...


The thing is, *having* them doesn't mean they're in use. Most of the airports I've flown through in the last six months have them -- but the vast majority of passengers still go through the old metal detectors.

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Well, as a Muslim then I get both the detector and the pat down. Every single time. One time they told me it was due to my skirt, yet when my daughters and their friends travelled with jeans, then they were told it was due to their scarf.


So, different treatment for different people.


But I digress.


I'm impressed they actually admitted as much.


Now, I'd like to know which hijacker was a female in a skirt or scarf? But I digress.

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Well, as a Muslim then I get both the detector and the pat down. Every single time. One time they told me it was due to my skirt, yet when my daughters and their friends travelled with jeans, then they were told it was due to their scarf.


So, different treatment for different people.


But I digress.


Nadia, I missed this. What a drag and they tell me that they only do every so many passengers. hmmm So do they only pat down your dds heads? he he he Starr

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I understand your concerns, I really do. But consider everything else you're exposed to that contains some form of radiation, including microwave ovens. Even if you don't have one in your home, if you're in a restaurant or gas station there's likely to be one there. Those things are just a fact of life these days.

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Westchester airport (HPN) doesn't have the machines. Depending on where you fly, you'll need to stop over, but if you stay within the security area, it won't matter if that airport has them or not, you'll just continue on. You'll need to figure out an airport to get back from too!


ETA: Allentown, PA (ABE) also doesn't have them.

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I wouldn't sweat the small stuff (and a pat down is small)... you'll never be asked to do both and are always given a choice between a pat down or the body scan.


I couldn't disagree more. A pat down is offensive. Have you seen the video of what they did to a six year old girl in the south?


Plus there's the issue of it being a slippery slope. Pat downs now, what's next??


If these methods they're using were seriously helping to keep us safe: I'd be all for them. But everyone is saying that they're a sham.



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I understand your concerns, I really do. But consider everything else you're exposed to that contains some form of radiation, including microwave ovens. Even if you don't have one in your home, if you're in a restaurant or gas station there's likely to be one there. Those things are just a fact of life these days.


Nope. Google xray scanners in airports and start reading.


The info. you're giving is not accurate.


The experts are very concerned that these xray scanner will lead to eventual skin cancer.


Read in this earlier thread what the pilot's wife wrote.



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Westchester airport (HPN) doesn't have the machines. Depending on where you fly, you'll need to stop over, but if you stay within the security area, it won't matter if that airport has them or not, you'll just continue on. You'll need to figure out an airport to get back from too!


ETA: Allentown, PA (ABE) also doesn't have them.


Great to know. Thank you, Tigger!

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The thing is, *having* them doesn't mean they're in use. Most of the airports I've flown through in the last six months have them -- but the vast majority of passengers still go through the old metal detectors.


But, it's at the TSA staff's whim. You don't decide -- they do.


So if a lot of info. is surfacing that xrays aren't safe and that the experts don't agree with the FDA. . . you're going to allow some staff member at TSA to decide if your child has to be exposed to xrays???


Not a doctor?? A TSA staff person.


It's at their whim. Be happy if you are given the metal detector. But they are allowed to send you through the xray or -- if you decline -- give you full pat down.


And the kid ones are now being called "modified patdowns." (Well, that can be intrepreted different ways by different people.)


I don't want anyone groping my kid. A doctor does an exam. Period.


I'm surprised that homeschool parents aren't more suspicious of this whole scene.


Please keep sending east coast airports that don't have xray scanners.


I really, really appreciate it.



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I don't know what part of the east coast you mean, but I can tell you about the Jacksonville airport in Florida.


They have a scanner machine (I use it) but when dd17 travels with me they do not scan her. I think they used the wand.


I was not next to her at the time but she says they asked if she was 18 she said no so they told her not to get in the scanner line.


I don't know if that was a uniform rule or just the attendent and I don't know if it was health concerns or privacy (girl under 18).


If you do not want to be scanned or are concerned about the kids just ask to be wanded.


Good luck, safe travels

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If you do not want to be scanned or are concerned about the kids just ask to be wanded.


