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Missing Boy from my area.

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The teacher's saw him run out of the school yard but they couldn't catch him. He ran into a heavily forested area and law enforcement arrived quickly.




His parents believe he was looking for them, he had been removed from their custody a few weeks ago. The family was living in a tent on the property of their foreclosed home and his parent's had leashed him to the deck. A realtor saw and called a sheriff.



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I wonder if the authorities are re-thinking the original arrest of the parents and removal of custody of the boy? Sounds like they were spot-on - "he runs away and gets into trouble" was their reason for tethering him to the deck when they were locked out of their foreclosed house... I wonder if there were any other issues that would cause them to remove the boy?

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I wonder if the authorities are re-thinking the original arrest of the parents and removal of custody of the boy? Sounds like they were spot-on - "he runs away and gets into trouble" was their reason for tethering him to the deck when they were locked out of their foreclosed house... I wonder if there were any other issues that would cause them to remove the boy?

The marijuana they found on the scene is probably another part of the picture. And if they weren't still the ones paying the electricity/water, etc., they were in effect stealing it, and that could be a factor as well.


But yeah, the putting him on the tether, while unusual for children that age, CAN be a protective measure. That alone, I don't think would have resulted in removal. There seem to be multiple factors in this case. Poor little guy, I'm sure he doesn't understand any of what is going on. I hope they find him safe, soon.

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