Good luck, safe travels


This is great to know -- thank you!


I'm actually right between the southern states and the eastern states on the east coast.


So if anyone knows of a smallish airport in the south that doesn't use scanners -- that would be great too.


Thanks everyone,



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Well, as a Muslim then I get both the detector and the pat down. Every single time. One time they told me it was due to my skirt, yet when my daughters and their friends travelled with jeans, then they were told it was due to their scarf.


So, different treatment for different people.


But I digress.


Oh Nadia, I am sooo sorry. That is descrimination at its worst. :grouphug:

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I couldn't disagree more. A pat down is offensive. Have you seen the video of what they did to a six year old girl in the south?


Plus there's the issue of it being a slippery slope. Pat downs now, what's next??


If these methods they're using were seriously helping to keep us safe: I'd be all for them. But everyone is saying that they're a sham.




I did see that particular video, as well as the one of TSA agents patting down an infant. Needless to say I was appalled at both.


I supposed the whole issue is entirely a matter of perspective. The US TSA agents seem relaxed compared to the ones in Hong Kong and Beijing...


I personally don't have an issue with it because I feel that if even one such pat down/x-ray resulted in innocent lives being saved then it would be worth it. Yes, if I think about it, the whole thing is a tad intrusive but it's par for the course if you choose to fly. I would rather be inconvenienced a bit and know that the plane I'm flying on is safe than not have it done.

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I thought the TSA just announced no more pat downs of children. I just saw on the news this week that they changed this. Off to find a link...


Eta: http://articles.cnn.com/2011-09-13/travel/tsa.kids.screening_1_tsa-chief-john-pistole-pat-downs-airport-screeners?_s=PM:TRAVEL


Not exactly what I remembered from the news.

Edited by mom2l&j
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I thought the TSA just announced no more pat downs of children. I just saw on the news this week that they changed this. Off to find a link...


I know. . . I got really excited. . . but they changed it from a "full pat down" to a "modified pat down."


That verbiage is vague and I bet a lot is being left up to the TSA staff.



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I personally don't have an issue with it because I feel that if even one such pat down/x-ray resulted in innocent lives being saved then it would be worth it. Yes, if I think about it, the whole thing is a tad intrusive but it's par for the course if you choose to fly. I would rather be inconvenienced a bit and know that the plane I'm flying on is safe than not have it done.


Would you have an issue with it if it turns out that these methods are all window dressing -- and not substantive?


If these methods are all for show and kids and old ladies are being pat down. . . would that bother you?


Read an earlier response -- in this thread -- from a pilot's wife.


Gosh, we're homeschool parents who question authority. And everyone is just getting scanned and patted down and hopping on the plane because we've been told these methods are necessary?! What if these methods are scams?


I'll be quiet. . . my OP is about finding smaller airports without scanners in the south or east coast. If anyone knows of any, I'd love to hear.



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Nothing dangerous about pat downs. I don't mind the idea for myself. But dh doesn't want our kids touched that way. (Or any kid.)


Plus he doesn't think the TSA measures really do anything for air safety. He thinks it's a sort of front.


Additionally he thinks it the beginning of the erosion of our rights as free people.


The Nazis didn't begin with concentration camps -- they began taking away rights in smaller, easier to consume ways. And people looked the other way.


I get what dh is saying. . . but, still, it's my dad.




My husband feels the exact same way...on one hand, I think he's a conspiracy theorist, on the other hand, he makes some good points.


I have no advice about flying. We fly..a lot...and a month ago, my 8 year old got a VERY thorough pat down. :( (after going through the x-ray machines)

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Would you have an issue with it if it turns out that these methods are all window dressing -- and not substantive?


If these methods are all for show and kids and old ladies are being pat down. . . would that bother you?


Read an earlier response -- in this thread -- from a pilot's wife.


Gosh, we're homeschool parents who question authority. And everyone is just getting scanned and patted down and hopping on the plane because we've been told these methods are necessary?! What if these methods are scams?


I'll be quiet. . . my OP is about finding smaller airports without scanners in the south or east coast. If anyone knows of any, I'd love to hear.




Maybe we should just agree to disagree?:tongue_smilie:


My husband is a fighter pilot so I simply see this issue through a different filter than most.


Many blessings and prayers for your sweet family for a safe and "assault" free flight.

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My husband feels the exact same way...on one hand, I think he's a conspiracy theorist, on the other hand, he makes some good points.


I have no advice about flying. We fly..a lot...and a month ago, my 8 year old got a VERY thorough pat down. :( (after going through the x-ray machines)


Thanks Stephenie. I know, for awhile I rolled my eyes and thought dh was being nutty. But then I started reading -- only to counter what he was saying.


But, as I read, I realized that his concerns were valid.


So. . . your dh doesn't fight w/ you about your taking the kids on planes? This has become contentious in our house. :(



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Maybe we should just agree to disagree?:tongue_smilie:


My husband is a fighter pilot so I simply see this issue through a different filter than most.


Many blessings and prayers for your sweet family for a safe and "assault" free flight.


Then your dh must be aware that the TSA methods are faulty.


Fighter vs. commercial are two different kinds of pilots where these TSA issues are concerned.


We have two Coast Guard helicopter pilots in our family -- they also say that the TSA methods are nothing but show.



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Then your dh must be aware that the TSA methods are faulty.


Fighter vs. commercial are two different kinds of pilots where these TSA issues are concerned.


We have two Coast Guard helicopter pilots in our family -- they also say that the TSA methods are nothing but show.




I didn't realize with my original reply that I was jumping into such a hot topic but only meant to reassure you that airport security for my family isn't that big of a deal. I think if you try hard enough you can find issue with most things in life and maybe if you want to fly you should just let this one go and enjoy your travels. Since we fly frequently I guess it's just one of those things that we accept, it's no big, and we move on.


FWIW, my DH thinks that US airports aren't doing enough to ensure our safety. There are many other airports all over the world that have much tighter security than ours, which we appreciate considering the political climate in many of the countries we have visited.


If you are that worried about the possibility of being asked to go through extreme security measures at an airport then you might want to consider another form of transportation just so you start your trip out on a happy note. There are some things in life that are big deals, and for us this just isn't one of them.

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I didn't realize with my original reply that I was jumping into such a hot topic but only meant to reassure you that airport security for my family isn't that big of a deal. .


If more people realized that this issue appears smallish now, but will snowball we could potentially come up with a real solution.


As long as people just want what they want -- and don't care about what it takes -- nothing will improve.


I'll admit, I started off thinking my husband was being a pain, but the more I read about the subject, the more irritated I became.




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Gosh, we're homeschool parents who question authority. And everyone is just getting scanned and patted down and hopping on the plane because we've been told these methods are necessary?! What if these methods are scams?




Please be careful with your assumptions. Just because one homeschools, doesn't mean one questions authority. I would argue that there are loads of people here who pick and choose which authority they question.


And now, back to your airport solution (and I did offer information to that problem - i didn't just jump in here to argue this point).

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Please be careful with your assumptions. Just because one homeschools, doesn't mean one questions authority. I would argue that there are loads of people here who pick and choose which authority they question.


And now, back to your airport solution (and I did offer information to that problem - i didn't just jump in here to argue this point).


And thank you for the suggestions -- too far for me. But I do appreciate your sending me ideas.


My friends who homeschool are the "question authority" types. In general, I do assume that homeschool parents are like that.


And my comments weren't directed at you, of course. I appreciate the help.



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Just an FYI--pat-downs aren't just an alternative to the scanners. In my experience pat-downs are used for a variety of reasons, some as simple as something seen in a scan of your carry on bag. I wouldn't assume that any passenger would avoid a pat-down by doing the x-ray or by selecting an airport with no x-ray machines. In my experience not every passenger will have a pat-down but any passenger could. IF pat downs are a concern I would be preparing yourself for how you will handle that situation.


I don't intend to engage in debate over their validity-just my experiences with domestic and international flights.

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